New Left Review I/38, July-August 1966

Martin Rossdale

Reply to Geoff Richman

Martin Rossdale writes:

Dr Richman’s examples speak for themselves. There is certainly plenty more preventive medicine to be done in England, and if the diseases are not those which doctors have been taught to think of as preventable that only confirms the extent of the work of re-education and reforming of the medical imagination. Richman’s examples, however, show the limitations of the present school of social medicine. Like specialist medicine it is obsessed with recognizable diseases, the clinical entities of scientific medicine. We can depend on the liberals and radicals of bourgeois society to learn its lessons and clamour for reforms without being a whit closer to the injection of socialist thought or practice into modern medicine.

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Martin Rossdale, ‘Reply to Geoff Richman’, NLR I/38: £3

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