VOTE! for The 2017 Australian Patriot Of The Year Award!

G’day my fellow Aussie patriots,

It’s that time again, where we look back and remember the year that was and, more importantly, give recognition to the many patriots who have given so much over the course of 2017.

Below you’ll find a list of the 25 best patriots of 2017 as nominated by the slackbastard team.

It’s your job to vote for the bestest and most patriotest; the winner of the 2017 Australian Patriot of the Year Award™ will be announced on STRAYA Day as the climax of Triple M’s Ozzest100.

And the nominees are:

Australian Patriot Of The Year 2017

  • Shayne Hunter (31%, 232 Votes)
  • Neil Erikson (18%, 136 Votes)
  • Mark Latham (10%, 75 Votes)
  • Paul 'Guru' Franzi (7%, 49 Votes)
  • Blair Cottrell (6%, 42 Votes)
  • Mohammad Tawhidi (5%, 40 Votes)
  • Avi Yemini (5%, 39 Votes)
  • Bob Katter (4%, 31 Votes)
  • Phill Galea (4%, 31 Votes)
  • Shermon Burgess (2%, 13 Votes)
  • Nick Folkes (1%, 10 Votes)
  • James Buckle (1%, 10 Votes)
  • Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes (1%, 8 Votes)
  • Richard Wolstencroft (1%, 6 Votes)
  • Tom Sewell (1%, 5 Votes)
  • Bob Hart (1%, 4 Votes)
  • David Hilton (0%, 3 Votes)
  • Christopher Shortis (0%, 3 Votes)
  • Michael Holt (0%, 2 Votes)
  • Iggy Gavrilidis (0%, 2 Votes)
  • Dan Evans (0%, 2 Votes)
  • Robert Wayne Edhouse (0%, 2 Votes)
  • 'Farma' John Wilkinson (0%, 2 Votes)
  • Kane Miller (0%, 1 Votes)
  • Tim Wakeling (0%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 749

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James Buckle is The Quiet Achiever. A United Patriots Front (UPF) fanboy, James is also the President of lobby group ‘Firearm Owners United’, and is terribly excited to be part of the club at The Lads Society in Cheltenham, where they pump iron while they read Mein Kampf. And nothing says ‘patriot’ more than a liking for guns and Mister Hitler, amirite?

Shermon Burgess was previously known as ‘The Great Aussie Patriot’, and in this guise he did much to promote attendance at Reclaim Australia rallies in 2015. Shermon was also one of the co-founders and fuehrer of the UPF before being forced, sadly, to quit the group in late 2015 (after someone made a Facebook video poking fun at him). Based in Cooma, NSW, Shermon has quickly become one of the small town’s best-loved prophets, regularly uncovering the pernicious influence of George Soros and Agenda 21 on the town’s thriving industry. In 2017, Shermon jumped on the nazi bandwagon, proclaiming that Hitler was right and Jesus was wrogn. Aussie Pride!

Blair Cottrell was the fuehrer of the UPF until it got kicked off Facebook, after which the franchise basically collapsed. No longer welcome on Facebook (expect for when he uses his father’s account to post), Blair has reinvented himself as a Twitter personality, winning over many US-based nazis and of course Avi Yemini (see below). In media and other reportage, Blair is often depicted as a ‘controversial’ character: a reference both to his love of Mister Hitler and Nazi Germany and to his extensive criminal record. In September 2017, Blair, along with Neil Erikson and Christopher Shortis (see below), was convicted of serious religious vilification (Blair is appealing the decision). Prior to this, Blair did a few brief spells in prison after being convicted inter alia of stalking his ex-girlfriend, trying to set fire to her house and to kill her boyfriend. These and other efforts to combat Cultural Marxism make Blair a red-hot favourite to win the Award.

Robert Wayne Edhouse is currently awaiting trial for murder in Perth. A staunch patriot, Edhouse and his kameraden in the ‘Aryan Nations’ played happy hosts to the UPF when they journeyed to Perth for a Reclaim rally in November 2015. An enthusiastic participant in a range of wholesome political activities, Edhouse is an outside chance of taking the prize: fingers crossed he’ll be available to accept the Award if he wins!

Neil Erikson is the founder of a string of failed very popular social media projects, the latest called ‘Patriot Blue’ (see : Romper Stomper). A former member of neo-Nazi group ‘Nationalist Alternative’ and the short-lived bonehead gang ‘Crazy White Boys’ (the other members are currently in jail for attempted murder), Neil was convicted in February 2014 of stalking a rabbi and in September 2017 of serious religious vilification. Just like the the 4th Light Horse Brigade at Beersheba, Neil’s always charging into battle: this year he attempted to disrupt several Melbourne council meetings and public rallies and he famously confronted Labor MP Sam Dastyari in a Melbourne bar, calling him a ‘monkey’ and a ‘terrorist’ and telling him to ‘go back to Iran’. A former TOLL employee, Neil is currently battling the company over the very visible use of their uniform in his publicity stunts.

Dan Evans Based in Canberra, Dan is a Facebook personality who describes himself as an ‘Australian Conservative Capitalist’. A small businessman and aspiring politician, in 2016 Dan ran for a seat in the ACT Parliament. Sadly, 99.95% of voters in Yerrabi — the rotten communists — voted for somebody else. Still: AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!

Nick Folkes is another serial pest seasoned political campaigner and the leader of the Party For Freedom (PFF), a Sydney-based fascist patriotik groupuscule. Nick has been a patriotik activist for some years: as a member of the Australian Protectionist Party (APP), in June 2012 he organised a massive rally calling upon the Australian government to mass murder asylum seekers. #TrueStory. After that successful endeavour, Nick established the PFF. Largely confined to Sydney and Nick’s imagination, the PFF has made a small number of interventions locally, including a protest against a halal exhibition in April 2016 and another to oppose housing for refugees in November 2016. Undeterred by failure or common sense, and absent human decency and basic intelligence, Nick is a True Australian Patriot.

Paul ‘Guru’ Franzi is another Quiet Achiever, a man who can be relied upon to join any and every group going, from the Australian Defence League (ADL) to the UPF to the Soldiers of Odin (SOO) to Patriot Blue. Not quite The Unknown Soldier, but mos def The Volunteer, Stay-At-Home Patriot, Paul bravely battles the Islamic State presence from Bendigo to Melbourne and all places in-between.

Phill Galea is a strong contender for the Australian Patriot of the Year Award™. Active since 2010, Phill naturally gravitated towards Reclaim, the UPF and True Blue Crew (TBC) in 2015 and 2016. A True Australian Patriot, Phill’s troubles began when ZOG arrested him in November 2015 ahead of the Reclaim rally in Melton. Having previously been cited for bringing a knife to a patriot rally, Phill was jailed for one month after pleading guilty to possessing five Tasers and a quantity of mercury in the days before Melton. In January 2016, poor old Phill was once again the subject of ZOG’s ire. Bailed for the second time in weeks, Phill was rearrested when police accused him of breaching the terms of his bail by associating with other UPF gronks at a Sandringham pub. There he met another nominee, ‘Farma’ John Wilkinson (see below), who days later told police that he had bought up to 22 stun guns, some of which remained in circulation among patriotik volk. Worse was to come, however, as just a few months after he attended the joyous celebration that was the TBC flagwit parade in June, in August 2016 Phill was arrested and charged with terrorisms. Since then, Phill has been back and forth and back and forth from court on a number of occasions: ZOG is obviously desperate to stop him from prosecuting his Crusade against the evil anarcho-pinko-anarchist-islamic cabal of dirt. In 2017, given his frenetic activity and obvious commitment to his country, Phill is surely a very good chance of capturing the title of Australian Patriot of the Year.™

Iggy Gavrilidis is a Greek-born migrant, anti-immigrant activist, and fuehrer of Golden Dawn (GD) Australia: a True Australian Patriot if ever there was. Based in Sydney, Iggy is especially beloved of Greek neo-Nazis in Melbourne, who in recent times have taken the opportunity to express their appreciation of his werk on behalf of the Greek neo-Nazi party in a very personal manner. Iggy attended the 8th Congress of GD in Athens in March 2016, organised a GD conference in Sydney in October 2016, and in 2017 has kept busy making propaganda and raising funds for Greek patriots 15,000 kilometres away. Fair dinkum and strewth!

Bob Hart is a… brilliant man with lots of well thought-out, practical, ideas. He is ensuring the financial security of Australia for years to come. Oh yes, and his personal hygiene is above reproach.

David Hilton is a former high skool teach turned AltRight propagandist based in Brisbane. Formerly known as Moses Apostaticus, 2017 was a Big Year for David. No mere Spectator, David successfully stopped The Communist, The Jew and The Muslim from destroying Australian Civilisation As We Know It, won friends, and influenced many people. Australian Patriot Of The Year? We Report, You Decide!

Michael Holt Not to be confused with Phill Galea’s BFF and angry old man Mike Holt, Michael Holt is another patriot who has fallen foul of ZOG and the nefarious forces of Political Correctness. Thus in January 2017 the very patriotik Michael was allegedly stockpiling homemade guns and weapons across Sydney and expressed an intention to commit a mass shooting at a popular Westfield shopping centre (a known centre for the propagation of Cultural Marxism). In September 2017, Michael The Australian Patriot was sentenced to at least four and a half years in jail for weapons and child pornography offences. Still, if he wins, an Award will no doubt be waiting for him upon his release, and be presented to him by his Melbourne mate, Neil Erikson.

Shayne Hunter Until a few months ago, Shayne was the CEO of Antifa Australia Pty Ltd. In this role, Shayne’s primary responsibilities included making major corporate decisions, managing the overall operations and resources of Antifa Australia, acting as the main point of communication between Antifa Australia’s board of directors and its corporate operations, and ensuring that its operations were in accord with Sharia law (with a view to establishing a caliphate in Australia). Sadly, upon discovering that the board was steadfastly committed to furthering the aims of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi in Sydney and Brisbane by, inter alia, distributing the essays ‘Settler Colonialism and the Elimination of the Native’, ‘Moving Blackwards: Black Power and the Aboriginal Embassy’ and ‘Savagery and Urbanity: Struggles over Aboriginal Housing, Redfern, 1970–73’, after four years at the helm Shayne decided to resign from his position to return to his first love: comedy.

Bob Katter is your typical politician. His Daddy, Robert Carl Katter Sr., was bumped into the Australian federal parliament in 1966, and sat there until 1990. In 1974, at the ripe old age of 29, Bob Jr. was elected to the Queensland state parliament and sat there until 1992. In 1993, Bob moved from the Queensland state to the Australian federal parliament, where he’ll remain sitting until he’s dislodged (possibly by a relative). Like people everywhere, Australians love career politicians, which puts Bob in a very good position to scoop the 2017 Australian Patriot Of The Year Award™. Because in the meantime, every three months a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in north Queensland. Fact!

Mark Latham is a man with a plan (and an $80,000+ p.a. parliamentary pension). When he’s not appearing on neo-Nazi podcasts, Mark hosts his own show which, sadly, nobody watches. While men who have lost their self esteem turn to domestic violence as a coping mechanism, Mark is blessed with a very healthy self-regard, and is using his position to undertake crucial political work. One of his latest campaigns is to stop Australia Day from falling victim to Bolshevism, and for it to continue to be celebrated as a public holiday on January 26 throughout Australia — just as it has since time immemorial 1994. Go Biffa!

Kane Miller is the level boss of the True Blue Crew (TBC): a racist gang straight outta Melton. Kane’s KKKrew was formed following the Reclaim rally in November 2015 and it held its first public rally in Coburg in May 2016 in support of racism, Islamophobia, the closure of remote Aboriginal communities, and the concentration camps on Manus and Nauru. Kane and the TBC have also organised two flagwit rallies in Melbourne (June 2016 and June 2017), which brought together the dregs of the far-right cream of the patriotik crop in Melbourne (some even performed the traditional Australian haka at the event!), and most recently the boys turned out to defend a Nazi-sympathising paedophile apologist named Milo Yiannopoulos.

Tom Sewell Like many Good Australians, Tom was born in New Zealand. In 2015, he became sidekick to Blair Cottrell. Tom is a natural economist with great ability in writing, organisation and the practice of discipline. Like his level boss, Tom’s also a big fan of Mister Hitler and Mein Kampf. AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!

Christopher Shortis is a Christian fun-da-mentalist preacher turned political activist. Chris joined the UPF when it formed in 2015 but left in 2016 after Fortitude — an attempt by the UPF to form a political party for which Chris was to be a senatorial candidate in Victoria — collapsed in a heap. A fighter undeterred by the law or good taste, Chris also lost his gun licence in December 2016 and in September 2017 was convicted of inciting hatred for Muslims. Since leaving the UPF, Chris has joined Dr Jim Saleam’s Australia First Party, a decision presumably in accord with his pledge that My duty before Jesus Christ my Lord is to witness the 3rd Angels message (Revelation 14:9-11) in the power of Elijah (Malachi 4:5). This world is to be judged. Choose this day whom you will serve. Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition.

Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes is an extremely rare species in the far-right ecosystem: a Jewish neo-Nazi. Nathan is also a contributor to ‘The Daily Stormer’ neo-Nazi website and a member of Dr Jim Saleam’s Australia First Party. He lives in Sydney, collects toy dolls and, along with Christopher Shortis, writes for the ‘United Nationalists of Australia’ blog and Facebook page.

Mohammad Tawhidi is the tabloids’ favourite Muslim, the man the mainstream Muslim community has dubbed Australia’s “fake sheikh.” Anointed as a religious leader by the tabloid media, this Shia extremist is using its newspapers and television programs to wage a sectarian war against Australia’s majority Sunni community. And their audiences can’t get enough. Along with Blair and Phill, the Iranian-born Iraqi Shiite cleric is a real chance of grabbing the 2017 Australian Patriot of the Year Award™.

Tim Wakeling is a UPF fanboy better known for being brother to Tory MP Nick Wakeling. When he’s not busy being the *cough* black sheep of the family, Tim may be found at patriotik events trying to pick fights. Timmeh! calls himself the “former head gas controller” at Auschwitz and says he went to the “school of ­Holocaust denial” on his ­Facebook page, which demonstrates both a keen sense of history and a great sense of humour. What’s not to love about this deeply-patriotik Aussie bloke?

‘Farma’ John Wilkinson is a ‘Farma’ and a UPF fanboy. He’s also handy with a stun gun, allegedly providing a small collection of them to his BFF Phill Galea, presumably with a view to their deeply patriotik use on nay-sayers. A stalwart at rallies — at the Reclaim rally in Melton in November 2015 John preached against ‘dirty Arabs’ polluting the suburb — John was spruiking the UPF in Dimboola in February, apparently having failed to receive the memo informing him that the UPF was moribund. Still, it’s that kind of dedication to flogging a dead horse that makes ‘Farma’ one of the contenders for the Australian Patriot Of The Year Award™.

Richard Wolstencroft has made a series of critically-acclaimed and wildly-popular films and, until very recently, was the Director of the Melbourne Underground Film festival (MUFF). Sadly, The GayBC and The Pink Mafia conspired to turn Melbourne against Richard. Perhaps a patriotic Award will be some consolation?

Avi Yemini Based in Melbourne, Avi is one of Australia’s leading public intellectuals, who makes frequent contributions to journals such as The Daily Mail (Australia). In September, he organised a wildly-successful and massively-popular rally against African crimens; the previous December, Avi organised a slightly-less-successful tour of Caulfield by Malcolm ‘Jew World Order’ Roberts and Pauline Hanson. Once touted as a future MP for One Nation, Avi has more recently decided to join up with the political juggernaut that is Cory Bernardi’s Conservatives. Fingers crossed, Avi will receive his Award not long before he enters Parliament.

Honourable Mentions : Andrew Bolt; Ross Cameron; Ralph Cerminara; George Christensen; Toby Cook; Kevin Coombes (‘Elijah Jacobson’); Rosalie Crestani; Rowan Dean; Julian de Ross; Miranda Devine; Ryan Fletcher; Pauline Hanson; Dennis Huts; George Jameson; Scott Moerland; Rita Panahi; George Pell; Kris0 Richardson; Liz Shepherd; Kirralie Smith; Lachlan/Logan Spalding; Ricky/Rikki Turner; Kim Vuga; Linden Watson; Andrew Wilson.

Antifa Australia goes for the jugular (while I make some comments) …

On the weekend The Australian published a lengthy article by Chip Le Grand on antifa in Australia.

Below are some comments.

Antifa Australia goes for the jugular
Chip Le Grand
The Australian
December 9, 2017

The first rule of antifa is you do not talk about antifa. Not to a journalist, at any rate. It is less an organisation than a broad objective across the radical left; a determination to block, frustrate and ultimately silence far-right politics. It is fundamentally illiberal and necessarily secretive. For these reasons, it is poorly understood and readily mischaracterised.

Ssshhh …

To the best of my knowledge, there have only been one or two occasions on which anTEEfa in Australia have spoken to journalists. First, ‘Beneath the black mask: inside Australia’s anti-fascist Antifa groups’ (Peter Munro, The Sydney Morning Herald, May 21, 2016) contains interviews with three anti-fascists. Secondly, a former anti-fascist, Shayne Hunter, was recently interviewed for a piece in the Murdoch press (‘I established a terror movement in Australia, and I quit’,, October 25, 2017). Perhaps the first time the term was used in media reportage in a local context was 2014 (Australia’s Golden Dawn Rally Falls Embarrassingly Flat, Lauren Gillin, VICE, May 7, 2014). See also : Cronulla protests: what is the anti-fascist group Antifa?, Michael McGowan, The Sydney Morning Herald, December 12, 2015 | Explainer: what is antifa, and where did it come from?, Troy Whitford, The Conversation, August 30, 2017.

Beyond that: while it’s true that ant-fascists generally seek to disrupt fascist organising, completely eradicating far-right and fascist politics is hardly an achievable objective. Instead, most seek to simply limit, as much as possible and given the means available, the growth of such political expressions. The liberality of these actions, as well as their public status, is generally determined by their context.

Antifa activists are not mindless thugs. They are well organised and, generally, experienced political and social activists who are prepared to resort to violence — they say reluctantly — to deny the far right any platform from which to promote its ideas. In Melbourne and Sydney this week, they mobilised more than 100 supporters within an hour to shout down a speaking event by the alt-right’s charismatic bomb thrower, Milo Yiannopoulos.

Leaving aside the alleged mindlessness and thuggery (and the claim that Milo is ‘charismatic’), the fact that several hundred people (ie, several hundred more than 100) mobilised in Melbourne in order to protest Milo Yiannopoulos’s performance at Melbourne Pavilion last Monday was. not. simply. the result of a preparedness to act at short notice, but rather active campaigning over months (and years).

[snip] The antifa view of the world is that far-right politics — particularly white supremacy, nationalist chauvinism and the kind of fascism that tore Europe apart in the middle of the 20th century — is again on the rise across Western democracies.

Accurate or otherwise, that’s not a view confined to those actively opposing white supremacy and ultra-nationalism, as a search for relevant materials would demonstrate. To put it another way: there’s a rational basis for concern over a resurgent far-right in Europe, both Western and Eastern. That said, Australia is somewhat peculiar in terms of Western democracies, a theme also explored in the relevant literature. Or as Oswald Mosley claimed in 1933: ‘I always thought it remarkable that Australia, without studying the Fascist political philosophy and methods, so spontaneously developed a form of fascism peculiarly suited to the needs of the British Empire.’ See also : Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association (ACRAWSA).

In the US, this conviction has made bedfellows of anarchists, Marxists, socialists, anti-racists and other militant activists beneath the antifa doona. In Australia, existing left-wing groups such as Socialist Alternative have diverted resources from other campaigns to fight what they describe as the fascist menace. New groups, such as Jews Against Fascism, have formed to fight the far right.

The start of this counterculture war can be traced to the Easter weekend two years ago when a large Reclaim Australia rally took over Melbourne’s Federation Square. Hassan is a 31-year-old bartender and events manager. He is also an active member of Socialist Alternative who contributes regularly to its online publication, Red Flag. “The size and breadth of that mobilisation of the far right shook many of us up,” he says. “Nationally, we decided to prioritise anti-fascist organising.”

The same event prompted Jordana Silverstein, a University of Melbourne academic, to form Jews Against Fascism. “We fundamentally disagree that if you ignore fascists they will go away,” she tells Inquirer. “They don’t. They become emboldened.”

In the US, contemporary antifa activity is generally traced back to the 1980s, when youth subcultures like skinhead and punk were the subject of concerted efforts at infiltration by the radical right, which in turn generated (militant) opposition. Hence it was in the late ’80s that Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) formed in New York and Anti-Racist Action (ARA) was born, the groundwork for the latter being laid by a skinhead crew in Minneapolis called The Baldies. (ARA’s contemporary expression is the Torch network.) A lot has happened between Then and Now, but certainly the Trump era has given added impetus to antifa organising in the US. See also : Inside the Underground Anti-Racist Movement That Brings the Fight to White Supremacists, Wes Enzinna, Mother Jones, May/June 2017.

In Australia, I’d argue that ‘the start of this counterculture war’ was a little earlier than April 4, 2015. Certainly, if anti-fascism is ‘less an organisation than a broad objective across the radical left; a determination to block, frustrate and ultimately silence far-right politics’, then its origins in Australia may be traced back as far as the 1920s and to the Italian migrant anti-fascists (see : Fascism, Anti-Fascism and the Italians in Australia: 1922–1945, Gianfranco Crestiani, Australian National University, 1980). More recently, anti-fascists in Melbourne actively campaigned against Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party and National Action in the 1990s. [For (Marxist) analysis, see : How we stopped Pauline Hanson last time, Tess Lee Ack, Marxist Left Review, No.12 (Winter 2016) / Understanding Hansonism (Ben Reid) & When the Australian ruling class embraced fascism (Louise O’Shea), Marxist Left Review, No.13 (Summer 2017).]

Otherwise: SAlt was largely absent on April 4, 2015, this also being the weekend of their annual Marxism conference, and the opposition to Reclaim on that occasion was drawn from other segments of Teh Left in Melbourne.

The antifa armoury includes more than protest chants and punches. Mark Bray, formerly an activist in the Occupy Wall Street movement, is the author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, published in Australia by Melbourne University Press. In interviews with anti-fascist activists in Europe and the US, Bray explores antifa tactics including the dark art of doxxing, a form of online sabotage pioneered by computer hackers.

In the antifa context, doxxing means the outing of Nazi sympathisers — the publication of ­information that identifies anonymous far-right bloggers or activists, which in turn puts pressure on employers to sack them. This year a University of Nebraska philosophy student, Cooper Ward, was doxxed and unmasked as the voice on an anti-Semitic podcast, The Daily Shoah. Bray says he was driven off campus and into hiding.

“Despite the media portrayal of a deranged, bloodthirsty antifa … the vast majority of anti-fascist tactics involve no physical violence whatsoever,” Bray writes.

“Anti-fascists conduct research on the far right online, in person and sometimes through infiltration; they dox them, push cultural milieux to disown them, pressure bosses to fire them and demand that venues cancel their shows, conferences and meetings; they organise educational events, reading groups, trainings, athletic tournaments and fundraisers; they write articles, leaflets and newspapers, drop banners, and make videos … But it is also true that some of them punch Nazis in the face and don’t apologise for it.”

Got d0x?

First, yes, ‘d0xxing’ is A Thing … though in Australia it tends not to extend as far as it does elsewhere. Thus, in my own case, while I’ve named a number of local AltRight figures — David Hilton (‘Moses Apostaticus’) is one recent example — I don’t publish full deets, most infos is drawn from open-sources and often relies upon simply drawing upon previous research (or is the result of a tip-off). Thus it’s also been possible to identify a number of the nazis who assembled outside Melbourne Pavilion last week simply by referring to previously published material. Inre Cooper Ward and ‘The Daily Shoah’, Ward was one of several neo-Nazis ‘outed’ at this time, including Mike Peinovich (‘Mike Enoch’). His outing as a neo-Nazi activist resulted, inter alia, in his separation from his (Jewish) wife — but the Shoah must and has gone on. Unmentioned but relevant in this context is that both the sitting MP George Christensen and former Labor leader turned angry old pensioner Mark Latham have appeared as guests on the podcast network TRS (for which ‘The Convict Report’ is the local expression).

[snip] A problem for the Australian antifa, and indeed for anti-fascist groups in Europe and the US, is that few people and organisations they oppose here have much to do with Nazism. Consider the rollcall of hard-right leaders who turned out in Kensington in support of Yian­nopoulos. Neil Erikson, a far-right agitator and leader of a small group known as Patriot Blue, used to be a Nazi but in recent years has publicly disavowed his former beliefs and now says he is a supporter of Israel.

Who you calling a Nazi, Nazi?

First, Erikson has publicly acknowledged the fact that, from his early- to mid- teens through until the end of 2015/beginning of 2016, he considered himself — and was considered by others — a neo-Nazi activist. A former member and/or associate of Blood & Honour and Nationalist Alternative, Erikson, in addition to having a criminal conviction for stalking a rabbi (February 2014), also ran with the short-lived gang ‘Crazy White Boys’, responsible for the attempted murder of Vietnamese student Minh Duong in 2012. Secondly, prior to ‘Patriot Blue’, Erikson had cycled through numerous other brands and Facebook platforms, and no doubt will jump on another bandwagon when it suits him. Finally, given his record, it’s not unreasonable to view Erikson’s posturings — first as a neo-Nazi, now as a ‘supporter of Israel’ — with some degree of skepticism, and to view his performances as being simply (and more accurately) opportunistic exercises by an attention-seeking, racist, meathead.

Blair Cottrell, the hulking former leader of the defunct United Patriots Front, is fascinated by Adolf Hitler as a historical figure but ridicules neo-Nazism as a contemporary political movement.

Or; Pull the other one (it’s got bells on).

Of course, being a semi-rational political actor, Cottrell doesn’t want to be known as a neo-Nazi. Like others, he understands that this is — still — a political kiss-of-death, properly the domain of uniform fetishists. That said, the reasons he may be described as one are rather more extensive than an apparent fascination with Mister Hitler: from celebrating his birthday to expressing a desire for every Australian school child to be issued with a copy of Mein Kampf … annually. Cottrell’s determination to fight the moral and political degeneracy allegedly caused by The Jew — of which ‘Cultural Marxism’, ‘feminism’ and ‘multiculturalism’ are major symptoms — lies at the heart of his political vision. I documented this in early 2015, collecting a series of his online postings on sites like Facebook and YouTube and republishing them as ‘Quotations From Chairman Blair Cottrell’ (July 27, 2015). Elements of this formed the basis of a The Sydney Morning Herald article published in October 2015 (Blair Cottrell, rising anti-Islam movement leader, wanted Hitler in the classroom, Michael Bachelard, Luke McMahon, October 17, 2015). Leaving aside the fact that Cottrell and the UPF lodged with members of Aryan Nations when they held a rally in Perth; that Queensland neo-Nazi Jim Perren, along with fellow neo-Nazi Bradley Trappitt (Combat 18), organised their failed party launch in Toowoomba in early 2016 (Perren described it as a mini-Nuremberg rally minus the swastikas); that in their internal discussions Cottrell recommended reading The Protocols; that the UPF gave birth to Antipodean Resistance and The Lads Society … leaving all that, and much more, aside, it’s also the case that Cottrell was denounced as a ‘Nazi’ by his former UPF colleagues Shermon Burgess and Neil Erikson. Finally, the words of Jean-Paul Sartre are rather apt in this context:

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

To continue:

Avi Yemini, a tough-on-crime activist, is a former Israeli soldier. He recently joined Cory Bernardi’s Australian Conservatives and hopes to stand as a candidate in next year’s Victorian election.

Yemini is not a neo-Nazi, though he wouldn’t be the first Jew to assume such a mantle (cf. Danny Burros and Nathaniel Jacob Sassoon Sykes). Indeed, in May 2013, one Jewish bloke and Republican Party booster, David Cole/Stein, was exposed as a Holocaust denialist; most recently, he’s gone into bat for local ‘transcendental’ fascist Richard Wolstencroft. In any case, Yemini certainly loves associating with neo-Nazis and other fascists, and rarely misses an opportunity to join with them in castigating Bad People (leftists, Muslims, et. al.) for their crimes. On his relationship to the wider Jewish community, this statement by the Australian Jewish Democratic Society is germane.

As for Yiannopoulos, although some of his supporters are Nazi sympathisers — Inquirer was sent a picture of a man giving a Nazi salute as he walked out of his Kensington speaking engagement — there is scant evidence that he is.

When Yiannopoulos was preparing a treatise on the alt-right for the Breitbart website early last year, he sought the input of a white nationalist blogger and self-described Nazi, Andrew Auernheimer, and forwarded it along with contributions from other hard-right figures to his co-author, a Breitbart staff journalist. When the Buzzfeed news site obtained emails exchanged between Auernheimer and Yiannopoulos, it reported them as proof that “Breitbart and Milo smuggled Nazi and white nationalist ideas into the mainstream.” There was no smuggling involved, Nazi or otherwise; Yiannopoulos’s treatise was a rambling cook’s tour of right-wing groups, with Auernheimer quoted as an on-the-record source.


Actually, the Buzzfeed article — Here’s How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream (Joseph Bernstein, October 6, 2017) — does a little more than document the fact that Yiannopoulos sought the input of neo-Nazi weev into one article he — or rather one of his Breitbart lackeys — wrote. Inter alia, the article ‘also reported that Yiannopoulos’s passwords included references to Kristallnacht, the 1938 anti-Semitic German pogrom that historians mark as the beginning of the Holocaust, and the Night of the Long Knives, the murderous 1934 purge of Hitler’s onetime allies by Nazi paramilitaries.’ It also contains footage of Milo singing karaoke while his friends make Nazi salutes. In any case, Roger Mercer, the billionaire hedge-fund manager bankrolling Breitbart and Milo, recently withdrew his support (citing ‘personal reasons’ for doing so).

[snip] The fallout for antifa [from Milo’s cancelled gig at Berkeley] has been mixed. Speaking to Inquirer from New York, Bray says the movement is stronger and better organised than it was a year ago. “The spectacle of Berkeley and the precedent it set emboldened a lot of anti-racists and anti-fascists,’’ he says. “It was a call to arms for the movement.’’

Berkeley also set in train a series of events that last week culminated in FBI director Christopher Wray announcing that antifa activists were the subject of a counter-terrorism investigation. Wray told the US House of Representatives homeland security committee: “While we are not investigating antifa as antifa — that’s an ideology and we don’t investigate ideologies — we are investigating a number of what we would call anarchist-extremist … people who are motivated to commit violent criminal activity on a kind of antifa ideology.’’

(Don’t Talk To The) FBI

On June 15, 1917, President Wilson signed the Espionage Act, which delineated punishments for foreign spies and prohibited organized resistance to WWI. A great deal of repressive federal and state legislation followed, including the Trading with the Enemy and Sedition Acts. The government apparatus for enforcing these laws also expanded, including to the recently formed Bureau of Investigation (a precursor to the FBI). These mechanisms were used against anarchists, the IWW, and other left-wing organizations: on the same day that the Espionage Act took effect, police arrested Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman. The leader of the Socialist Party, Eugene Debs, was sentenced to ten years in prison for delivering an antiwar speech in Ohio in June, 1918. The ‘Red Scare’ of 1917–1921 reached a peak with the Palmer Raids of November 1919 and the targeting of the Union of Russian Workers, an anarcho-syndicalist labour union composed of Russian immigrants. On November 8, 700 police raided seventy-three radical centres, arrested more than 500 individuals, and seized tons of literature. Many of those arrested were transported to Ellis Island and deported to Russia on the transport ship, the Buford. Over 3,000 people were deported in 1919, 2,000 in 1920 and over 4,500 in 1921.

Fast-forward to the early 2000s, and the Red Scare has become the Green Scare. In January 2015, one of its primary targets, Eric McDavid, was released from prison after serving almost nine years jail, his conviction the outcome of an FBI entrapment operation. See : Manufacturing Terror: An FBI Informant Seduced Eric McDavid Into a Bomb Plot. Then the Government Lied About It., Trevor Aaronson, Katie Galloway, The Intercept, November 10, 2015. The FBI has also been actively engaged in the infiltration and disruption of other groups, projects and social movements during this period. CrimethInc:

… starting with the entrapment case of Eric McDavid—framed for a single conspiracy charge by an infiltrator who used his attraction to her to manipulate him into discussing illegal actions—the FBI seem to have switched strategies, focusing on younger targets who haven’t actually carried out any actions.

They stepped up this new strategy during the 2008 Republican National Convention, at which FBI informants Brandon Darby and Andrew Darst set up David McKay, Bradley Crowder, and Matthew DePalma on charges of possessing Molotov cocktails in two separate incidents. It’s important to note that the only Molotov cocktails that figured in the RNC protests at any point were the ones used to entrap these young men: the FBI were not responding to a threat, but inventing one.

Over the past month, the FBI have shifted into high gear with this approach. Immediately before May Day, five young men were set up on terrorism charges in Cleveland after an FBI infiltrator apparently guided them into planning to bomb a bridge, in what would have been the only such bombing carried out by anarchists in living memory. During the protests against the NATO summit in Chicago, three young men were arrested and charged with terrorist conspiracy once again involving the only Molotov cocktails within hundreds of miles, set up by at least two FBI informants.

And so on and so forth. To cut a long story short, the fact that the FBI is investigating anTEEfa should surprise no-one. As Ward Churchill has written (“To Disrupt, Discredit and Destroy”: The FBI’s Secret War against the Black Panther Party, [PDF], 1988]):

The FBI’s politically repressive activities did not commence during the 1960s, nor did they end with the formal termination of COINTELPRO in 1971. On the contrary, such operations have been sustained for nearly a century, becoming ever more refined, comprehensive and efficient. This in itself implies a marked degradation of whatever genuinely democratic possibilities once imbued “the American experiment,” an effect amplified significantly by the fact that the Bureau has consistently selected as targets those groups which, whatever their imperfections, have been most clearly committed to the realization of egalitarian ideals. All things considered, to describe the resulting sociopolitical dynamic as “undemocratic” would be to fundamentally understate the case. The FBI is and has always been a frankly anti-democratic institution, as are the social, political and economic elements it was created and maintained to protect.

Naturally, anti-fascists organise not only to defeat fascism, but also to combat repression. The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund is one such project, but there are others, and no doubt there’ll be more as the state — increasingly, in close collaboration with the corporate sector — acts to repress dissent.

See also : What Chip Le Grand gets wrogn about the Australian ‘alt-right’ (September 10, 2017) /// Three Way Fight /// Anti-Fascism Beyond the Headlines: Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore Interviews Mark Bray, LA Review of Books, December 11, 2017.

Now that Yiannopoulos’s tour has ended, antifa in Australia will readjust its sights to homegrown targets …

The risk here is that, in the absence of genuine Nazis to punch, antifa will employ its tactics against people who hold legitimate conservative political views.

Bray, who introduces his book as a “unashamedly partisan call to arms”, defends militant anti-fascism as a “reasonable, historically informed response to the fascist threat”. If that threat in Australia is more perceived [than] real, where does that leave antifa?

Bonus! Aamer

A further note on Avi Yemini’s fascist and neo-Nazi friends …

Yeah well anyway, I thought I might just note in passing some of Avi Yemini’s fanbase among the extreme-right.

To begin with, unhappy with the media reportage of his hate rally on Sunday, Avi instead recommends everybody read the report on the ‘altright’ website ‘The Unshackled’ (2016–) by Tom Pirrone. According to Tom, ‘hundreds’ attended Avi’s shindig — which is about as accurate as most of the reportage on the site, which otherwise reflects the preoccupations of the Tory yoof which constitutes its audience.

The Unhinged editors of The Unshackled are Tim Wilms and Sukith Fernando (above). Like many other #altright yoof, Sukith is a card-carrying member of the Liberal Party, and it was while campaigning for student elections that Sukith got into some hot water at the University of Sydney last week. Thus according to Honi Soit (Holocaust denying student confronted on campus, Kishor Napier-Raman and Aidan Molins, September 15, 2017): ‘Fernando was confronted on Eastern Avenue by members of both Stand Up (Labor) and Switch (Grassroots/independents) who questioned him about his beliefs. Fernando repeatedly claimed that he “didn’t know” whether the Holocaust happened.’ He is also reportedly a member of multiple right-wing Facebook groups, including one called ‘Holocaust Revisionism’.

As was the case with University of Queensland student David Hilton (‘Moses Apostaticus’), being an anti-Semite and Holocaust denier is no barrier to being adopted by more mainstream publications, including The Spectator. Thus in July Sukith contributed a sterling essay to the site (Goodbye Yassmin and #PrayForLondon, July 13, 2017) celebrating Yassmin Abdel-Magied’s decision to leave Australia for London, while also deriding her for her alleged apostasy and racism. For its part, the Liberal yoof who’ve assembled behind the ‘Vanguard’ banner to contest the election have denounced Sukith for his public expressions of racism, anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial and informed the world that, if elected, Sukith will not hold office. On the other hand, Sukith’s brave stand against The Jew at his university did at least win the approval of neo-Nazi and former Grand Poobah of the KKK, David Duke, so that’s something eh.


Leaving aside Sukith, as noted previously, the main body of supporters at Avi’s rally on Sunday were drawn from pre-existing extreme-right street gangs, especially the Soldiers of Odin and True Blue Crew. Funnily enough, apart from ignoring actually-existing laws and legal processes, the implementation of the rally’s demands — minimum sentencing for violent offenders (including minors), no bail for persons charged with violent offences, no parole for those convicted for violent offences, minors to be incarcerated in adult jails and the deportation of immigrants convicted of violent offences — would actually decimate his support base.

See also : /// The Convict Report /// DingoCon (July 8, 2017).

Rowan Dean, The Spectator, & anti-Semitism

Oh noes!

For reasons which remain unclear, Rowan Dean — world-renowned satirist, former ad-man, and current editor of The Spectator (Down Under) — has pulled two articles by Some Guy called ‘Moses Apostaticus’.

The decision to pull the articles — ‘The Democratic Socialist People’s Republic of Australia’ (July 6, 2017) and ‘How cultural Marxism created the Alt-Right’ (July 12, 2017) — happened just a day or so after Jeff Sparrow published ‘Dr Goebbels’ mastheads’: on antisemitism and News Corp (Overland, July 13, 2017), and after Richard Cooke drew attention to some of the nazi geek’s other online writings.

While Rowan may be one of the most respected and most creative figures in Australian advertising circles, responsible for helping to sell best-known brands including Nurofen, Mortein, Harpic, Finish and Dettol, he’s also allegedly a keen observer and critic of the ever-merging worlds of PR gimmickry, political dishonesty and manipulative ‘spin’.

Which begs the question: why decide to publish, then unpublish, such a brilliant man as Moses? One with lots of well thought-out, practical ideas, who is ensuring the financial security of The Spectator for years to come?

In any event, maintaining the paper-thin barrier between the usual batshit published by The Spectator & Co, on the one hand, and the unabashedly anti-Semitic and frequently neo-Nazi tripe published by aspiring AltRight bloggers and podcasters, on the other, is no easy feat: mostly, it’s accomplished by way of substituting the national flag for the Nazi one and, say, ‘cultural Marxism’ for ‘Jewish conspiracy’. Providing these basic rules are followed, it’s perfectly acceptable for anti-Semitic cranks to find a corner of the reactionary press in which to appear, and with a *nudge nudge, wink wink* to their audience, communicate precisely what they think. Indeed, play your cards right, and the national broadcaster will grant you an hour of prime time in which to promote yourself (albeit on delay).

As for Moses, you can continue to enjoy his writings on millionaire blabbermouth Tucker Carlson’s The Daily Caller website, and look forward in anticipation to the completion of his PhD thesis. You can also listen to him yap on ‘The Dingoes’ podcast, along with his XYZ kameraden Ryan Fletcher and Adam Piggott, MP George Christensen, former MP Mark Latham, racist Canuckistanian (and former academic) Drew Fraser and Greg Johnson of publisher Counter-Currents. Gregory Lauder-Frost of the Traditional Britain Group has also been a guest of The Dingoes, and his ‘exposure’ as a ‘Tory fringe group leader with Nazi sympathies’ rather closely resembles the comic habit of local Tories accidentally-stumbling-into-fascist-meetings, most recently when MP Craig Kelly wished a ‘Happy Birthday!’ (on behalf of former PM Tony Abbott) to the pro-Nazi Ustaše government of the 1940s.

Presumably, Rowan Dean is unlikely to publish a piece celebrating the destruction of ‘cultural Marxism’ at Jasenovac, but if he did, I wouldn’t be surprised if the facts of its removal — like so much else — simply disappeared down The Memory Hole.

See also : Ctrl-Alt-Delete: The origins and ideology of the Alternative Right, Matthew N. Lyons, PRA, January 20, 2017. /// The Convict Report /// DingoCon


Last weekend, a small group of neo-Nazi geeks, White supremacist nerds, and extreme-right yoof met-up in Sydney to talk shop. Called ‘DingoCon’ and organised under the auspices of #DingoTwitter, the only person to have publicly confessed to having paid their $88 (fnarr fnarr) entrance fee is Melbourne-based neo-Nazi Blair Cottrell, the putative leader of the now defunct Facebook page ‘United Patriots Front’ (UPF). One person who definitely did not attend — and whose presence would apparently have been unwelcome — was Dr Jim Saleam of the Australia First Party: Everyone Wants To Be Fuehrer, but it would seem that the nü gen of Fashy Goys are keen to keep some distance from the fascists in cardigans.

Above : George Christensen poses with Kane Miller, lvl boss of the ‘True Blue Crew’.

The Dingoes

While Buzzfeed buzzed about The Dingoes back in October, to date the most publicity The Dingoes mob has received has likely come courtesy of Federal MP George Christensen, who was a guest on their podcast in February. A few months later — after having made the Columbus-like discovery that he’d been chatting to neo-Nazi yoof — Christensen declared that he’d stumbled onto the podcast entirely by mistake, was really sorry about the whole thing, and vowed to stop US neo-Nazi Mike Peinovich from coming to Australia in order to address the conference his erstwhile kameraden had organised for July. (Christensen’s sudden rise and very slow fall from Dingo grace is most-usefully examined by Richard Cooke in the July, 2017 edition of The Monthly.)*

Christensen’s decision to consort with anti-Semites angered some at the time, and Jenna Price may be correct to claim that ‘[o]nly Buzzfeed’s Mark di Stefano thought it wasn’t the best use of a politician’s time’, but as Jason Wilson wrote in February, Christensen is not the only political figure to have embraced The Dingoes:

Last week, for the second time, former Labor leader Mark Latham appeared on The Convict Report, aka The Dingoes, an Australian “alt-right” podcast. It’s part of the network of podcasts hosted by The Right Stuff, a major international far right hub. That’s the same website whose major players have been recently doxxed by the left, and whose unmasking as promoters of fascist ideology has, in some cases, brought suitably ruinous consequences.

After taking note of the fact that both Christensen and former Liberal turned Conservative Federal MP Bernardi were to be guests of The Q Society function in Melbourne in February (LOL), Wilson further writes that:

Bernardi also has other, perhaps even stranger connections. In particular, he has a long relationship with a group called the Sydney Traditionalist Forum. They describe themselves as “the first explicitly paleoconservative-leaning association in Australia”, and “the only local group that embraces the political currents of contemporary dissident reaction”. Their purpose is to provide “a forum where ideas once understood to be common sense can be exchanged, debated and discussed, unfettered and ungagged by modern liberal thought-control”.

The Sydney Traditionalists, as it happens, are also comrades of The Dingoes; which fact — together with their rejection of Dr Saleam — has apparently irked the authors of the United Nationalists of Australia (UNA) blog.

The Dingoes, Klub Naziya, Sydney Traditionalists, Liberals, United Nationalists and Australia First Party

Functioning largely as a forum for (Jewish?!) neo-Nazi and AFP member Nathan Sykes, but also occasionally featuring the musings of former UPF leader turned AFP member Chris Shortis, the UNA blog replaced the similarly batshit ‘Whitelaw Towers’, and frequently takes potshots at the various enemies and rivals of Saleam and the AFP. In keeping with this role, the blog has recently published an account of DingoCon and the nefarious forces allegedly pulling its strings.

According to UNA (‘DINGOES CONNED?’, July 6, 2017), Liberal and Leo Strauss aficionado David McBryde is ‘the man behind the curtain of DingoCon’. The logic governing the proposal is fairly convoluted but whatever its sketchy merits, it does reveal something of the fractious nature of the extreme-right in Sydney. Thus, in another post on the UNA blog authored by Saleam, McBryde is nominated as being one of a number of individuals — along with Steven Moore, Mark Pavic, Jason Rafty and Andrew Wilson — comprising the shadowy Klub Nation (AKA Klub Naziya), a bizarre group which, inter alia, organised meetings at Humanist House in Chippendale in the period 2005–2009 before staging an unsuccessful attempt to seize control of the group which owns it, the Humanist Society of NSW. KN is also alleged to have been involved in some dingbat investment scheme — the purchase of gold and silver — in which several investors allegedly lost some small sums of money. (For more on KN and Humanist House, see : Fascist infiltration of the ‘Humanist Society of New South Wales’ (Inc.), November 25, 2009.)

Above : Andrew Wilson with fellow members of (defunct) neo-Nazi skinhead gang Volksfront.

According to another source, Andrew Wilson is in fact one of the regular hosts of The Convict Report, where he podcasts under the name of ‘Aussie Tory’; certainly, Wilson once put the yoof in the Patriotik Yoof League (PYL) — the ill-fated attempt by Saleam’s Australia First Party to develop a yoof wing in the early noughties — and was one of the volk in the similarly short-lived neo-Nazi grouplet Volksfront. Since then, after various twists and turns, the PYL has been replaced by the imaginatively titled ‘Eureka Youth League’, AKA Canberra boy Matthew Grant. (You may remember Grant from such rallies as the UPF anti-Muslim rally in Bendigo in October, 2015.)

Other individuals nominated as being in some way complicit in McBryde’s plotting to undo the (White) nationalist content of The Dingoes and to bring its handful of followers (back) into the Liberal fold are: Sydney Traditionalist, DingoCon organiser, aspiring academic and self-described ‘paleo-conservative’ Luke Torrisi; fellow Traditionalist, sometime Humanist and USYD activist Morgan Qasabian and finally; Clifford Jennings, described by Saleam as an ‘Alt-Right leader and the organizer of Dingo activity’ and a former Liberal: also an aspiring USYD student politician, and organiser of a ‘Pro-Trump Counter Protest’ in Sydney in January (‘Communists, Marxists, Globalists and Cucks are going to be protesting against the inauguration of the God Emperor Trump to the Presidency of the United States of America, please join me in a very merry counter protest. Please invite those who are truly pro-Trump.’).

In summary, it’s not without reason that Jason Wilson wrote that ‘The Dingoes attempt to produce the same edgy fare as The Right Stuff flagships like The Daily Shoah, but they sound a little too much like chinless Young Liberal nerds to bring any real menace’. Beyond that, while much media reportage on the ‘AltRight’ has been obsessed with the bells and whistles (haircuts and memes) attached to it, as a general rule it’s just the old anti-Semitic and fascist whine in new bottles.

See also : Are These Two Jewish Dudes The Aussie Voice Of The Alt-Right?, Leon Gettler, Forward, April 5, 2017 | The Dingoes claim to be ‘growing’ part of Australian alternative-right political scene, Victoria Craw,, December 5, 2016 | Big Nazi on Campus: How Well Dressed Racists Are Coming to a College Near You, It’s Going Down, May 15, 2016 | Dialectic of Counter-Enlightenment: The Frankfurt School as Scapegoat of the Lunatic Fringe, March 9, 2012.


* Conservative MPs accidentally-stumbling-into-fascist-and-anti-Semitic-groups has a long, colourful, and generally comedic history Down Under. STRAYA has also often been a safe space for Nazi war criminals, some few recruited by the intelligence agencies to better battle Communism while others, most notoriously Slovenian Nazi propagandist Ljenko Urbančič (1922–2006), pursuing careers within the Conservative parties themselves. Urbančič, who joined the NSW Liberal Party and exercised considerable influence upon it during the 1960s and 1970s via the ‘Uglies’ faction, also enjoyed Australian hospitality by organising campaigns in support of apartheid, White rule in Rhodesia, and against the influence of liberals within the Liberals. The political legacy of the ‘Little Goebbels’ of Ljubljana continues to be exercised and/or exorcised via his #BFF and NSW state MP David Clarke and Clarke’s former acolyte, federal MP Alex Hawke. For more infos on STRAYA as a safe space for Nazis and war criminals, see : Mark Aarons, War Criminals Welcome (Black Inc., 2001).

Sadly, Mike Peinovich (‘Mike Enoch’) did not attend DingoCon, instead electing to goto the Scandza Forum in Oslo, Norway on July 1. Erik Olson (Searchlight) writes: ‘Recently a small “volkisch” far-right group called Scandza Forum started making its presence felt publicly with calls for more international activity. Some minor events took place and then we learned from our inside sources that a major event was to take place in Oslo on 1 July 2017 under the Scandza banner heavily supported by Greg Johnson’s Counter-Currents.’ Note that Johnson was a guest of The Dingoes in September last year.