10 January 2019
Mounting social anger seen in two-day strike against Indian government
By our correspondents, 10 January 2019
While the capitalist media tried to black out the strike, it was supported by broad sections of the working class.
India’s “rise” and the savage exploitation of the working class
By Kranti Kumara, 10 January 2019
Indian workers need revolutionary socialist program to combat social devastation and political reaction
Worker killed as Bangladesh police attack striking garment workers
By Wimal Perera, 10 January 2019
The re-elected Hasina government is mobilising heavily-armed police to suppress protests by garment workers over wages.
Los Angeles teachers angered as union delays strike again
By Jerry White, 10 January 2019
Just days after abandoning teachers’ most critical demands regarding opposition to school privatization, the United Teachers Los Angeles has postponed the strike by 33,000 educators
“All the teachers across the nation should come out”
California, Michigan educators call for joint action with LA teachers
By our reporters, 10 January 2019
The WSWS Teacher Newsletter spoke to teachers eager to join with LA teachers and expand the fight to defend public education nationally and internationally.
Los Angeles teachers prepare to strike
Los Angeles and the billionaires’ plan to destroy public education
GM Oshawa workers down tools after automaker confirms plant closure
By Roger Jordan, 10 January 2019
Unifor distanced itself from the rank-and-file-initiated protest, which lasted five hours during the Tuesday evening shift and two hours on Wednesday morning.
“They don’t treat us like we’re human beings”
Faurecia auto parts workers in Saline, Michigan speak on conditions
By our reporters, 10 January 2019
The brutal conditions inside the plants are reinforced by the United Auto Workers union.
No deal reached in US-China trade talks
By Peter Symonds, 10 January 2019
The negotiations consisted of US officials insisting that Beijing meet a long list of demands, but offering nothing in return other than not proceeding with higher tariffs.
British prime minister suffers second defeat at hands of pro-European Union MPs
By Robert Stevens, 10 January 2019
The vote was the second defeat of the government in less than 24 hours as a result of pro-Remain Tories blocking with the opposition parties.
Debate begins in British parliament over May’s Brexit deal with EU
Military prepare for post-Brexit civil war in Britain and Northern Ireland
Fascists surround rail workers’ picket line in Manchester, England
By Margot Miller, 10 January 2019
The Manchester attack is the second on RMT members in the last six months.
Report: Police gave neo-Nazi rioters free rein in Chemnitz, Germany
By Martin Nowak, 10 January 2019
An internal police report makes clear that although the police were well informed about the activities of the far right in Chemnitz, they did nothing to stop them.
Six killed in “preemptive” security operation in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province
By Bill Van Auken, 10 January 2019
The bloody repression in the predominantly Shia oil-producing region is another indication of the deep crisis of Washington’s principal ally in the Arab world.
New in Urdu
سرمایہ دارانہ حکمرانی کا عالمی بحران اور سوشلسٹ انقلاب کی حکمت عملی
جوزف کشوور
قومی خصوصیات خواہ کچھ بھی ہو ں، طبقاتی حکمرانی کا سیاسی بحران ہر ملک میں یکساں عالمگیر پروسس کی وجہ ہے
New in Bengali
আগামী সপ্তাহে ভারতের ইউনিয়নগুলি দুই দিনের "সাধারণ ধর্মঘট" পালন করবে
দীপাল জয়াশেখেরা, ৫ জানুয়ারী ২০১৯
হিন্দু আধিপত্ববাদী ভারতীয় জনতা পার্টি (বিজেপি)-র নেতৃত্বাধীন সরকার বিনিয়োগকারীদের স্বার্থে যে "সংস্কার" করছে তার বিরুদ্ধে রুখে দাঁড়াতে এবং ন্যূনতম মজুরি বৃদ্ধি ও কাজ তৈরী করার পদক্ষেপ নেবার দাবীতে আগামী মঙ্গলবার ও বুধবার (৮ ও ৯ জানুয়ারি) হাজার হাজার শ্রমিক সারা ভারত ব্যাপী দুই দিনের ধর্মঘটে সামিল হবে বলে আশা করা হচ্ছে।
New in French
Alors que la fermeture de l‘administration américaine approche de sa quatrième semaine
Diatribe fachiste de Trump depuis la Maison-Blanche pour exiger la construction d'un mur frontalier
Barry Grey, 10 janvier 2019
La fermeture des administrations gouvernementales marque un pas important vers l‘instauration d‘un régime autoritaire dirigé directement contre la classe ouvrière.
Les syndicats financés à la hauteur de dizaines de millions par l’État
Anthony Torres, 10 janvier 2019
Ces révélations soulignent que les partis politiques qui veulent que les syndicats récupèrent le mouvement des “gilets jaunes” servent des intérêts des banques.
Les enseignants de Los Angeles se préparent à faire grève
Jerry White, 10 janvier 2019
Les enseignants du deuxième plus grand district scolaire du pays sont engagés dans une bataille cruciale pour défendre le droit à l'éducation publique.
À la veille d’une grève, le syndicat abandonne les revendications des enseignants de Los Angeles contre la privatisation de l’éducation
Jerry White, 10 janvier 2019
Le syndicat United Teachers Los Angeles signale qu’il s’apprête à trahir la lutte cruciale contre la privatisation de l’enseignement public.
Tensions en hausse entre les Etats-Unis et la Turquie à propos du plan de retrait des troupes américaines de Syrie
Bill Van Auken, 10 janvier 2019
Le président turc a dénoncé les déclarations du conseiller à la Sécurité nationale John Bolton sur les Kurdes syriens après avoir refusé de rencontrer une délégation américaine.
Le débat commence au Parlement britannique sur l’accord de Brexit conclu entre Theresa May et l’UE
Robert Stevens, 10 janvier 2019
Theresa May utilise l‘éventualité d’un Brexit «sans accord» aux conséquences économiques et sociales imprévisbles, pour faire pression sur Bruxelles et forcer les députés à soutenir son accord
«La vie nous est interdite... voulez-vous vous conformer à cette réalité?»: La redécouverte en Allemagne du «Fugitif» d'Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz
Clara Weiss, 10 janvier 2019
Bien qu'écrit il y a 80 ans, «Le fugitif» n'est pas seulement un remarquable document littéraire de la période nazie, mais il aborde directement les grandes questions politiques et historiques de notre époque.
New in German
Los Angeles: Lehrer bereiten Streik vor
Jerry White, 10. Januar 2019
Die Lehrer im zweitgrößten Schulbezirk des Landes verteidigen das Recht auf öffentliche Bildung.
Erneut Sammelabschiebung nach Afghanistan
Marianne Arens, 10. Januar 2019
Unter den 36 deportierten Männern aus acht Bundesländern befanden sich offenbar viele gut integrierte Personen.
US-Haushaltssperre geht in die 4. Woche:
Trump hält faschistoide Hetzrede und fordert Grenzmauer
Barry Grey, 10. Januar 2019
Die Haushaltssperre in den USA ist ein großer Schritt auf dem Weg zu autoritärer Herrschaft, die sich direkt gegen die Arbeiterklasse richtet.
Eugène Delacroix – Romantischer Maler im Metropolitan Museum in New York
Clare Hurley, 10. Januar 2019
Delacroix —eine Ausstellung im Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, 17. September 2018– 6. Januar 2019
New in Spanish
Docentes de Los Ángeles preparan huelga
Por Jerry White, 10 enero 2019
Los maestros del segundo mayor distrito escolar del país están asumiendo una batalla crítica en defensa de la educación pública.
Millones de trabajadores de la India se unen a huelga general de dos días contra el Gobierno de Modi
Por nuestros corresponsales, 10 enero 2019
La huelga, que está continuando el día de hoy, es un poderoso indicador de la oposición masiva al Gobierno supremacista hindú del Partido Bharatiya Janatha y sus políticas de “libre mercado”.
Guatemala: élite política indiferente a las muertes de niños migrantes en custodia de EUA
Por Andrea Lobo, 10 enero 2019
La reacción en círculos gobernantes no solo refleja su desprecio por las masas empobrecidas del país, sino también sus esfuerzos para demostrar su leal servilismo al Gobierno de Trump.
A medida que el cierre de Estados Unidos se dirige hacia su cuarta semana
Trump lanza un discurso fascista de la Casa Blanca para exigir un muro fronterizo
Por Barry Gray, 10 enero 2019
El cierre en sí marca un paso significativo en la dirección del gobierno autoritario, dirigido directamente contra la clase trabajadora.
Veintidós muertes reportadas en centros de detención de inmigrantes desde que Trump asumió el cargo
Por nuestros corresponsales, 10 enero 2019
Un examen de las circunstancias sobre la muerte de cada persona bajo la custodia del ICE revela que casi todos murieron de negligencia y abuso criminal.
Cómo el WRP traicionó al trotskismo:1973-1985
3. El conflicto con la OCI
Declaración del Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional, 10 enero 2019
Este es el texto del análisis realizado en el verano de 1986 por el Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional sobre el colapso de su sección británica, el Workers Revolutionary Party.
Los trabajadores indios necesitan un programa socialista revolucionario para combatir la devastación social y la reacción política
Por Deepal Jayesekera y Keith Jones, 10 enero 2019
Decenas de millones de trabajadores y jóvenes participarán en el paro de 48 horas en toda la India esta semana contra las políticas económicas “proinversores” socialmente incendiarias del gobierno dirigido por el BJP.
Quincuagésimo aniversario de la fundación del PSI (Sri Lanka)
Victoria de los trotskistas en la escisión del CICI en 1985-1986
Por Saman Gunadasa y K. Ratnayake, 10 octubre 2018
La lucha política contra el PRT prepare al CICI para el nuevo período de lucha de clases revolucionario que ahora está saliendo a la luz.
New in Turkish
Bolton, Trump’ın askerleri Suriye’den çekme kararından çark ediyor
Bill Van Auken, 9 Ocak 2019
ABD Ulusal Güvenlik Danışmanı John Bolton ve Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo’nun Ortadoğu turunun amacı, ABD askerlerinin Suriye’den hızlıca ve toptan çekilmesinin uygulanmak üzere olmadığının güvencesini vermektir.
New in Norwegian
Bolton går tilbake på Trumps uttrekking av tropper fra Syria
Bill Van Auken, 8. januar 2019
Uansett hensikten med Trumps demagogiske løfte om å «bringe troppene hjem», er styringsetablissementet fast bestemt på å fortsette de amerikanske krigene for hegemoni i Midtøsten.
Fransk statsminister foreslår et regjeringsregister over demonstranter
Alex Lantier, 8. januar 2019
Konfrontert med arbeidernes voksende vrede har Macron-regjeringen antatt nyfascistiske forslag for innenlands undertrykking.
Militæret forbereder for post-Brexit borgerkrig i Storbritannia og Nord-Irland
Steve James, 8. januar 2019
Forberedelser involverer 50.000 tropper i fastland-Storbritannia og 1.000 flere politi i Nord-Irland – nær halvparten av den nåværende størrelsen av den britiske hæren og mer enn den styrken regjeringen sendte for å invadere Irak.
New in Norwegian
Britiske Integrity Initiative tungt involvert i Skripal-affæren
Robert Stevens, 7. januar 2019
Lekkede dokumenter indikerer at tiltakene mot Russland over Skripal-saken var skriptet god tid i forveien.
Trump utplasserer tropper til det sentrale Afrika etter omstridt valg i DR Kongo
Eddie Haywood, 7. januar 2019
Washington gjør det klart at de har til hensikt å installere en føyelig regjering i Kinshasa som skal besørge at USAs økonomiske interesser sikres.
Voksende «gul vest»-protester trosser fransk politirepresjon
Anthony Torres, 7. januar 2019
Lørdagens protester, den første aksjonsdagen i 2019, kalt de franske «gule vestenes» akt åtte, mobiliserte vesentlig større styrker enn de siste protestene i 2018.
Tyske medier krever akselerert gjenopprusting
Peter Schwarz, 7. januar 2019
Der det nye året begynner er lederartiklene i førende tyske publikasjoner preget av en blanding av frykt og aggresjon.
Other Languages
- Die Provokation der Ukraine im Asowschen Meer (30.11.2018)
- Chemiekonzern Bayer baut 12.000 Arbeitsplätze ab (30.11.2018)
- „Bei Ford, bei Chrysler, bei GM – überall muss jetzt gestreikt werden“
Wut unter Autoarbeitern über GMs geplante Werksschließungen wächst (30.11.2018) - NRW-Innenminister Reul will nicht gewalttätige Gruppen stärker überwachen lassen (30.11.2018)
- Deutschland: Senioren arbeiten immer länger (30.11.2018)
- Bochumer Studierendenzeitung stellt Wahlprogramm der IYSSE vor (30.11.2018)
- Wehrt euch gegen die Werksschließungen und Massenentlassungen bei GM! (29.11.2018)
- Nach Macrons Rede: Aufruf zu weiteren Demonstrationen gegen Benzinsteuererhöhung in Frankreich (29.11.2018)
- DGB-Chef Hoffmann verteidigt Hartz IV (29.11.2018)
- Angriff der US-Militärpolizei auf San Ysidro
Verteidigt Migranten gegen staatliche Gewalt! (28.11.2018)
- Français
- La provocation de l'Ukraine en mer d'Azov (30.11.2018)
- «Il faut que tout le monde – Ford, Chrysler, GM – fasse grève tout de suite»
L’indignation des travailleurs de l’industrie automobile augmente devant la fermeture d’usines GM (30.11.2018) - New York Times: Notre crime a été de dire la vérité (30.11.2018)
- Après que Trump a fait tirer du gaz lacrymogène sur des enfants d’immigrants
Sanders affirme que les membres de la caravane n'ont pas de demandes d'asile «crédibles» (30.11.2018) - La première ministre britannique attaquée de toutes parts avant le vote du Parlement sur le Brexit (30.11.2018)
- Londres: Le nouveau conseil municipal genre «Corbyn» exige plus de coupes budgétaires (30.11.2018)
- Un appel à l'action pour lutter contre les fermetures d'usines de GM et les licenciements massifs (29.11.2018)
- Tensions entre les États-Unis et la Corée du Sud au sujet de leur attitude envers la Corée du Nord (29.11.2018)
- Des nazis à l'AfD: la grande entreprise finance l'extrême droite (29.11.2018)
- Le Guardian lance de nouvelles accusations contre Assange et WikiLeaks (29.11.2018)
- Español
- La provocación ucraniana en el mar de Azov (30.11.2018)
- "Todos –Ford, Chrysler, GM– necesitan irse a la huelga ahora mismo"
La indignación de los trabajadores automotores crece con el cierre de plantas de GM (30.11.2018) - Rechazando el discurso de Macron, los manifestantes contra el impuesto sobre la gasolina convocan nuevas protestas en Francia (30.11.2018)
- El New York Times: nuestro crimen fue decir la verdad (30.11.2018)
- Después de que Trump disparara gas lacrimógeno a niños inmigrantes
Sanders declara que miembros de la caravana no tienen un reclamo “creíble” para recibir asilo (30.11.2018) - Un llamado a la acción para luchar contra los cierres de planta y despidos masivos de GM (29.11.2018)
- Los trabajadores griegos protestan contra los ataques sociales por parte del gobierno de Syriza (29.11.2018)
- El periódico The Guardian encabeza nuevas acusaciones contra Assange y WikiLeaks (29.11.2018)
- En repudio a las maniobras de Macron para estrangular las protestas de los Chalecos Amarillos en Francia (28.11.2018)
- La desaceleración económica mundial golpea las exportaciones peruanas (28.11.2018)
- Русский
- Провокация Украины в Азовском море (30.11.2018)
- Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Войска адмирала Колчака начинают движение на запад против большевиков (29.11.2018) - Россия обстреливает и захватывает военные корабли Украины (28.11.2018)
- Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Антисемитский погром в польско-украинском Львове (24.11.2018) - Русское издание книги В защиту Льва Троцкого будет представлено на книжной ярмарке в Москве (24.11.2018)
- Серия выступлений «Восемьдесят лет Четвертому Интернационалу» продолжилась в Калифорнии и Орегоне (22.11.2018)
- Трамп призывает к созданию «огромных палаточных городов» и бессрочному аресту иммигрантов (17.11.2018)
- Члены польского правительства маршируют в одном ряду с крайне правыми (17.11.2018)
- Депопуляция Украины (10.11.2018)
- Кристина Ассанж, мать гонимого основателя WikiLeaks, поддержала Найлса Нимута, кандидата ПСР на выборах в Конгресс США (08.11.2018)
- Português
- A vitória de Bolsonaro e o colapso do Partido dos Trabalhadores (06.11.2018)
- Quem é responsável pela ascensão do fascista Bolsonaro no Brasil? (06.11.2018)
- O caminho na luta contra o perigo da extrema-direita na Alemanha (06.11.2018)
- A ameaça da extrema-direita no Brasil e a responsabilidade do Partido dos Trabalhadores (06.11.2018)
- Israel comemora seus 70 anos em meio a crimes de guerra e crescente desigualdade social (04.10.2018)
- O significado histórico das medidas de guerra comercial de Trump (04.10.2018)
- Por uma coalizão internacional para lutar contra a censura na Internet (04.10.2018)
- A crise de Israel e as contradições históricas do Sionismo (04.10.2018)
- Por uma coalizão internacional para lutar contra a censura na Internet (04.10.2018)
- A prisão de uma professora na Louisiana: mais um dia, mais um ultraje (01.10.2018)
- 中文
- >>
Trump’s “national emergency” threat and the danger of presidential dictatorship
10 January 2019
Congressional Democrats and the corporate media are deliberately downplaying the danger to democratic rights and constitutional norms embodied in Trump’s threats.
Socialist Equality Party (Germany)
Socialist Equality Party takes legal action against surveillance by German secret service
By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 10 January 2019
Dr. Peer Stolle, the lawyer for the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, has submitted formal notice in writing to the German Federal Agency for the Protection of the Constitution. The text of the letter is published here.
Featured Interview
Portland State University threatens to fire Peter Boghossian for authoring “Grievance Studies” hoax
By Eric London, 10 January 2019
Boghossian has faced threats and intimidation after Portland State found he violated ethical obligations in the October 2018 study exposing the bankruptcy of postmodernism and identity politics.
The “Grievance Studies” hoax exposes postmodernist charlatans
A discussion with Helen Pluckrose, co-author of “Grievance Studies” hoax article
Arts Review
If Beale Street Could Talk: A film version of the James Baldwin novel
By Joanne Laurier, 10 January 2019
The film centers on the love between two African American youth, one of whom faces a police frame-up, in New York City’s Harlem.
South Park episodes dramatize plight of Amazon workers, ridicule Jeff Bezos
By Ed Hightower, 9 January 2019
Min Jin Lee’s Pachinko: A novel of 20th century Korea and Japan—“History has failed us, but no matter”
By Sandy English, 7 January 2019
Netflix’s The Innocent Man: The American injustice system
“Life is forbidden to us … do you want to comply with that?”: The rediscovery of Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz’s The Traveler in Germany
Vice: A portrait of an American corporate-military gangster
Featured Commentary
The Strategy of International Class Struggle and the Political Fight Against Capitalist Reaction in 2019
By James Cogan, Joseph Kishore and David North, 3 January 2019
The year 2019 begins amidst the explosive interaction of geopolitical, economic and social crises. All over the world the ruling class is turning to ultra-right and neo-fascist politicians and organizations to defend the capitalist system. The threat of dictatorship and war can be defeated only through the political mobilization of the working class on the basis of an international socialist strategy.
In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)
By the International Committee of the Fourth International, 2 January 2019
Halil Celik, founder and leader of the Sosyalist Eşitlik group, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died on December 31, 2018 following a serious illness.
The Fight Against Mass Layoffs at GM
Watch: Shannon Allen's remarks at Detroit autoworkers meeting
A significant step forward: Detroit meeting of autoworkers resolves to form rank-and-file committees
By Joseph Kishore, 13 December 2018
Scientific breakthrough promises to increase agricultural productivity by 40 percent
By Philip Guelpa and Thomas H. Douglass, 9 January 2019
As US shutdown heads toward its fourth week
Trump delivers fascistic White House rant to demand border wall
By Barry Grey, 9 January 2019
Mobilize the working class against the US government shutdown
More on the Trump presidency »
Guatemalan establishment indifferent to deaths of US incarcerated migrant children
By Andrea Lobo, 9 January 2019
Twenty-two deaths reported in immigrant detention centers since Trump took office
US-Turkish tensions rise over Syria withdrawal plan
By Bill Van Auken, 9 January 2019
Bolton walks back Trump’s Syria troop withdrawal
Election campaign confirms further shift to the right by Israeli political establishment
By Jean Shaoul, 9 January 2019
Actor Kevin Spacey arraigned on indecent assault charge in Massachusetts
By David Walsh, 9 January 2019
French Prime Minister proposes government registry of demonstrators
By Alex Lantier, 8 January 2019
Growing “yellow vest” protests defy French police repression
More on the 'yellow vest' protests in France »
ICFI meeting announcement
Indian Trotskyists in Kolkata to celebrate 80 years of the Fourth International
7 January 2019
The Kolkata meeting will review the essential political lessons of the protracted struggle of the Fourth International and their relevance to the fight for socialist internationalism today.
Workers Struggles
Foxconn workers stage protest in Zhengzhou, China
By Navin Dewage, 8 January 2019
Sri Lankan plantation workers oppose company-union attempts to impose sell-out
By our reporters, 8 January 2019
UAW lawsuit against GM pits temporary part-time workers against laid-off Lordstown workers over jobs
As one-year anniversary of lockout approaches
Alcoa intensifies attack on Quebec ABI workers
Amazon worker describes brutal conditions at Tracy, California warehouse during Camp Fire
“Amazon ruined my life”
Amazon hired private detectives to spy on injured worker
In Defense of Julian Assange
Ecuador unveils “special examination” of Julian Assange’s asylum
By Mike Head, 5 January 2019
Silence follows Trump attorney’s statement that Julian Assange did nothing “wrong”
More on the fight to free Julian Assange »
Editorial Cartoon
General James “Mad Dog” Mattis’ resignation “stuns” leading Democrats
Mattis, who led the bloody US campaign to retake the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2004 and boasted to his troops in Afghanistan that “it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot” Afghans, is now being hailed as an American hero, a rock of stability and sanity whose departure has set the ship of state adrift.
International Committee of the Fourth International
The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI
By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018
David North addresses New Zealand meeting celebrating 80 years of the Fourth International
By our reporters, 11 December 2018
80th anniversary of the Fourth International celebrated in Melbourne with public lecture
Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today
By David North, 9 October 2018
On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International
Book Review
Rohini Hensman’s Indefensible: The ISO discovers its muse—the CIA
By Alex Lantier, 14 December 2018
Rohini Hensman’s book, issued by the International Socialist Organization’s (ISO) Haymarket Books publishing house, is an endorsement of imperialist war.
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
Socialist Equality Party
Resolution of the SEP (UK) Fourth National Congress
The resurgence of the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)
By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 6 December 2018
This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Fourth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party in Britain, which was held October 27-30, 2018.
Student parliament condemns right-wing attack on IYSSE meeting at Humboldt University in Berlin
By our reporters, 17 December 2018
Security and the Fourth International
The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation
By Eric London, 14 November 2018
This is the text and audio of a lecture delivered by Eric London in Detroit, Michigan reviewing the monumental investigation conducted by the International Committee of the Fourth International titled Security and the Fourth International, which exposed the infiltration of the movement by agents of the FBI and Stalinist GPU.
nullSeventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky
By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018
On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Fourth International and the co-leader of the Russian Revolution, died from wounds inflicted the day before by an assassin, the Stalinist GPU agent Ramon Mercader.
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