Peace to Ukraine, free Russian political prisoners!

Vladimir Putin will visit Finland on friday 1th of July 2016. Conflict in Ukraine is still going on, in year 2016 only more than 600 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and wounded in ceasefire violations. Both parts of the conflicts have been reluctant to fulfill their responsibilities under Minsk II treaty. Vladimir Putin admitted presence of Russian troops last December, and he is one of the persons directly involved in the continuation of the bloodshed, and bears personal responsibility for human rights violations in occupied Ukrainian territory.

From 1th to 10th of July will be organized around the world. Although a number of Ukrainian prisoners have been able to return home after prisoner swaps, anarchist Alexandr Kolchenko from Crimea is still doing his 10 year sentence for resistance against occupation of Crimea. Crimean Tatars are being imprisoned with trumped up charges, and people are still illegally detained in occupied territories of Eastern Ukraine.

We will meet on Friday 1th of July 4 PM in Eliel square (in side of postikatu) to leaflet and protest.

We demand

-Russian troops out of Ukraine, Minsk II-responsibilities must be immediately fulfilled

-Russian should release all Crimean Tatars, anarchists, antifascists and other anti-war protestors, arrested or imprisoned for political reasons. People illegally detained in Donetsk and Lugansk areas must be released.

Anarchist Black Cross of Helsinki



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