Submitted to It’s Going Down

On Saturday, November 5th, the National Socialist Movement (NSM), one of the largest Neo-Nazi and white nationalist organizations in the US, along with Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP), will attempt to hold a rally at the State Capitol of Pennsylvania, in the city of Harrisburg. We will begin assembling our forces at 12:30 PM on the intersection of Front & State Street along the waterfront (Susquehanna River) – marked as “Susquehanna Scenic Overlook” on Google Maps.

The NSM will be joined at the demonstration by the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP), the same group that attempted to hold a rally in Sacramento and ended up stabbing close to 10 people before running away to their cars, dropping a gun in the process while holding others. On the Neo-Nazi website, The Daily Stormer, Heimbach talked on his podcast, The Daily Traditionalist about how this event will be the big “coming out” for the Nationalist Front, also known as the Aryan Nationalist Alliance, which so far has united many of the most disgusting and openly pro-Hitler groups such as the NSM, KKK groups, the TWP, and racist skinhead gangs such as the Aryan Terror Brigade. According to Heimbach, there will be a Nationalist Front press conference the day before. With this turn of events, Heimbach has only further cemented himself as an open Neo-Nazi and placed himself farther and farther from the suit and tie Nazis of the ‘Alternative Right.’

We also expect that the KKK, Keystone United (PA-based white supremacists, formerly known as the Keystone State Skinheads), and some other racist and fascist groups to make an appearance and rally in solidarity.

Central Pennsylvania Antifa is asking for your help in making sure that the people of Pennsylvania, a richly diverse population, know that someone is willing to fight to the defend of poor and working-class communities when the Nazis show their ugly faces.

Medics will be on site as will National Lawyers Guild (NLG) legal observers; the latter will be wearing green hats. We encourage attendees to dress uniformly from head to toe in all black, commonly known as ‘Black Bloc.’ This is not mandatory for participation, however this dress code increases security and safety for all those attending – our personal identities are not necessary to confront these bigots and we should not freely give information away to law enforcement.

We encourage attendees to bring signs, banners, flags, and noisemakers – let’s be loud, let’s be clear, Nazis are not welcome here!

If you have a ‘smartphone’ and want to be prepared for any possible police repression, the ACLU has a mobile app called It has Know Your Rights information and the ability to record and automatically send your recording to the state chapter of ACLU. There are expected to be 3 different police forces present and their plans for handling this event are unknown.

Street parking is not free, so check here for parking options,

For those who cannot make it but would like to contribute to our efforts are welcome to make a contribution to our GoFundMe Campaign. All raised funds will be used to acquire supplies for this event, medical and legal resources, and for future projects. See links below.

Follow our social media accounts for updates regarding this and future events! If you are on social media, especially in there area, please help promote the event. You can print out flyers, add and invite your friends online, and also share the event to increase the amount of people going. Let’s make this big!


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Your Comrades in Central PA

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