Santiago, Chile: Truck Torched for Black December by Incendiaries Complicit in Sabotage FAI-FRI

December 30th, 2018

Black December means action and memory, and, like any initiative of direct attack, it comes to life and continues when there is a will to go from words to deed – to break with the normality of the capitalist social routine and the comfort of civic life.

Always prepared for action, we liberate ourselves from the consumerist fever and the behavioral patterns imposed by the social order with its end of year traditions. And so, with planning, cunning and certain precautions, the anarchist attack never stops.

That’s why at dawn on December 28th we set fire to a truck in the city of Santiago, in a suburb of the so-called ‘middle class’. The action was reported by the media and now we can confirm: it wasn’t a short circuit, it was an intentional fire wrought by anarchic hands during the middle of the night in the streets of their disgusting city.

Setting fire to a truck is attacking the mega-machines and structures that contribute to the devastation of the Earth, it is setting fire to the ideas of progress and civilization, it is our contribution to the ongoing agitation against the IIRSA-COSIPLAN project and the construction of thousands of kilometers of roads that destroy eco-systems to facilitate the transit of trucks full of merchandise and accelerate the advance of the city that contaminates our life. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago, Chile: Incendio de camión por un Diciembre Negro

December 28th, 2018

Diciembre Negro significa memoria y acción y, como toda iniciativa de ataque directo, cobra vida y continuidad cuando hay voluntades que pasan de las palabras a los hechos para romper con la normalidad de la rutina social capitalista y con la comodidad de la vida ciudadana.

Siempre dispuestxs a la acción, nos liberamos de la fiebre consumista y de las pautas de comportamiento impuestas por el orden social y sus tradiciones de fin de año, así, con planificación, astucia y ciertas precauciones el ataque anarquista no se detiene.

Por eso la madrugada del 28 de diciembre prendimos fuego a un camión en la ciudad de Santiago, en una comuna de la llamada “clase media”. El hecho fue reportado por la prensa y ahora les confirmamos: no fue un cortocircuito, fue un incendio intencional forjado por manos anárquicas en medio de la noche entre las calles de su asquerosa ciudad.

Incendiar un camión es atacar las mega-máquinas y estructuras que contribuyen a la devastación de la Tierra, es prender fuego a la idea de progreso y civilización, es nuestra contribución a la agitación contra el proyecto IIRSA-COSIPLAN y la construcción de miles de kilómetros de carreteras que destruyen eco-sistemas para facilitar el tránsito de camiones llenos de mercancías y acelerar el avance de la urbe que contamina nuestra vida. Read the rest of this entry »

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Barcelona, Spain: Incendiary solidarity to anarchist prisoners

December 28th, 2018

In the night of 30th November at 8pm, as the neighbourhood of Sant Andreu (Barcelona) was in the middle of a celebration and patrols were going around, a cash machine of Deutsche Bank was happily burning.

A piece of writing, ‘prisoners of war’.
An individual action.
Coherent consequence of my anarchist orientation.
Let the flames lighten up my comrades’ nights, even if only with a simple smile.
To the prisoners of war in the Spanish peninsula. Onwards, comrades!
To the Italians persecuted in the operations panico and scripta manent.
To Paska, a comrade on hunger strike since 5th November. Strength to you, comrade!
To Anahi, in coma following an attack in Argentina. Resist, comrade!
To Hugo and Marcos, rebels and avengers. Onwards!
To Juan Aliste. Irreducible!
To the Greek and Chilean warriors.
To Lisa, I’m waiting for you with a complicit smile.
To all the coherent and consequent individuals. Let’s continue the struggle!
To the compas in Madrid.
Let M.I.L. cash machines burn!

Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

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Palabras del compañero Joaquín García en prision (Chile)

December 27th, 2018

“Antes, oh astro, matinal brillabas sobre los Vivos. Ahora, al extinguirte, vespertino brillas sobre los Muertos”

“Murió Adonaïs y por su muerte lloro.
Llorad por Adonaïs, aunque las lágrimas
no deshagan la escarcha que les cubre.
Y tú, su hora fatal, la que, entre todas,
fuiste elegida para nuestro daño,
despierta a tus oscuras compañeras,
muéstrales tu tristeza y di: conmigo
murió Adonaïs, y en tanto que el futuro
a olvidar al pasado no se atreva,
perdurarán su fama y su destino
como una luz y un eco eternamente”

-P.B. Shelley-

Quería escribirle a un tú ausente, tal vez inexistente; pensaba contribuir a las palabras de Shelley y darle vida a esta hermosa elegía, pero nunca le he escrito a un muerto y esta no será la excepción.

Cae sobre mí una falsa responsabilidad; muchos, consciente o inconscientemente, creen que nosotros, sus compañeros, poseemos el derecho o la autoridad de decir quien fue realmente nuestro hermano, y la verdad es que es una tarea imposible, tanto porque dicho derecho no existe, como por la complejidad que supone escribir en palabras sobre nuestro compañero; tal vez podríamos, como aquel alemán, destruir a martillazos la imagen que de él se ha construido. Es difícil comprender la falta de vergüenza de quienes revindican el nombre de Kevin, aun tal vez sin nunca haberlo leído/conocido, han acomodado a su interés la imagen del nuevo mártir, ni siquiera hace falta preguntarse cuantos realmente estuvieron, no hace falta porque aquí no existe ni existió nunca la mendicidad, la misericordia le pertenece a las víctimas y quien murió fue un guerrero: como bien lo recordó un hermano; “Él era solo él, Kevin contra el mundo”. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Days of Rages’ Patches Project (USA)

December 27th, 2018

Days of Rage Patches is an anarchist project that focuses on making vegan, straight edge, green anarchist, anti-fascist, queer nihilist, post-left anarchy patches in exchange for funds to support prisoners.

Days of Rage Patches supports a list of eco-anarchist and Standing Rock imprisoned fighters. At the present time, the individuals we are supporting are: Joseph Mahmoud Dibee (https://bit.ly/2ozUXsO), Brian Vaillancourt (https://bit.ly/2Q3s5FV), Little Feather (https://bit.ly/2wE6dYF), and Dion Ortiz (https://bit.ly/2oJ4Dl3).


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Genoa, Italy: Italian Institute of Technology attacked by FAI/FRI – Immediate Action Group

December 26th, 2018

IT – Italia: Attaccato Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia


In the early hours of December 24th we attacked the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).
H24 [security company] surveillance at the receptions and private security in the car were not a good deterrent; we were determined to attack you and we did it! The IIT is the flagship of the Italian state and is a foundation for technological development and national policies in favor of science and technology. It works to strengthen the markets and policies of looting and devastation every day committed by capital and government.

It carries out neuroscience studies, “brain technologies” and genetic research for the manipulation of living things. Active in nanotechnology, conducting research on nanomaterials and their use, as well as on the development of materials for converting and storing energy, which today’s production system needs in huge quantities to maintain the speed of the mad rush of progress.

In addition to iCub, in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, they perfect robots for industrial production.

In the service of capital and the police state that assures it, they are engaged in the creation of systems of “computer vision” for systems useful for identification and social control. Read the rest of this entry »

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Spain: Anarchist comrade Lisa transferred to Soto del Real prison in Madrid

December 26th, 2018

On Friday December 21 the comrade was transferred to Madrid, to Soto del Real prison. As far as we know there are no restrictions on incoming or outgoing post, so it would be really nice if everyone were to write to her. Here is her new address:

Lisa Dorfer
Módulo 15
Centro Penitenciario Madrid V
Carretera M609 km.3,5
28791 Soto del Real

Monday, December 31 at 10.30 gathering outside the WAD-RAS prison.

Translated by Act for Freedom Now!

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Minneapolis, USA: Locks Glued At Neo-Nazi Business

December 26th, 2018

In the early hours of Christmas morning, Santa visited De Roma Art Glass. But Santa didn’t leave any presents, instead he super glued the locks.

De Roma Art Glass is owned by the most notorious neo-nazi in Minneapolis, Julius De Roma.

No holiday cheer for fascists.

Solidarity with all those fighting fascism and authority worldwide!

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New project launch – Abolition Media Worldwide

December 26th, 2018

Abolition Media Worldwide is an online news source for revolutionary movements, with information about militant actions, analysis, and features about local struggles from around the world. Abolition Media is here to draw a clear line that separates anti-state struggle from annihilation. AMW stands in stark contrast to corporate and capitalist media, which push the disastrous agendas of nation states.

More than just a news source, AMW intends to be a tool for movements dedicated to anarchist, abolitionist, and revolutionary perspectives. Our mission is to connect these ideas with the public; to make often obscured positions clear.

This site aims to be a catalyst for our collective drive towards liberation and to propel the movement further. AMW presents the strategies of various movements to applaud our comrades’ uncompromising work, and also to create a forum by which to share essential information between distant groups. We focus on information that can be acted upon, since the political connections between international struggles are strengthened when they are cemented in local actions.

The movement today is a culmination of many struggles. We dedicate this publication to all the martyrs who have participated in revolutionary movements around the world and all those inside and outside the prison walls who continue to put their lives on the line. As we join this legacy, we strive to be a vessel for the highest standards of revolutionary accomplishments so that we may one day achieve success of communality over authoritarianism, of shared humanity over bigotry, and of vitality over extermination.

Please send us your analysis, actions, and news. We intend for this site to be integral in our struggle for global revolution.


Email contributions to:

PGP Key: 2771 09A4 7D2D 67D4 074E C1F9 BDEF 26EC 6A00 471D

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Conociendo al enemigo/a: El fascismo y sus distintos auges en Chile

December 26th, 2018

Como introducción quiero decir que escribo este texto con ciertos antecedentes, nombres de personas y organizaciones para que pueda servir al/la lector/a indagar por cuenta propia más profundamente -si es que lo desean- sobre el fascismo y sus distintos auges en Chile. Esto es una pequeña contribución para la memoria anticapitalista autónoma la cual se va construyendo entre todos/as, esta no es exclusiva de nadie, por lo que se alienta la difusión por todos los medios posibles. Aclarar que las fuentes han sido sacadas desde internet, libros, medios de prensa y propios recuerdos.

Iniciamos relatando algunos hechos históricos. Nos remontamos al 5 de Septiembre de 1938, el Movimiento Nacional-Socialista de Chile (MNSCH) afiliados al partido político Alianza Popular Libertadora intenta provocar un golpe de estado contra el presidente Arturo Alessandri Palma para que Carlos Ibáñez del Campo se hiciese con el Poder. La intentona de los/as nacis(1) inicia con la toma de la Caja del Seguro Obrero, a pasos del palacio de La Moneda y de la casa central de la Universidad de Chile en la Alameda, existen enfrentamientos armados, toma de rehenes y bloqueos para impedir el avance de la policía, el gobierno llamó a tropas de las fuerzas armadas y acabó con la ocupación, asesinando ya rendidos/as y desarmados/as a los/as nacis, alrededor de 60 murieron. Read the rest of this entry »

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Comunicado de Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda a 5 años de la muerte en combate del compañero Sebastián Oversluij Seguel (Chile)

December 26th, 2018

Nota: Palabras leídas en actividad conmemorativa por el -Angry- en la Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sebastián Oversluij ubicada en algún lugar de Santiago de Chile el 23/12/2018.

“Al ke roba porke no tiene komida va a dar kon sus huesos a la kárcel de por vida… Al ke si tiene komida pero odia a los bankeros y les roba el dinero ke reparte entre sus kompañerxs”. (Kanción de Rap)

En la kárcel y en la kalle la memoria sin axión kotidiana es komo un kuerpo sin alma, komo un kúmulo de palabras vacías ke se usan sin darle koherencia real a nuestras konvixiones antagónikas… Por ello la importancia esencial de mantener vivxs entre nosotrxs a todxs nuestrxs hermanxs ke han kaído en la lucha direkta y frontal kontra el Poder, el Dominio y toda Autoridad. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago, Chile: Black December – Contribution of 325 to the meeting in combative memory of Sebastian Oversluij

December 23rd, 2018

Contribution for the meeting taking place in Santiago, Chile on 23rd December in combative memory of nihilist-anarchist comrade Sebastian Oversluij. 5th year since Sebastian’s death during a bank expropriation.

Dear comrades,
We are writing from ‘325’, which is a nihilist-anarchist and anti-civilisation group of counter-information and action. Since 2003 we exist as an informal group originally out of UK and spread into Europe. We want to send our greetings to all the comrades at the gathering, for many years we follow the struggle there in Chile and try to spread solidarity to the fight. From Chile to Indonesia, to Europe, and beyond…

We think that the tendencies of attack are the most vital part of anarchy, as direct action is the constitutive part of the fight for freedom, liberation and eco-defense. We think that it’s important to combine and multiply our struggle with comrades around the globe, because everywhere that anarchists are fighting, we can become a more dangerous and subversive threat against power when we internationalise and break down the borders between us. This is the reason that the States and corporations across the world are becoming afraid of anarchy again in the 21st Century, because we are the only real opposition to power’s domination and they do not want us to grow and link up with each other to conspire.

On the 5th year since Sebastian Oversluij`s death in a bank robbery, we keep him present, with all the comrades that are still living with us in our hearts and deeds. Even though we never met Sebastian we are inspired by his actions and life’s vision as he himself expressed it. We are touched by his freedom and energy. The banks and the capitalists are our enemies, and those that attack and expropriate them are our comrades, accomplices and friends.

The future belongs to those who struggle for liberation. They hasten the collapse of this prison-world.

Let’s light up the nights and days,

Blazing hugs for a Black December


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Philadelphia: Sabotages for Black December (USA)

December 22nd, 2018

Happy Holidays Motherfuckers!
We don’t know how to do Christmas. What do you give the greedy scrooges that already take everything? Instead of a goose, we gave gift cards up and glued into ATMs and locks.

*Sung to the tune of Twelve Days of Christmas*
1 parking meter, 1 racist Starbucks, 1 Illegal Tacos
2 OCF cafes, 3 Citibike kiosks
5 realty offices, 110 ATMs

Except this wasn’t over 12 days it was in 1 night. This shit was fun and easy.
Here’s some things to consider if you want to try this at home.
-Plan and dress for the weather.
-Set high goals.
-Watch each other’s backs.
-Invite more people to participate with you.
-If using cardboard instead of gift cards don’t drop it in a puddle.
-ATMs have high quality cameras, cover up well.
-Bring extra supplies in case an opportunity arises.
-Don’t blow up your spot, look jolly not grinchy.
-Many small groups can cover more ground than one big group.
-For information on sabotaging ATMs read these communiques.

On Mikhail, on Alexis, on PZS, on Sebastian!

Solidarity with people facing repression near and far!
Solidarity with the Vaughn 17!

Ten years since the insurrection in Greece!

For a Black December!

’Tis the season of rage!

Ghosts of No Christmas Future
Coordinated Cells of Grinches
War on Christmas
Ugly Christmas Sweater Moms

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Greece, Athens : Revolutionary Action Against Far Right Skai TV

December 20th, 2018

A powerful bomb blast smashed the windows and wrecked the offices at Greece’s right-wing, SKAI TV station in Athens on Monday, December 17th. No one was injured in the action and a call was made ahead of time for the building to be evacuated.

SKAI is one of Greece’s biggest TV stations and a proponent of reactionary politics that cause great harm to large swathes of the Greek population.

There was damage reported on all of the floors, and any potential rebuilding efforts will be mammoth.
As the world moves in an increasingly reactionary direction revolutionary actions that protect people from barbaric institutions like SKAI are becoming more common place.

Abolition Media Worldwide (AMW)

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