In 2017, Turnbull appointed an expert panel to consider “the enjoyment of the freedom of religion” in Australia. In our submission, the RSA has called for Australia’s anti-discrimination laws to be protected against attacks by the religious right.
Click here to read our submission.
In November 2017, Victoria became the first state to pass a Voluntary Assisted Dying law. This Act ensures suffering Australians can die with dignity and autonomy. Click for more information.
The 2016 census results show a massive rise in the nonreligious, now the single largest affiliation in Australia. Click for more!
Governments should adopt an evidence-based approach to public policy making, with increased investment in education for scientific literacy.
Government policies should be based on evidence, reason and commonsense, and protect the human rights of all Australians.
All Australian constitutions should be reformed to ensure clear separation between religion and the State, and all references to God removed.
National and state curricula should include the study of a range of religious and non-religious worldviews, taught by professionally trained teachers.
Rationalists hold that all significant beliefs and actions should be based on reason and evidence, that the natural world is the only world there is, and that answers to the key questions of human existence are to be found only in that natural world. "We're in favour of science and evidence as opposed to superstition and bigotry!"
The Rationalist Society of Australia relies on the support of our members to survive. Please join today!
Religious freedom laws should be a shield, not a sword
Meredith Doig
13 December 2018
There seems to be an extraordinary amount of confusion around these days regarding freedom of speech in our universities...
Paul Monk
11 December 2018
Critics have welcomed changes but say they do not address the fact schools cannot hire secular pastoral care workers....
Paul Karp
02 December 2018
Legislative exemptions that allow faith-based educational institutions to discriminate against students, teachers and staff Submission to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs...
Hugh Harris
22 November 2018
Geneva, November 2018 OPEN LETTER TO POPE FRANCIS In July 2015 the World Federation of Right to Die...
Rob Jonquière
20 November 2018
From Radio National: Do we need new laws to protect religious freedom in Australia? Source: The Roundtable - Sunday...
Meredith Doig
08 October 2018