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Cause commune, le journal de la NEFAC au Québec

Cause commune est le journal de la Fédération des communistes libertaires du nord-est (NEFAC). 3000 exemplaire de ce journal sont distribué gratuitement par des militantEs libertaires, membres ou non de l’organisation.

Cause commune se veut un tremplin pour les idées anarchistes, en appui aux mouvements de résistance contre les patrons, les proprios et leurs alliés au gouvernement.

Si le journal vous plaît et que vous voulez aider à le diffuser dans votre milieu, contactez le collectif de la NEFAC le plus près de vous.

Abonnement de soutien, 20$ pour un an
Chèque à l’ordre de «Groupe Émile-Henry»

Collectif anarchiste La Nuit
a/s E.H, C.P. 55051, 138 St-Vallier O., Québec (Qc), G1K 1J0

Turkey: Yesterday & Today

Turkey: Yesterday & Today
by Gun Zileli & Ilhan Tekin

A brief Political History of Turkey
Second Edition (1994)

Originally published by Karambol Publications (London)


Almuerzo y Cine-foro de Año Nuevo

Únase al grupo local de Lucha Común/Common Struggle para un almuerzo y cine-foro de Año Nuevo.

Martes, 1 de Enero
12:00PM: Almuerzo
1:30PM: Proyección de "Freedom Road (Camino para la Libertad)"
3:00PM: Discusión

Nos encontraremos a las 12:00pm para compartir comida, solidaridad y nuestras resoluciones revolucionarias del año nuevo.

A la 1:30 pm, vamos a proyectar la película “Freedom Road (Camino para la Libertad)”

New Year's Brunch and Film Discussion

Join the Boston local of Common Struggle/Lucha Común for a New New Year's Day brunch and film discussion group.

Tuesday, January 1st
12:00PM: Brunch
1:30PM: Screening of "Freedom Road"
3:00PM Discussion

We will gather at noon to share food, solidarity and our New Year's revolutionary resolutions. At 1:30 pm we will screen the film "Freedom Road"

Nationwide Organization of Revolutionary Anarchists in the United States?

Originally posted on the Rochester Red and Black website. Colin is a member of Common Struggle as well as Rochester Red and Black.

By Colin O

Over 150 years of the anarchist theoretical and organizing tradition have passed, yet anarchist influence in the United States is practically non-existent. In some local contexts, we do see occasional anarchist influence, but in a nationwide context anarchists are practically irrelevant.

There has been a conversation brewing for a few years among some anarchists. This conversation has moved forward specifically in a grouping of organizations that have come together in recent years around the Class Struggle Anarchist Conferences. Since the first Class Struggle Anarchist Conference in New York City in 2008, it’s been increasingly clear that these different organizations have a great deal of agreement and could be strengthened by unification into a nationwide anarchist organization.

In anticipation for an upcoming conference of these organizations that intends to found this single, nationwide organization, this article is an effort to bring together the many arguments for why such an organization is desirable. More than that, I hope to show the inspirational possibilities of such an organization in the broader anarchist movement, so that this organization can take off after its founding.

El Día de Fred Hampton

Hoy es el Día de Fred Hampton. Es un día para recordar a un revolucionario y organizador comunitario dinámico. Fue clave en la construcción de un movimiento multirracial de la clase obrera que desafió al sistema de opresión y explotación. Debido a su eficacia, él y Mark Clark fueron asesinados a sangre fría por el Departamento de Policía de Chicago el 4 de diciembre de 1969.

Fred Hampton Day

Today is Fred Hampton Day. A day to remember a dynamic revolutionary and community organizer. He was key in building a multiracial working class movement that challenged the system of oppression and exploitation. Due to his effectiveness, he and Mark Clark murdered in cold blood by the Chicago Police Department on December 4, 1969.

Apoye a lxs detenidxs de Decarcerate PA

Por favor, contribuir al fondo de defensa del movimento "Desencarcelar PA". Siete personas fueron arrestadas el lunes, 19 de noviembre en un acto de desbediencia civil por bloquear la construcción de dos prisiones nuevas en Graterford, PA.

Support needed for Decarcerate PA Arrestees

Please, make a contribution toward the defense of the Decarcerate PA movement. Seven people were arrested on Monday, November 19th for an act of civil disobedience to block the construction of two new prisons in Graterford, PA.

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