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  1. Colin Leys: A Radical Agenda for Britain
  2. Ellen Hazelkorn, Henry Patterson: Reply to Porter and O'Hearn
  3. Robin Blackburn: Ireland and the NLR
  4. Keith Flett: The Suffrage Campaign
  5. Michael Mann: Sources of Variation in Working-Class Movements in Twentieth-Century Europe
  6. Manuel Riesco: Honour and Eternal Glory to the Jacobins!
  7. Nancy Fraser: From Redistribution to Recognition? Dilemmas of Justice in a 'Post-Socialist' Age
  8. Gavin Bowd: France: la fracture sociale
  9. Paul Buhle: The Hollywood Left: Aesthetics and Politics
  10. Merryn Williams: The Prophet of Kelmscott
  11. Jon Wiener: Haldeman’s Sixties
  12. Sam Porter, Denis O'Hearn: New Left Podsnappery: The British Left and Ireland