

Where fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you’ll find opinions, profiles, poetry, stories, reviews, treasures from our archives and food for the mind. All the things you need to go down swinging.

Going Down Swinging is one of Australia’s longest-running and most respected literary journals: publishing digital as well as print and audio anthologies since 1979 and producing sensational, sold-out live events.


Everything from sound projects to spoken word, from past editions and new content commissioned for online publication.

Going Down Swinging is one of Australia’s longest-running and most respected literary journals: publishing digital as well as print and audio anthologies since 1979 and producing sensational, sold-out live events.


Where fierce, fresh writing lives. Here you’ll find opinions, profiles, poetry, stories, reviews, treasures from our archives and food for the mind. All the things you need to go down swinging.



Everything from sound projects to spoken word, from past editions and new content commissioned for online publication.

Interview with Bruce Pascoe, 1987

I reckon that people who write are really the crucible, or the cradle of all culture, because most things come out of writing.

Desperate for Students: Exam Season in Japan

The word from colleagues at all but the top-level universities is that they are lowering entrance standards in order to attract enough students.

The Latest from The Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge:

The Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown

Dark Matter

A few years ago my good friends and colleagues Alicia Sometimes, Sean M Whelan and Paul Mitchell formed Science in The Dark a collaborative directed by Alicia Sometimes to put on...