Shut down the war machine!

Saving America and the World by Slashing US Military Spending

The time has come to cut the US military down to size. Last November, the Pentagon admitted what critics have known for years: It cannot pass an audit that would let Congress, the media and taxpayers know what it does with the trillions of dollars that have been lavished on war and preparing for war …

Criminalizing BDS

US Politicians are Selling Out 1st Amendment and Country for AIPAC Cash

I have been boycotting products for political reasons since 1973, when the United Farmworkers (UFW), beset by a campaign by the then totally corrupt International Brotherhood of Teamsters to challenge their union in collusion with the California grape and lettuce growers, restarted their nationwide grape boycott, eventually adding lettuce and wine producers. I was living …

Why Biden Is Wrong For 2020

Joe Biden, Crime Fighter From Hell

I just listened to Joe Biden’s seventeen-and-a-half minute 2003 eulogy for his political friend Strom Thurmond, the former Dixiecrat segregationist from South Carolina who became a Republican in 1964. It’s clear Biden liked the man, who he worked closely with to pass crime bills in the early 1980s.  As Thurmond’s replacement as chairman of the …

DA finds 6 crates of case materials in locked office storeroom

A Potentially Tectonic Event Shakes up the Mumia Abu-Jamal Case

In a huge potential break in the long-running and controversial case of Philadelphia journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, currently in Pennsylvania’s SCI Mahanoy prison serving a life-without-parole term for murder, the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office says it has discovered six banker storage boxes of materials about the case in a locked storeroom of the DA’s offices at …

Presidential crime unchallenged ensures crimes by future presidents

The House Must Hold Impeachment Hearings on Trump’s Constitutional Crimes

There is pressure, especially from some newly elected Democrats in the House of Representatives, for impeaching President Trump. This is being opposed by more cautious House leaders and especially by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), who fear that an impeachment effort would simply energize Trump supporters and restore flagging support for him among Republicans as …

Absurdly declaring a 'national emergency' to justify building a $5-billion wall:

At last! We May Finally Get a Good Reason to Impeach the Racist Presidential MoFu!

Liberals have been calling for the new Democratic House to file articles of impeachment against Donald Trump ever since winning the House in the Nov. 8 election in 2016, but there has been this obstacle:  Nobody believes that Republicans who control the Senate will allow a House impeachment to move to a trial in the …

Requiem for a (sort of) free press in the US

Where Did the Tradition of Journalists Speaking Truth to Power Go?

It’s easy to let time and nostalgia get in the way of remembering what American journalism was really like back in the last century. Certainly it was not all Watergate and Pentagon Papers exposés, and even those two prime examples of the media’s standing up to government threats and taking on the powerful were not …

Anti-imperial ideas and my Cassandra complex

Revise the National Security Act of 1947

No other country in the world symbolizes the decline of the American empire as much as Afghanistan. – Robert Kaplan, New York Times, January 1, 2019 Robert Kaplan is too much of an imperialist-military cheerleader for my taste. His 2005 book, Imperial Grunts, was an account of travels around the world reporting on the US …

Judge orders rehearing of 4 rejected appeals

Surprise Ruling Opens New Avenue for Mumia to Win New Trial on his Murder Conviction

In a surprise order signed Dec. 27, a Philadelphia Common Pleas supervising judge has offered a new chance in 2019 for Mumia Abu-Jamal to challenge his 1982 conviction for the murder of white Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. Specifically, Judge Leon Tucker has ordered the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to reconsider four Post Conviction Relief Act …