Web Platform Consulting

We help make the web platform open, predictable and inclusive.

We are a team of project managers and engineers with a track record driving browser and JavaScript interoperability, and shipping interactive applications using the Web Platform. We work with product teams to ship to the web and with browser implementers to improve the platform.


Reliability, Standards & Testing

For Web Platform implementers seeking to increase predictability, improve engineering tools, and decrease reliance on proprietary infrastructure.

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Graphics & Interactive Applications

For product teams creating rich interactive media experiences for web, mobile, or embedded browsers; we bring deep web-graphics, audio, and performance engineering knowledge.

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Recent Projects

Daily runs of Test262 against nightly builds of all major JavaScript Engines.

Test262 Report | Bocoup

A daily report on the state of JavaScript engine interoperability and conformance.

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Writing a regression test suite for the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Examples.

Ensuring Correctness of W3C Accessibility Examples | Facebook

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Making an ancient and stubborn HTML feature work interoperably across browser engines through spec patches, browser bugs and shared tests.

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Screenshot of a successful export of tests from WebKit to WPT.

Integrating Web Platform Tests with the WebKit project.

Web Platform Tests Integration with WebKit | WebKit

We developed a set of tools for importing and exporting test material from Test262, and running the material in parallel within the WebKit build infrastructure .

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Google funded us to develop infrastructure for running the entire Web Platform Tests suite against the 4 browser engines every day.

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We worked with the Life Long Kindergarten group at MIT to improve low power device performance for the next version of scratch.

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Improving Test262 integration with the WebKit project.

Test262 Integration with WebKit | WebKit

We developed a set of tools for importing and exporting test material from Test262, and running the material in parallel within the WebKit build infrastructure .

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Finding & Fixing Browser Compatibility Bugs

Web Navigation Compatibility | Mozilla

Mozilla's Firefox rendering team engaged us to search for incompatibilities between browsers and the HTML Navigation specification. We uncovered numerous bugs, including a rare one that affected all browsers.

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Unifying and improving divergent test forks for the benefit of all.

Migrating Service Worker Tests to WPT | Google

The Google Chrome team wrote a large set of valuable tests for a new web standard. The team asked us to move them to a place where more people could use and improve them.

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We collaborated with Google's Chrome V8 JavaScript engine team to extend Ecma Test262, the official test suite for the JavaScript language, through implementing tests and building smarter tooling for managing feature compliance across an increasingly large landscape of runtimes.

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Recent from the Blog

Bocoup has been a long-time contributor to the Web Platform Tests (WPT) project, helping spec writers draft testable specs and helping browser implementers test features for correctness and interoperability based on those specs. In 2018, we’ve made great strides improving the coverage of WPT, the ergonomics of writing and running tests, and the infrastructure necessary […]



The web-platform-tests project (WPT) houses over a million tests written to ensure our browsers provide a consistent experience of the web. WPT predates most of today’s popular JavaScript testing frameworks, so it implements one of its own: testharness.js. In December of 2017, I offered to extend testharness.js with a new feature. No one expected this […]



Today we’re launching Test262 Report to provide JavaScript developers with up-to-date information on the state of new and existing language features across implementations. Test262 Report is based on daily runs of Test262, the ECMA-262 (“ECMAScript” or “JavaScript”) test suite, in nightly builds of JavaScript engines, and visualizes at-a-glance status of feature implementation progress. Taking a […]


Our Clients

Organizations all over the world partner with us to deliver great software, tools and workflow consulting.

We work on platforms and products across industries and academia to solve complex challenges. Learn more about our clients here.

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AJC Atlas Obscura Boston College Brightcove Buoyant Cirrus Insight Climate Central Cloudant Crashlytics Disney Duolingo Ebay ESPN Facebook Global Post Google GSN Games Harvard Business Review Harvard University Hasbro Intuit jQuery JSI Research & Training Institute Kioos Knight Foundation LinkedIn LogMeIn London Olympics MassMutual Microsoft MIT Mozilla Network Solutions New America Newsweek Pixable ProQuest RedDrummer Riot Games Rue La La Skillsoft SOSO Limited Stackdriver Subatomic Studios Swoop Tessel Project The Concord Consortium The Guardian Travelers United Nations University of Chicago University of Washington Interactive Data Lab Vidyo Walmart World Economic Forum Yesware Zeega

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+1 617-379-2752


P.O. Box 961436
Boston, MA 02196