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Politics Is Not Harry Potter

Liberals love Harry Potter because it presents a world they desperately wish was a reality — one where the magic of facts and reason and elite education were enough to vanquish the ills of society.

Issue No. 31 Out Now!

  • Issue No. 31
  • Fall 2018

Breaking Bank

In This Issue

A House Divided

Medicare for All would be a tremendous boon to unions. So why is New York’s labor movement divided on the campaign for it?


Jacobin is a leading voice of the American left, offering socialist perspectives on politics, economics, and culture.

1 Year | 4 Issues
Digital Subscription
1 Year | 4 Issues
Print + Digital Subscription

Why the Alt-Right Loves Nietzsche

Nietzsche’s critique of modernity has fascinated thinkers on the Right and Left — but in its essence, it belongs to the Right. The Left must advance an alternative modernity.

Disco and Communism

The Italian Communist Party saw culture as a key political battleground. But the arrival of disco challenged its assumptions about what music should be.

*Not the continent with 54 countries

“I love Africa Is a Country, because it is basically the inside of my head.”

— Teju Cole

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