UPDATE on anti-Tommy Robinson demo Sunday 9th December

4 12 2018

Main Facebook event

Here’s the latest on what will be one of the biggest and most important mobilisations against the far-right this year.

Tommy Robinson and UKIP , supported by the DFLA have called a ‘Brexit Betrayal’ demo on Sunday 9th December. They are currently believed to be planning a re-run of the route of the October 13th DFLA demo from Park Lane to Whitehall, but new details may emerge over the next days.

The counter demo to this that was originally called for Parliament Square is now meeting at 11.00am at Portland Place, outside the BBC. This is supported by a large coalition of groups from across the left including Momentum, Plan C, Feminist Anti-Fascist Assembly, Global Justice Now, ourselves and many others.

There is another counter demonstration called by Stand up to Racism – this was on Whitehall but has also now moved to Portland Place.

There are a series of assemblies taking place across London in the next few days to build for this:

East London, 5th December

North London, 6th December

South London, 7th December

The last few days have also seen multiple resignations from UKIP unhappy at becoming the party of Tommy and also Tommy Robinson admitting he was lying over the Huddersfield schoolboy affair, where he tried to whip up racism against a refugee kid who was being bullied by Tommy-supporters at school. This has now led to him being threatened with legal action by lawyers acting on behalf of the family he targeted.

Parliament is set to vote on the Brexit deal early next week and the far-right are getting their long-rehearsed ‘betrayal’ narrative ready. They will attempt to capitalise on this febrile situation to drag as many people as possible over to their far-right politics. It is essential that we effectively oppose this with as many numbers as possible.

Also – Liverpool!

Also on Sunday 9th, far-right numpties are going to try their luck in Liverpool again after being successively chased out of town time and time again. This time they’ve decided to call themselves ‘Mersey Nationalists’. Different name, same shit.

Join the counter-demonstration to oppose them – Meet 9am, Derby Sq.

Check Merseyside AFN and Merseyside Together for details.






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