TOTW: The Year Past, the Year Ahead (2018/2019)

  • Posted on: 30 December 2018
  • By: thecollective

As we come to the end of another year, it’s time to give a nod to linear time by looking back on what’s been going on in the a-sphere this year. Whether they’re personal reflections, thoughts on the scene, or about a-news itself, what interested you in 2018? What made you excited or angry? And what are your thoughts/plans/hopes for the year ahead?

“The Stakes Are Higher Now”: A Conversation with CrimethInc.

  • Posted on: 3 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

From It's Going Down

In this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we again talk with someone from CrimethInc. as we look back at 2018, both in terms of how Trumpism played out in the streets and in the halls of power, and how anarchists and other autonomous rebels responded. If you aren’t familiar, CrimethInc. is a long running anarchist media collective that for decades has produced beautiful and amazing books, magazines, texts, posters, stickers, and more. In recent years, CrimethInc. has become a clearinghouse for both national and international reporting on autonomous social movements and revolts from the Yellow Vests to the Arab Spring. For the last several years, we’ve sat down at the end of each year to talk about what all has happened, both in terms of the anarchist movement, and the systems of domination and power.

VOID NETWORK- Signs of the times

  • Posted on: 3 January 2019
  • By: thecollective


Images from the future: Thoughts on the “yellow vests” and the revolt in France.

Almost two months after their emergence the yellow vests are still here! The movement started attracting international attention and more extensive coverage after the events that took place on Saturday 1/12. This was expectable, since no matter what our political judgment may turn out to be, we are faced with a nationwide revolt, which has not simply prompted thoughts for a state of emergency, but led to its informal implementation, through the extensive police measures imposed during the 8/12 demonstrations. Among the numerous texts written there are the typical patronizing advices coming from “responsible” commentators, directed mainly towards the “moderate” wings of the movement. There is also a lot of idealization and wishful projection, expressing the need to see “something happening” as a leverage to alarming phenomena, notably the rise of the far-right in many parts of the world. On the other hand, as with all other recent movements, the anti-austerity movement in Greece being a case in point, the yellow vests have become the target of virulent critiques coming from an ultra-left and “class” perspective. Before even the movement has developed its full élan, a veritable compulsion has led some to declare that the “yellow vests” are not what they should be based on some preconceived notion of what a “truly” radical movement must look like. To be sure, the content of the critiques varies. Some see only “spectacle” and not the invasion of the masses into its center, as if it is possible today to have a popular movement that is not captured in massively transmitted images.

Beneath The Institutional — Response To Gelderloos

  • Posted on: 3 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

From C4SS by William Gillis

Gelderloos complains at length about perceived small misreadings and misrepresentations in my piece warning about skews to “Diagnostic of the Future” but then he engages in a number of such himself. They say I claim that fascism should only be critiqued at the institutional level, and never at the ideological level.”

Introducing the Anarchy Bang call in show

  • Posted on: 2 January 2019
  • By: aragorn

From Anarchy Bang

Anarchy Bang is a weekly call-in show where you can ask questions, make criticisms, and get context to make sense of anarchism, anarchy, and how to navigate a world gone mad. The show is from noon to 2pm PST (1pm if there are no callers). You can find the show at
We may not win, but by finding each other we might find a way to new world beyond right and wrong, right and left, and the terrible world where we don't matter.

Libertarian Socialism in South America: A Roundtable Interview, Part I

  • Posted on: 2 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Black Rose Anarchist Federation


In the United States, growing segments of the population are undergoing a period of profound politicization and polarization. Political elites are struggling to maintain control as increasing numbers of people seek out alternatives on the left and the right. In the wake of the 2016 presidential election, political organizations on the left have grown significantly, most notably expressed in the explosive growth of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Meanwhile, the Trump administration has joined other far-right governments emerging around the globe, emboldening fascist forces in the streets. These developments have sparked widespread debate on the nature of socialism and its distinct flavors within and outside the US.
