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France’s state reforms created two-tier services

‘Gilets jaunes’ shock the politicians

The contract between government and those they govern has broken down, and there is no official organisation they will allow to speak on their behalf.

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Another time, another place: street fighting in Alexanderplatz, Berlin, during the 1848 German revolution
Ullstein Bild · Getty

Politicians have not been so worried about a social movement in a long time: the scale, duration and determination of the yellow vest protests were an unwelcome surprise, catching politicians off guard because the protestors come from all walks of life, do all sorts of jobs, and have diverse political allegiances. They cannot be written off as being from a traditional union or political organisation, because they come from what politicians think of as the silent majority, which politicians claim to speak for but ignore, except when it is time to solicit votes.

Injustice, by US political scientist Barrington Moore Jr, provides clues to the rise of this largely spontaneous, loosely coordinated movement. It was written in the 1970s, when academics were trying to understand the big US protest movements of the era; it shifted perspectives by replacing the question ‘Why do people revolt?’ with ‘Why don’t they revolt more often?’ While Moore’s peers discussed the role of economic inequality and racial oppression, he suggested that these were constant factors throughout history but did not always cause insurrection. They might be necessary preconditions of revolt but were not a causal explanation.

Without the concept of reciprocity — or better, mutual obligation — it becomes impossible to interpret human society as the consequence of anything other than perpetual force and fraud Barrington Moore Jr

Moore examined the actions of German workers from 1848 to the late 1930s to explain why they mostly accepted unfavourable social and political orders, and to identify the conditions which, rarely, led them to rebel. He concluded that stability depends on the concessions those in power make to those they dominate: ‘Without the concept of reciprocity — or better, mutual obligation, a term that does not imply equality of burdens or obligations — it becomes impossible to interpret human society as the consequence of (...)

Full article: 1 414 words.

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Laurent Bonelli

Laurent Bonelli is a researcher in political science at the University of Paris-Nanterre and author of La France a peur: Une histoire sociale de l’‘insécurité” (France is afraid: a social history of ‘insecurity’), La Découverte, Paris, 2008.
Translated by George Miller

(1Barrington Moore Jr, Injustice: the Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt, ME Sharpe, White Plains (New York), 1978.

(2Robert Castel, From Manual Workers to Wage Laborers: Transformation of the Social Question, Piscataway (New Jersey), 2002.

(3See Laurent Bonelli and Willy Pelletier, ‘De l’Etat-providence à l’Etat manager’ (From welfare state to management state), Le Monde diplomatique, December 2009.

(4See Alexis Spire, ‘The anger of the “gilets jaunes”’, Le Monde diplomatique, English edition, online only, December 2018.

(5Quoted in Valérie Trierweiler, Merci pour ce moment (Thanks for this moment), Les Arènes, Paris, 2014.

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