New Left Review I/38, July-August 1966


‘Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships’

Eric Berne: Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships. André Deutsch. 21s.

The games are, of course, the games which people play with each other, and one of the consequences of books such as these is to stimulate and reinforce one of the metagames: pointing out the other person’s ‘game’. Eric Berne provides a very handy checklist—complete as of 1962, he ambitiously asserts—or typology of games, each with its easy-to-remember name: ‘Look How Hard I’m Trying’, ‘If it Weren’t for Him’, ‘Why Don’t You—Yes, But’, ‘Rapo’, ‘Psychiatry’ and many others.

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T. W., ‘'Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships'’, NLR I/38: £3

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