Updates on February 2nd “Rock Stone Mountain II” White Supremacist Rally

On the day before the Superbowl, February 2nd, Klansmen and neo-Nazis plan to hold a “Rock Stone Mountain II” rally at Stone Mountain Park outside Atlanta. We have written about this white power event extensively since it was announced, providing an overview of the blatantly white supremacist rallyhighlighting racists listed as “going” on the Facebook event page, and covering Stone Mountain Park’s denial of a permit for the rally. Stone Mountain Park’s decision has not deterred the “Rock Stone Mountain II” organizers. Here, we provide updates on “Rock Stone Mountain” organizing since the Park issued their decision in early November.

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PDX Stormers – Franchised Neo-Nazi Organizing In the PNW

members of the PDX Stormers attend a Patriot Prayer rally in Vancouver WA

Daily Stormer Book Clubs

The Daily Stormer Book Clubs (DSBC) are a network of neo-Nazi cells spread throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. Begun on Andrew Anglin’s The Daily Stormer web forum, these groups have allowed white supremacists and fascists in different metropolitan regions to meet and coordinate racist intimidation and violence since 2016.

The Portland, Oregon DSBC chapter (referred to in this article as the “PDX Stormers”) was until recently one of the largest and most active. Not only do they have a fluctuating membership in the neighborhood of 10 to 20 neo-Nazi participants, they have, more than other groups around the country, moved from the realm of the internet to real-world activities. Over the past couple years the PDX Stormers have carried out racist and anti-Semitic propaganda actions in the Portland metro area, in some instances targeting and then exposing even elementary school children to Nazi imagery. They have participated in a large number of Joey Gibson’s far-right rallies, and assaulted counter-protesters.

In October of 2017, Pacific Northwest Anti-fascist Workers Collective publicized information about PDX Stormer Jarl Rockhill. In February of 2018, Rose City Antifa publicized the identity of Vancouver, WA neo-Nazi Alexander Wolfgang Becker, also a member of the PDX Stormers. In the coming weeks, Rose City Antifa will expose the identities of three more PDX Stormers neo-Nazis: Matthew Blais, Bogdan Gerasimyuk, and Michael Dorsey. These three, along with Rockhill and Becker, represent the core of the most active and often seen neo-Nazis in the group. For updates, check rosecityantifa.org or follow along with the hashtags #stormerbreaker and #debaseddoxx.

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On Blast: Joseph and Anna Simmons, Neo-Nazis of Carmichael

Printable Poster

Joseph Ryan Simmons (AKA Josef Sigmundr) and his wife Anna Stasia Simmons (AKA Anna Sigmundr / Anna Lovesee) are two local white supremacists associated with the neo-Nazi gang the Golden State Skinheads (GSS). Joseph was one of twenty GSS members who participated in the infamous neo-Nazi rally at the State Capitol on June 26th, 2016. After the rally was canceled due to overwhelming opposition, GSS members brutally attacked anti-racist counter-protesters with knives and clubs , Joseph himself was carrying a knife on the Capitol grounds that day.

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Jordan Matthew Feder – 15 Years In Our Hearts

February 11th, 1980 – November 26, 2003

The Torch Antifascist Networks joins The Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists and Anti-Racist Action in remembering Jordan
Matthew Feder, anti-authoritarian, anti-fascist, medic, and friend.
Jordan died from meningitis after protesting the Free Trade
Area of the Americas in Miami, Florida and helping de-contaminate the
many victims of police chemical weapons at the protests.
In remembrance, we’re re-publishing a tribute from New Jersey Anti-Racist
Action as we add Jordan’s name to our list of comrades gone, but not forgotten.

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Permit Denied to White Supremacist “Rock Stone Mountain II” Rally

Citing safety concerns and potential disruption to services at their Park, the Stone Mountain Memorial Association has denied a permit to the “Rock Stone Mountain II” white power rally advertised for February 2, 2019. However, at the time of writing Rock Stone Mountain organizers have not publicly canceled their event. Since it is possible that the event’s Klan and white supremacist organizers may try to proceed without a permit or make other plans for the day, we are still asking all anti-racists and community allies to be ready to respond on February 2.

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Haley Adams and HimToo – A Movement of White Nationalists and Rape Apologists

Haley Adams

On November 17, 2018, Patriot Prayer member Haley Adams is holding a misogynist and rape-apologist rally in downtown Portland, co-hosted by Patriot Prayer leader Joey Gibson, and Quincy Anatello, a member of the Christian extremist group the “Hell Shaking Street Preachers”. Uniting the event’s messaging under the hashtag #HimToo, Adams and Patriot Prayer are producing propaganda that pretends there is an epidemic of false rape allegations against men equivalent to or exceeding in volume and severity to the horrifying realities of sexual harassment, rape, domestic violence, and murder of women and non-men in our society. The violence and the reliable presence of neo-Nazis and other fascists at Patriot Prayer events has already been well-established by Rose City Antifa and other media outlets. In this article, Rose City Antifa will document a number of violent men with documented histories of domestic and sexual violence or violence against women, whom Adams specifically invited to her rally. Not only is the premise of a “him too” rally ridiculous on its face, the behavior of Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, Street Preachers and other associated far-right and white nationalist groups, both on the streets of Portland and in their private lives, shows that they are the exact the sort of threat described by the concept of “rape culture.”

Men are certainly also victimized by the sexual and domestic violence and rape culture. However, Haley and Patriot Prayer’s usage of the #HimToo hashtag has overwhelmingly ignored the possibility that men might be victims of violence in favor of simply “triggering the libs,” and publicly mocking and discrediting any claims of sexual violence. The event on the November 17 is sure to be one more iteration of right-wing public harassment from Adams, Patriot Prayer, and the Street Preachers, as they threaten, abuse, violate, dehumanize, and incite violence against marginalized people.

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Rise Above Movement Arrests: State Repression & Autonomous Anti-Fascism

On October 2nd, as has been widely reported in the media, four members of the violent neo-Nazi gang known as Rise Above Movement (earlier known as DIY Division) were arrested and are now facing federal rioting charges that could land them behind bars for years if convicted. The criminal complaint brought against members of RAM by the FBI references and quotes the work of Northern California Anti-Racist Action (NoCARA) on RAM which was published in July 2017. In light of this development, we believe it’s important to examine and clarify a number of important points relating to RAM, the FBI, state repression, and anti-fascist research and organizing.

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