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About Us

(singular noun)

1. Your life — as a mom; the one and only parenting and lifestyle brand for moms at every life stage, from pregnancy to empty nest.

Mom.me began as a conversation among a group of moms. We wanted a parenting community that reflected who we are, a place where we weren't treated like perfect parent-bots. Yes, we are moms (awesome, exhausted and busy), but we are also women (with jobs in and out of the home; with partners, interests and friends).

That's how we came up with the name Mom.me — a place for you as a mom, and you as a woman, too.

We launched Mom.me on Mother's Day 2012 — a smartly designed destination made by moms for moms. It's put together by a hard-working team of parents who have kids in most every stage of life.

Mom.me is committed to creating a supportive community, and highlighting the joy and humor in parenting. We offer our fellow moms advice and support when things get hard — because, let's be honest, things do get hard. And we try to make living beautifully a real option, one easy dinner recipe at a time!

We'll be here with you for the whole crazy, wonderful motherhood ride. We wouldn't miss it for the world.

Laura Clark

Managing Editor

Esther Carlstone

Senior Editor