Amee Vanderpool


Lawyer, writer, quipster, wonk, related to Audrey Hepburn. Contributor . Commentary . Director . I write Shero on . DM's open.

Washington, DC (photo by Ron Capobianco)
मई 2012 पर शामिल हुए
जन्मतिथि 27 अगस्त


  1. 13 घंटे पहले

    Greta Thunberg poster in Capitol Hill, DC.

  2. 13 घंटे पहले

    This Greta Thunberg stare down is life goals.

  3. 13 घंटे पहले

    Trump was scheduled to skip the in NYC altogether to chair a session on worldwide religious persecution (stop laughing), but at the last minute he and VP Mike Pence decided to make a surprise appearance to sit in the audience and look bored.

  4. 20 घंटे पहले

    Alex Borstein: "Step out of line, ladies. Step out of line." (via )

  5. 20 घंटे पहले

    Here is 84 year-old anthropologist Jane Goodall with 16 year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg at an event in Switzerland in January. Happy Monday, have a wonderful week, never forget that you can change the world.

  6. 20 घंटे पहले

    Happy ! Right now the daylight hours are as equal to the nighttime as they will get hours and sun is over the equator as the earth rotates around the sun. This is as 50/50 as it gets. Enjoy!

  7. 23 सित॰

    Great speech by Patricia Arquette who talks about missing her sister Alexis Arquette and the need to end the continued persecution of trans people with acceptance, compassion and employment.

  8. 23 सित॰

    Michelle Williams on getting paid equally at the Emmys: "So the next time a woman, and especially a woman of color because she stands to make 52 cents on the dollar compared to her white male counterpart, tells you what she needs in order to do her job, listen to her." Amen.

  9. 22 सित॰

    Greta Thunberg in NYC at the on Friday: "...Some people say we should study to become climate scientists or politicians, so that we can, in the future, solve the climate crisis. But by then, it will be too late. We need to do this now." (via )

  10. 22 सित॰

    Take a look at the NYTimes and how these headlines are prioritized on their digital front page. Where is the piece on how Biden "lost it all" with support of the Hyde Amendment or civil rights policies or how Bernie literally lost it all in 2016...

  11. 22 सित॰

    Vice President Mike Pence leaves the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island Saturday via motor vehicle, which have been banned on the island since 1898. This was the first eight-vehicle motorcade ever on the island that is 80% public land. (via )

  12. 21 सित॰

    Dianne Feinstein has sent AG William Barr a formal request to forward the whistleblower complaint to Congress pursuant to 50 U.S.C. §3033(k)(5)(G). She has also formalized the information that Barr may have advised Maguire to withhold it. They are setting up the lawsuit, folks.

  13. 21 सित॰
    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  14. 21 सित॰

    Dear , It's time to finally give a woman a political platform like Bill Maher's. We need a truly diverse panel and an upgrade to cutting edge political discussions. Including Andrew Sullivan, with outdated takes like this, does not make the panel "open minded" for liberals.

  15. 21 सित॰

    BREAKING: Trump has ordered the Pentagon to deploy additional troops and equipment to Saudi Arabia: "In response to [Saudi] request, the president has approved the deployment of U.S. forces, which will be defensive in nature and primarily focused on air and missile defense."

  16. 20 सित॰

    Live shot of Trump sending his officials out to give a press conference on sending troops to Saudi Arabia to turn the news cycle away from his illegal phone call with Ukraine.

  17. 20 सित॰

    Here is the second half of the entire interview, where Chris Cuomo goes into the whistleblower complaint and the intelligence community IG finding it "credible" and of "urgent concern." Giuliani dismisses it all with: ""Some whistleblowers are liars." 2/

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  18. 20 सित॰
    के जवाब में

    You were raised right."

  19. 20 सित॰

    Bill de Blasio is out.

  20. 20 सित॰

    Have Berke do Giuliani next.

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