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8 January 2019

Conservation groups claim victory as Japan leaves IWC and ends Antarctic whaling

Pressure by conservationists made it too expensive for Japan to continue the Antarctic hunt.

7 January 2019

Singled out for search at a Serbian supermarket, Roma opera superstar accuses the store of racism

Ms. Knežević was stopped and searched in public while onlookers heckled her. In her backpack, security only found sheet music, books, and a wallet.

‘Even by leaving us she gave us a lesson': Fearless rights defender's death shocks Tajikistan

"She was not silent when others buried their heads in the sand. She risked her life every day and knew the value of this risk."

5 January 2019

China's push for ‘one country, two systems’ in Taiwan meets vigorous opposition

"As a Hongkonger, I urge Taiwanese people to never believe in CCP’s 'one country, two systems.' Once they take control, they can do whatever they want."

After a fire destroys Jamaica's LGBT headquarters, 2019 deemed ‘year of rebuilding’

Pending the outcome of an official investigation, Jamaicans have been forming their own conclusions about the cause of a fire that gutted Jamaica's LGBTQIA+ support organisation.

4 January 2019

How preserving folktales and legends help raise environment awareness in the Mekong

Rising Voices

"By means of stories, the communities search for ways to accommodate and/or resist changes that are taking place in the Mekong river basin."

2 January 2019

China persecutes independent leftists in the name of Marxism

While many Marxists believe in workers' struggle as the driving force for social and political transformation, Chinese ideologues consider young leftist students’ who stand by workers' rights simply troublemakers.

1 January 2019

New Year's Eve 2018 marked the end of an era in Japan

For Japan, 2018 was the year of Heisei saigo (平成最後), "the last time we'll do this in the Heisei era" — especially year-end New Year's events.

31 December 2018

Latin America's year of political struggle and unexpected displays of solidarity

Elections, migration, community support and social struggle. Another turn of the screw for Latin America and its people.

Censored in 2018: Protest videos, court verdicts, real news — and Peppa Pig


From blocked websites to revoked media licenses to account shutdowns, censorship comes in many forms. Here are a few we saw in 2018.

Exploring Indo identity with Dutch photographer Armando Ello

"I have first hand experiences throughout my whole life. We live in a society that is still centered around colonial perspectives on history."

Native artist from the Ramapough Lenape Nation exposes erased histories

Rising Voices

Ótaes' artwork “centers around discussing injustices the Indigenous community faces and exposing erased or manipulated history in the Midwest and Appalachian region."

Why Chinese netizens believe a commodity index can predict global affairs

According to the myth, the Yiwu commodity index predicted the outcome of the US 2016 presidential election and is set to do the same for Europe's "yellow vest" protests.

The Yellow Vest movement in France: What's at stake?

"Every time I read about the 'Yellow Vests' in the media, I feel like there is a lack of information, sources and perspectives on this complex topic."

30 December 2018

‘Stop killing women’ — a new campaign against domestic violence in Angola

"Violence against women is real, it really is. It is not something in the heads of feminists, it is not an invention or empty speech: IT IS REAL!"

Indonesian military suspected of using chemical weapons against West Papuan separatists, reports Australian newspaper

"Villagers are traumatised and very scared. They have fled into the jungle. Christmas should be a time of peace but not a time of fear."

29 December 2018

To cast their votes on December 30, Bangladeshis will need to overcome many obstacles

Among the difficulties faced by voters are a ban on all unauthorized motorized public and private transportation and a complete shutdown of mobile Internet service.

A ‘no-confidence’ vote finds Guyana politics in uncharted territory

After a surprising "no-confidence" vote, Guyana's president and members of the cabinet must resign, according to the constitution — a first for the country's politics.

How free breakfast brought 500 girls back to school in Yemen

Before the project began, one-fifth of the school's students had been absent. Now they're all back in the classroom.

28 December 2018

2018 across sub-Saharan Africa: Our favorite stories of epic change and transformation

From long-time leaders stepping down to citizens rising up, a cautious hope surges alongside the continuous struggle. Here are our favorite stories from across Africa in 2018.

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