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  1. New Left Review, NLR Editorials: Editorial on CND
  2. New Left Review, NLR Editorials: Disarmament Through Strength
  3. Jon Silkin: 3 Poems by Jon Silkin
  4. Michael Armstrong: Permanent Red
  5. Stuart Hall, Paddy Whannel: Direct Action--A Discussion with Alan Lovell
  6. Jeremy Brooks: The Protest
  7. Norman Birnbaum: The Demon of the Concrete
  8. Dave Dellinger: Cuba: America’s Lost Plantations
  9. Stuart Hall: The New Frontier
  10. Michael Rustin: Oxford Opinions
  11. Nick Faith: Transport Politics
  12. Frewen Martin: Old Folks at Home
  13. Alan Lovell: Film Chronicle
  14. Norman Fruchter: Where Is the Ginger Man?
  15. Gabriel Pearson: The Huge Trek to Satiety
  16. Marilyn Evans: The Adventurers
  17. Mervyn Jones: The Greene Affair
  18. Ralph Miliband: Footnote to Labourism
  19. Alasdair MacIntyre: The Man Who Solved the Irish Question
  20. Nigel Harris: The Government of People
  21. Nick Faith: The Man from Shell