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November: the longer view

The peace agreement between Ethiopia and Eritrea, signed in September, is fragile, but it is a spectacular step toward stability in the Horn of Africa. The rapprochement between the Koreas, too, should be cause for hope. In the US, the new NAFTA text proposed by Trump contains few social advantages, but strikes a blow at the old international trade order. Meanwhile, the myth of a ‘rush to Europe’ by ‘young Africa’ is not as inevitable as we are told, and political Islam has failed to live up to its utopian promise of social justice, with Tunisia — the only country in which Islamism has a large popular base and strong leadership — nevertheless riven by inequality. Italy, for its part, has replaced Greece as the black sheep of the EU, flouting the European Commission’s austerity directives. Presenting a selection of archives related to our November issue.

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