Adding photos

It’s free to add photos

It's free to upload your main profile photo and a selection of additional photo gallery shots. If you'd prefer not to have a photo up there for everyone to see, you can hide your gallery photos so only the people you choose can see them. 

All photos on RSVP are approved before going live

On RSVP, we have rules in place to protect our members and these include the kind of photos you can post on your profile. We manually check every photo uploaded to make sure it meets our guidelines, so please note it can take up to 24 hours for your photo to be published on the site.

File formats and sizes

  • File format must be jpg, gif, png or bmp
  • Both sides of the image must be greater than 470 pixels
  • Once uploaded, you'll be prompted to crop and edit the image

 To import via Facebook or upload from your Computer:

  1. Log in to RSVP
  2. From your Profile icon select Edit Photos.  
  3. Select "+" button, select relevant icon Facebook or Computer
  4. Select a photo to add to your profile
  5. From here you can crop and edit and add a caption of the photo if required
  6. Hit the 'Submit for approval' button.

Please note it can take up to 24 hours for your photo to be uploaded to the site. We'll email you once it's live.

Other ways to upload:

  • Email - send a jpeg (jpg) file to and let us know whether it's a primary or gallery photo, and if you want the photo hidden or visible to other members
  • Mail - we'll scan it for you at no charge! Just let us know if it's a primary or gallery photo, and if you want the photo hidden or visible to other members. If you want us to return it, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.

    Mail your photo to:, GPO 506, Sydney, NSW, 2001, AUSTRALIA


Read more - how to hide a photo and our guidelines and tips for a great shot


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