Join on Snapchat

If you're reading this, there's a pretty good chance you like stories. We do too.

Stories are our bread and butter - telling them, hearing them, and explaining them. We do it in newspapers up and down the country every day, we do it on wherever the internet can reach, and now we're going to do it in your Snapchat* 'Stories' section as well.

You know, if you want.

What will you see if you add us on Snapchat? A whole range of things: videos and photos of breaking news events, behind-the-scenes moments from the newsroom and news events, even the odd informative infographic. We have journalists up and down the country ready to pop into your Snapchat, right after that 120-second-long odyssey of your friend's baking.

We know that Snapchat is supposed to be a playful and fun app - if you wanted to read The Economist, you'd be reading The Economist. We're not going to stick to soft news or gossip, but we do promise to keep it interesting.

We're also keen to see your snaps. Not the selfies, so much, but your opinions, pictures and videos of news events going on around you. We'll share our favourites back out to our followers and on our website.

We won't be bothering you with any snaps in your actual inbox, and we won't be filling up your stories section at all hours of the day. (This is Snapchat - not Twitter.)

Interested? Open Snapchat and your phone and hold your camera over the photo below (you might have to tap it to focus), or just add nzstuff to your contacts.

NOTE: The software we're using automatically takes a screenshot of what you send us - that's so we can share it back out to the world.

*Sitting here wondering what Snapchat is? You were probably born before 1990! No, no, it's fine - Snapchat is a smartphone app that lets people send stories and videos to each other that automatically delete themselves after a certain amount of time. The app has exploded in popularity - Facebook tried to buy it for US$3 billion, and they said no.