Posts Tagged ‘Antifa’

London: Demo against the far right – Oct 13 (UK)

Saturday, September 15th, 2018

A coalition of groups including London Antifascists have made a call-out for a unity demonstration against the far right Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA). The far right have proved themselves to be a resurgent threat this year, mobilising a 20,000 strong rally in central London in June and have attacked trade unionists, people of colour and left wing bookshops. Left unchecked they are sure to repeat these outrageous attacks.

Antifascists have started to come together to counter this new threat. In July a militant bloc of around 500 antifascists came together to oppose a #FreeTommy demonstration. Look out for ways you can get involved in building a mass antifascist movement in the coming weeks.

If you are in London please save the date and join the demonstration. If you are outside of London consider organising transport for your friends and comrades. Meet up point TBA.


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International Week of Anti-Fascist Agitation and Propaganda (1-8 Sept)

Wednesday, August 29th, 2018



Call for a week of anti-fascist agitation and propaganda, due to the growth and visibility that far-right groups have achieved in recent times which has reached into spaces in the mainstream media, in neighborhoods and in bourgeois politics.

Because of the above it is necessary that we make ourselves present everywhere, mainly in the streets, making it clear that the intention is not only to act in an effective manner to fascist provocations, but to act in an offensive manner, permanently promote an anti-authoritarian attitude, to make visible, question and stress the daily reproductions of fascist attitudes such as racism, xenophobia, sexism and homo/transphobia.

We are present with Heather Heyer, Rodrigo Lanza and those who confront fascism in any of its forms.

Any info: latinxantifa(at)riseup(dot)net

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Known fascist has car vandalised in Bristol (UK)

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

The guitarist for ‘Queensbury Rules’ (a ‘Blood & Honor’ band) had his car sabotaged in the early hours of the 7th of August.

Wojciech (Woj) Wasilewski, a known fascist had all 4 tyres of his car punctured, the bodywork scratched and a message sprayed which reads: “Woj = Fascist” and on the otherside: “[heart symbol] ANNA YPG”.

The car was parked on Trinity St (New Town) St Philips, sometimes parked on Hassell Drive, both near Trinity Police Station, Bristol. The car is a red Hyundai, reg: EA60TWX

Woj and his Polish friends live above ‘Skin Deep’, a tattooist shop on Old Market (close to where the car was parked). The shop is run by ‘Ozzie’, an old National Fronter from Kingswood, Bristol.

Woj has been seen in a ‘Queensbury Rules’ T-shirt with “Pie and Mash” printed on the back (cockney slang for ‘fash’). It also had the slogan: “Five little words” which means “We go where we want”. But the reality is they don’t, their gigs are very secretive and so we decided to go below the belt and kick him in the bollocks.

There is graffiti near Woj’s flat, which is separate from this attack, that also mentions Anna Cambell: “When you fight fascism, the rules of engagement should be of your own making”

Take ’em on the blind side cell.

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

‘What It Looks Like To Be Anti-Fascist In Prison’ by Eric King, anarchist prisoner (USA)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

via itsgoingdown:

Below is a statement written by anarchist prisoner Eric King in October. For more info on how to support Eric, go here.

What does it look like to be antifascist in federal prison in 2017? It may not be what you think.

If you picture coming into the feds with your fist swinging, taking on every racist, swastika wearing trash you see, that is not a reality. That line of thinking will get us nowhere. Racism at the federal level is very real and played out in a very archaic way. At CCA Leavenworth I pictured going into ANY spot guns blazing, taking on bigots in a very macho, aggressive, violent way. At CCA that was actually somewhat doable, even at Englewood-FCI (low security) it was somewhat a reality because you could dog them out and clown them for their ridiculousness… the reality is though, that the higher up in custody you go and the further west coast you end up, the more serious the game gets and the less likely you are to be able to express your own antifascist ideas without facing some serious backlash. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Write to imprisoned anti-fascist comrade Patryk Cichoń (Poland)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Patryk is a Polish antifascist recently deported to Poland from UK to serve his sentence from 11 years ago for allegedly assaulting some fash. He would appreciate your letters of support and literature, he understands Polish and English well. We are also still collecting money to support his son that stayed in UK and is living with his brother. Address can be published as well.

ABC Brighton

Patryk Cichoń

“Syn Józefa”
Zakład Karny
ul. Załęska 76
35-322 RZESZÓW, Poland

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

11 Neo-Nazis arrested in two co-ordinated counter-terror raids (UK)

Friday, September 29th, 2017

11 men have been arrested by counter-terror police in the UK following an investigation into the proscribed Neo-Nazi group National Action. National Action was banned as a terrorist organisation in December 2016 by the UK’s home secretary after the murder of Labour MP Jo Cox. “Death to traitors, freedom for Britain” became a slogan for the group after being said in court by Cox’s killer, Thomas Mair, an anti-Semitic, far-right extremist and white power activist who was glorified in their online propaganda calling for more murders. The group has been tied to several foiled plots and far-right violence. National Action models itself on European far-right Neo-Nazi hooligan street groups and autonomous nationalist organisations, copying tactics, rhetoric and aesthetics from these extreme-right groups which learnt initially from studying the success of their enemies, autonomous anti-capitalist organisations and anarchists.

After proscription, National Action was evading authorities by taking on new names – including ‘Scottish Dawn’ and ‘NS131’, and trying to go towards newer underground tactics. It seems the raids aimed to prevent this, the operation was investigation-led and based on police work into the group post-ban and followed on from recent arrests of members of the group in the military. Anti-fascist research estimates are that up to 60 members are still currently active, down from a peak of 150 when their Neo-Nazi conference was held in Southport.

Several of the alleged National Action supporters were arrested in and around Warrington, Cheshire, in the North-West, where the group was continuing to operate a hang-out in a small brick warehouse for Mixed Martial Arts training and recruitment. (more…)

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Solidarity with comrade Patryk Cichon (Poland, UK)

Tuesday, September 26th, 2017

At the beginning of May 2016 our comrade Patryk Cichoń from Poland was arrested by British police under an European Arrest Warrant. Patryk is a well known anti-fascist militant notorious among neo-Nazi-boneheads in his city for his uncompromising stance against them in the past. The boneheads managed to convince a few of their friends to testify against Patryk and his friend for an alleged assault and robbery. As later transpired, his friend had a very good alibi and had the charges against him dropped (despite being allegedly recognised by the “victim” and his friends), so Patryk ended up being sentenced on his own. The whole trial was an absolute travesty and Patryk, as a poor, young working class person, was not able to afford a proper defence. He spent two months on remand in 2004 and was sentenced to three years in prison.

It is clear that this whole case was politically motivated and had only one purpose, which was to get rid of the core of the anti-fascist resistance in Patryk’s home town. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Antifa demo in Poznan (Poland)

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

This is short video from antifascist protest in Poznan, clashes with fascists.

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London Antifa statement on the Islamic-fascist attack at Parliament (UK)

Saturday, March 25th, 2017

On March 22 there was an attack outside Parliament that has killed four and injured many. No sooner had this happened when Tommy Robinson, former leader of the EDL appeared at the scene of the attack to rave about a clash of civilisations and a war with all Muslims. This was swiftly followed up with an announcement of a march planned by Britain First in London.

The truth of the matter is this. These so called patriots are delighted that this has happened. This one fanatic has given them the opportunity they desired to try and start a conflict in society drawn down racial lines. They would seek to rebuild their failing movements off the blood and tears shed by ordinary people, they would use this attack to justify their own brand of jackbooted terror against the Muslim population of this country.

But we will not let them.

Our group and the national network know the reactionary ideology at the heart of the attack in the capital. Today the howls from the right are directed at us, to claim that we caused this attack through our tolerance of ‘Islamic extremism’ or our work to support the rights of refugees. These claims are built on the assumption that there is a clash of civilisations in this country. That ‘English culture’ and ‘Muslim culture’ cannot co-exist and a war is inevitable. (more…)

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Bristol: Far-right nationalists gathering raided and shutdown by Antifa black bloc ‘dressed like special forces’ with guns (UK)

Thursday, February 9th, 2017

On Saturday 7th January at around 3pm a far-right nationalist meeting was taking place in Almondsbury Sports and Social Centre, attended by white supremacists and neo-nazis. The event called by fascist group ‘Bristol Forum’ was attempting to bring together racists and bigots in a safe space for their views. This meeting was raided by a black bloc of anti-fascists who allegedly fired air guns, smashed windows, threw chairs and used fire extinguishers to attack the fascist scum inside the building. Desperate and terrified nationalist bigots were apparently in fear for their lives, with just 3 of them claimed to be suffering injuries, as the fascists barricaded themselves inside the building like the cowardly scum they are. Fascist-nationalist Adrian Romilly from Portsmouth who attended the meeting with another fascist friend gave an interview with the local right-wing paper Bristol Post, likening the antifa black bloc to a “special forces unit”, giving great publicity to the “impression they’d done this sort of thing before and their silence, dress and general ‘professionalism’ added to the sense of menace”. Describing how the attack started he was quoted as saying “… there was a sound like a rifle shot and the first window glass splintered, shards of glass scattering over the place where the speaker had been sitting moments before”, “This was followed by a series of sharp cracks as a succession of windows were broken by a fire extinguisher and by chairs brought up from a lower floor.”

It seems the successful raid was only made public in early February as a police faithful citizens appeal for information swung into place due to the investigation resulting in so far no arrests and presumably almost zero information as to the identities of the Antifa “special forces unit”, despite CCTV recordings being studied.

In Bristol last year in March fascists attacked an anti-racist mainstream event attended by 100 people and members of the Labour Party, Green Party and the local Mosque. The 10 or so fascists were beaten up and ejected from the area.

The struggle against fascism will always need to be autonomous, extraparliamentary and street-based. Hatred, racism and bigotry has to be confronted physically, and absolutely no quarter given for fascist and neo-nazi groups to spread. Hunt and attack.

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19-11-2016 Demo – Fight Repression! Stop repression against anti-fascists and anarchists! (Netherlands)

Friday, October 14th, 2016

19-11-2016 Demonstration: Fight Repression! Stop repression against anti-fascists and anarchists!

On Saturday November 19th, there will be a demonstration in The Hague, The Netherlands, against the wave of repression that Hague anti-fascists and anarchists have been facing in the last year. One who attacks one of us, attacks all of us. Solidarity through struggle!

Within the last year, repression against anti-fascists and anarchists has greatly increased, with The Hague in the middle of it. An area ban for anarchists was issued for the Schilderswijk, in an attempt to break the struggle against the racist, violent, and murderous police. After that that, another area ban was issued, this time against anti-fascists who have been resisting against the extreme right wing Pegida demonstrations. Damage claims of 50,000 euro were demanded from several anarchists who resisted against the eviction of social center De Vloek, which had been squatted for 13 years. The mayor also tried to shutter the local Autonomous Center. Furthermore, subsequent demonstrations were forbidden, people were intimidated by the police at home and on the street, numerous preventative arrests were made, and attempts were made to recruit informants.

But these are not just attacks against individual anarchists and anti-fascists. This is an attack against all who fight against racism, this is an attack against all who stand for a world without exploitation and discrimination, this is an attack on all of us. And this attack cannot go unanswered! This is a call for solidarity, because solidarity is our weapon against the isolation being forced on us by the police and the mayor. We must defend our autonomous spaces and structures!

Come to The Hague on November 19th. Because the chains of the state dripping with racism and oppression must be broken! Because one who doesn’t fight has already lost.

Fight repression!


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Another area-ban for Hague anarchist (Netherlands)

Sunday, October 9th, 2016

Yesterday, an antifascist and anarchist from The Hague received another area-ban imposed upon them, five days after the expiration of the previous area-ban for several Hague anarchists.

This time, the area-ban applies to the center of The Hague and the Haagse Hout neighborhood during the coming Pegida demonstrations, and is accompanied by the requirement to report to the police station.

The police showed up yesterday at the house of an anarchist in The Hague to issue another area-ban. This time in the context of actions that were taken against the extreme-right wing group Pegida, which has announced that it will demonstrate every month in the Hague from now on. The area-ban is in force during the coming three Pegida demonstrations in The Hague and applies to The Hague city center and the Haagse Hout neighborhood. On three dates, October 9th, November 13th, and December 11th, the anarchist and antifascist may not come into this area and they must report to the police station twice a day. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Summary of international week of actions for Russian anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

Between 1st and 10th of July, international days of solidarity for political prisoners of Putin’s police state took place in 21 cities of 10 different countries. Although state pressure is growing, new delirious «anti-terrorist» laws are passed instead of improving life of citizens, activists of Moscow Anarchist Black Cross, Autonomous Action and other anarchist and anti-fascist initiatives organized a wide international campaign to defend our comrades imprisoned in Putin’s gallows.

For full report with working links and pictures, check original at

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Anti-Fascist / Anti-ISIS Graffiti in Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK)

Thursday, August 11th, 2016

Anti-Fascist/Anti-ISIS graffiti by the comrades in Newcastle Upon Tyne UK.

Track:- ‘Angelic Upstarts – Anti Nazi’
Link:- https://antifascistnetwork.org/

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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Call for Day of Solidarity with Sacramento Sunday July 10th (USA)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

What was supposed to happen Sunday June 26th 2016 was a mega-march of white supremacists groups against what they deemed to be the anitifa threat to their “faith, family and folk”. The Traditionalist Workers Party, Golden State Skins and KKK were set to rally on the West Capitol steps in Downtown Sacramento.

They never made it onto those steps. within seconds of stepping onto the capitol they were chased away by a large crowd of anti-fascists. Over 300 anti-fascists and anti-racists had converged hours before the planned march in an attempt to shut it down. When 20 or so white supremacists armed with shields and adorned with TWP imagery attempted to take those steps they were attacked with rocks, bottles, knives, bats, fists, pepper spray and anything that those antifa could get their hands on. They were chased for blocks and when they attempted to escape in a waiting car, all of its windows were smashed out.

In the end it wasn’t only white supremacist blood that splattered the ground. Several antifa comrades had also been stabbed, received knife wounds and suffered serious injuries. Later, the leader of the TWP would call the blood pouring from the chests of our friends a “victory” for him and his bonehead brethren.

Boneheads like the TWP and GSS are only the most obvious and explicit manifestations of white-supremacy. The police, the media and countless other institutions uphold white-supremacy in our everyday lives. On the 26th, anti-fascists fought against the police and the media as well as the more explicit racist in the streets. (more…)

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