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This Is America #50: Defend the Territory

Welcome, to This Is America, January 5th, 2018.This is jam packed show today. We have three interviews as well as a discussion on the...

Portland, OR: Noise Demo Continues at Juvenile Facility After Police Attack

The following report back comes from anarchists in Portland and details a recent New Year's Eve noise demo. I read the report-backs from the NYE...

Telford Unit Exposed: Investigation Reveals Prison Employees Falsified Records

During his time at the Telford Unit, Jason Renard Walker faced continual retaliation and harassment from staff attempting to silence his writing and organizing,...

Austin, TX: New Year’s Eve Prisoner Solidarity Noise Demo

Report back from the prisoner solidarity noise demonstration in Austin, Texas. On December 31st, anarchists in Austin TX carried on the tradition of our...

Proud Boys Upset One Of Their Most Famous Members is Rallying...

It's a sad case of butt-holes being ashamed of their shit folks.Trump supporter and Proud Boy Jovi Val, (Proud Boy Elders claim he is...

Ottawa GDC: A Look Back at our 2018 Year In Struggle

The General Defense Committee (GDC) reflects on their activity in 2018. The last year has been the most active and successful year for Ottawa...

Kite Line: Healthcare Across Borders – A Conversation From a Women’s...

Long running anti-prison podcast and radio show Kite Line returns with a new episode on health care, Brazil, and beyond. Listen and Download HERE We are...

Fire Ant: Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity #2

Fire Ant, a publication featuring original writing by anarchist prisoners, returns for a new issue in 2019. (8.5×11)Fire Ant is a quarterly publication...

Proud for What? Part 2: “Western Chauvinism” and Fascism

In the coming months, look for the first two parts of Proud for What? to appear in a single pamphlet edition. Also, look for...

2018: CrimethInc. Year in Review

CrimethInc. reflects back on 2018, both in terms of the wider movement, but also in regards to their own project. Congratulations on surviving 2018! Here,...

#AllOut Against the Klan at Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park, Feb 2nd

A call for a mass mobilization against the KKK in Georgia at Stone Mountain Park on February 2nd. On February 2, 2019, the Ku...

#RiseUp4Rojava: Call for Global Days of Action January 27th – 28th

A call for worldwide solidarity with the Rojava Revolutionary January 27th and 28th. On January 27th, exactly four years ago, the city of Kobane in...

Reflections on Supporting the Migrant Caravan in Tijuana from Some Gringos...

While the migrant caravan has faded from headlines now that the mid-term elections are over, the crisis at the most-heavily used border crossing into...

Through the Tear Gas: Report from the Border

What follows is a report from three autonomous volunteers in Tijuana, as they document the push by asylum seekers to try and cross into...

“The Stakes Are Higher Now”: A Conversation with CrimethInc.

In this episode of the It's Going Down podcast, we again talk with someone from CrimethInc. as we look back at 2018, both in...

Updates from the Tree Sit Against the Mountain Valley Pipeline

A note from the Yellow Finch tree sits on their 118th day of blocking the path of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Originally posted to...

The Drive Towards Liberation in 2018

A look back on 2018 from the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) and some thoughts on the path ahead. While the forces of fascism have been...

Call to Action: How to Support the Gitimt’en Camp

Call to support the Gitimt'en Camp and indigenous resistance to resource extraction in so-called British Columbia. At this very moment a standoff is unfolding, the...

Switching Things Up: Beyond Banner Drops

Every year, there are constant calls for solidarity actions both nationally and internationally. In recent years, the go to action of choice for many...

One Last Hug: Help Mother Hug Son in Texas Prison Before...

IWOC member and prison rebel Keith "Malik" writes about a campaign to allow a dying prisoner the chance to see his mother. Peace and blessings,...

Noise Demos Ring In NYE Against Backdrop of Prison Slavery

This year in over 20 cities across the US and Canada, anarchists, abolitionists, autonomists, and other rebels took part in noise demonstrations on New...
A look back on 2018 from the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) and some thoughts on the path ahead. While the forces of fascism have been gaining power in the US and abroad and wielding it to wreak havoc on people’s lives this year, RAM has been steadily organizing and building....
This Monday, December 17th, is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers.  2018 was a rough year for sex workers.  FOSTA/SESTA has led to widespread closing of advertising and community forum websites for sex workers, pushing the most vulnerable workers into poverty and higher risk working conditions.  Richmond...
The following report back comes from anarchists in Portland and details a recent New Year's Eve noise demo. I read the report-backs from the NYE demos and it was all super rad, but the one from Portland is missing a big part of the events of that night. There's a...
Report back from the prisoner solidarity noise demonstration in Austin, Texas. On December 31st, anarchists in Austin TX carried on the tradition of our annual solidarity noise demo at the Travis County jail. Around 10 folks gathered at a nearby park and walked to the jail together, joining others...
The General Defense Committee (GDC) reflects on their activity in 2018. The last year has been the most active and successful year for Ottawa GDC Local 6 in a long time, and we owe it to our committed members, and friends. In this article, we’ll take a look back...
CrimethInc. reflects back on 2018, both in terms of the wider movement, but also in regards to their own project. Congratulations on surviving 2018! Here, we will recount some of the most inspiring and noteworthy events of the year and review some of our own humble contributions to the worldwide...