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WTS Supreme x Champion Hoodie: Size Medium/Large

Price: $40 AUD

Located Sydney, can ship at buyers expense

Can provide more images on request!

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I recently got Trackmania Stadiums2 with a friend, we used to play TMNF with Hamachi and it worked perfectly fine. However, in TMS2 we've ran into a problem. When I me or him go to local hosting, it will not show up as if Hamachi isn't working, so, I went to port forwarding. I forwarded through ports 2350-3550, as well as the UDP required ports on my router, firewall, he did as well on his firewall but not his router, but he's not the one we're trying to get hosting, so it shouldn't matter (correct me if I'm wrong.) We added each other as friends on Maniaplanet, couldn't join, etc. I have no idea why we can't get online or local play working. I have checked my ports, they are open and working just fine. Anyone know what's causing this or what the problem may be?

Also, I have tried running a dedicated server.


Blockchain platform, ‘Kaiser’ announced on Jan. 10 that it has recently made NDA and MOU agreement with Houbi Indonesia.

Global digital asset exchange, Houbi opened the exchange in Indonesia on September 7, 2018 through the partnership with Asia Financial Group.

According to the business report, it proves that Southeast Asian market including Indonesia is emerging as an important market for the cryptocurrency market with high potentiality due to the high economic growth and rapid development of IT and financial services.

In-Young Jung, CEO of Bizblocks says, “Bizblocks decided to collaborate with Huobi Indonesia in order to preoccupy the blockchain based payment system market in Indonesia.

BerineXiong, CEO of Huobi Indonesia has also sent the congratulatory message for ‘2019 Kaiser meet-up event’ held in Jan. 5.

He told in message, “Kaiser and Huobi Indonesia Group should discuss the future of blockchain and the use and acceptance of it. We also have to consider Southeast Asia and all the surrounding countries are going to use the blockchain technology.”

The blockchain based payment system is supposed to be commercialized through the payment system of cold wallet, ‘Kaiser Wallet’ and ‘Kaiser PayBanC’.

Jung said “We are discussing the process to establish the payment system through PayBanC in detail and will try to implement it in markets in Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan as well as Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Kaiser has established Kaiser hardware wallet line-up starting from the hardware wallet, ‘Kaiser Wallet’ with CC the highest level certified up to the hardware wallet, ‘PayBanC’ without any device.

It is heard that Bizblocks is planning to launch Kaiser hybrid DEX(Decentralized Exchange) and complete the ‘Kaiser Ecosystem’ project based on Hyper Aiserchain optimized for the real life in the upcoming March.


Hi! Need help and tips.. Just started 2 days ago and not sure if i'm doing everything right..

Observations: 1) once you hit level 10.. The intel or stam is kinda slow.. :( can't do too much missions for a while.. Is there a way to boost or get more intel other than quests and intel room? 2) looks like it's easier to level a common/rare assasin than an epic/legendary.. I'm 3 dna away for 3* taquil.. Is this true and shoul i focus more on the common ones? 3) stuck at story 7.. And the power of my assasins are not close enough to tackle story 8.. How should i proceed?

Thanks in advance!! Lovin the game :)


男主人公乔·赛佛(蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen饰)是个中规中矩的中年男人,他像所有失败的小人物一样,做梦都想成为一名“大人物”。他一直工作在明尼苏达州的一家制药公司,感叹怀才不遇,得不到应得的赏识。乔的老板本来许诺给他晋升的机会,最后却食言了。而且他的个人生活更是一团糟,他跟妻子凯丽(凯莉·林奇 Kelly Lynch饰)最后还是以离婚收场。本来这不好不坏的工作和浑浑噩噩的生活,如一汪死水般平静。直到他的同事马克(帕特里克·沃伯顿 Patrick Warburton饰)霸占了他心爱的私人泊车位,还在他早熟的女儿面前羞辱乔时,他的怒火终于被点燃了。忍无可忍的乔,决心改头换面,跟马克“决一死战”。 乔是否能像所有人证明:他现在是个“大人物”?而这样的改变,到底好坏与否呢?©豆瓣

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I was just thinking about how different things would have been if we had a man like Trump leading the country at that tome instead of Lincoln.

Would slavery still be a thing? Would the south have been brought back into the fold, as citizens in good standing of this country. Would there be confederate statues and monuments after their loss. Would the South have been able to keep their property holdings or would it all have been confiscated.

I wasn't sure if this would be the best subreddit to ask this, but I figured, if anyone would know the right type of creative thinking when it comes to a different historical timeline, I would find them here.



It makes you not look like a 12 year old boy (in my case lol)

Anywho! I have a 9 day vacation from work! I’m super excited for it and I thought maybe I can make some new friends to chat with over my vacation! I also have a pretty epic mustache sooooo send me a pm and maybe I’ll show you my mustache in all it’s glory!

Here is me!

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About me: INTP, SAG, NE

Bored Pm me. I have FB messenger, SC, Discord.

I’ll be up till 9am/CST


In order to 100% World of Light, all spirits and fighters must be obtained right?


Laying here, thinking about everything that’s wrong with me, thinking about how I literally have no clue what I’m going to do with my life.

There’s nothing I’ve done or practiced that I’ve ever been good at. It’s so frustrating.

I suck at meeting new people, talking to them and keeping their interest. I think i can be interesting, but I give off first impressions that make me seem quiet and distant. My brain literally shuts down and I can’t think of anything to say to them. I watch others socialize with new people and I can’t help but envy them.

I just feel like I’m going to be stuck like this forever.


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