Manu RajuAkaun disahkan


Senior Congressional Correspondent, . Prowling the Capitol halls, covering the Hill and politics. Die-hard Chicago sports fan. Wisconsin Badger for life.

The Capitol
Menyertai Mei 2009


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  1. Tweet Dipinkan
    15 Nov 2018

    says his great grandpa wrote: "Once again I must kiss the sod and face a cloudy future." "That phrase sticks with me whenever ... Manu Raju jumps from behind the Russell trolley to pepper me with gotcha questions." He was joking. (I think)

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  2. 2 jam lalu
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    5 jam lalu

    "Anyone could have listened to that meeting. That meeting is open for grabs," Trump says responding to reporting from about the extraordinary lengths the president took to keep meetings with Putin private. So why don't so many in his admin and gov't know about it?

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  4. 2 jam lalu

    Another sign of Trump’s new reality: Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel to probe Trump-Putin contacts.”We will be holding hearings on the mysteries swirling around Trump’s bizarre relationship with Putin and his cronies, and how those dark dealings affect our national security”

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    7 jam lalu

    Russia worked very hard to help Trump get elected. Trump and Putin have spoken privately five times and we have no idea what they discussed. These are just facts.

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  6. 7 jam lalu

    “As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years.”

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  7. 8 jam lalu

    Schiff on NYT report: “This is also why the President’s financial interests and entanglements ... have been of core interest. The House Intelligence Committee has a responsibility to the American people to ensure that the President is working in our national interest.”

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    13 jam lalu

    Trump's temporary Cabinet and vacancy-riddled government

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  9. 14 jam lalu
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  10. 16 jam lalu

    Pelosi said in letter to Dems: “Leadership and our Committees are working together to develop legal, policy, and communications responses should they be needed.”

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  11. 16 jam lalu

    Pelosi last night went further than she has before over Trump declaring emergency, saying he’s “threatening to grant himself extraordinary powers to steal billions of dollars from disaster-impacted communities, the military and urgent civil works projects in order build his wall”

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  12. 16 jam lalu

    Trump told Russians in the Oval Office that firing Comey had taken “great pressure” off of him; this AM, he’s on a Twitter tirade after the NYT report saying FBI had investigated whether Trump as a US president was secretly working for Russia

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  13. 12 Jan

    The shutdown is officially the longest in US history

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    12 Jan

    The TV station that accused CNN of not bringing one of its reporters on air for political reasons appears to be walking that claim back. The station’s news director now concedes to the AP that he didn’t actually know why the reporter wasn’t used.

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  15. Mengetweet Semula
    12 Jan

    Where, when and how? -Russia is still in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine and just expanded into Black Sea. -Russian has expanded presence in Syria. -Russia used nerve agent in UK. -Russia expanding weapons in space. -Russia deploying subs, ships & aircraft near US Homeland.

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  16. Mengetweet Semula
    12 Jan

    The headline is stunning, and does not at all overstate the story

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  17. 11 Jan

    Grassley: "I think that any claim of white supremacy is wrong and I detest it." Grassley was non-committal about whether King reelect. Asked if King was fit to serve in office, Grassley said, "The people of Iowa elected him and so, you know, the people have made a choice."

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  18. 11 Jan

    Clyburn - the top black leader in Congress -- backs censuring King; Pelosi wouldn't say yet. Karen Bass, CBC chair, worries House censure would make it a partisan issue. Scalise wouldn't say if he backs King censure. NRCC Chair wouldn't say if King would get support in a general

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  19. 11 Jan

    Steve King NOT concerned about backlash from GOP. "I've heard nothing like that -- why would anybody do that?" he said of losing committee seats. On not getting NRCC endorsement, he said: "That's nothing new." House GOP leaders mum on punishing King

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  20. 11 Jan

    Pelosi continues to punt on her views of Trump declaring a national emergency, telling reporters, she'll respond if he does it.

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  21. 11 Jan

    Sen Cornyn warns WH not to dip into Hurricane Harvey money for wall. "I will tell you that I will oppose any reprogramming of Harvey disaster funds. We worked very hard to make sure that the victims of Hurricane Harvey - their concerns are addressed and Texas is able to rebuild"

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