Rep, as a word, may refer to:
Rep, REP or rep, as an abbreviation or acronym, may refer to:
Rep is a 1982 British comedy television series starring Iain Cuthbertson, Stephen Lewis, Patsy Rowlands and John Fraser. Four episodes were produced for Granada Television.
Rep, Rip, Repp, or Reps is a cloth woven in fine cords or ribs across the width of the piece, usually made of silk, wool, or cotton. The name is said to have been adapted from the French reps, a word of unknown origin; it has also been suggested that it is a corruption of rib. In silk it is used for dresses, neckties, and to some extent, for ecclesiastical vestments. In wool and cotton it is used for various upholstery purposes.
After the initial shock
Of not having what you've got
And your body just drops away
Nothing has really changed
Thats frightening and its strange
And no one can hear what you say
And everything just lingers on
Like an echo of your favourite song
It was so simple after all
But now you're on the other side of the door
Knock-knock, let me in
Its cold outside in this cosmic wind
Knock-knock, let me in
Just for tonight
Will you drive an outrageous Cadillac
Wear cowboy boots and a funny hat
And speed through the lights downtown?
Is there an eternal Fate?
Will you see your eternal lover's face,
As you crash into the Milky Way?
And everything just lingers on
Like an echo of your favourite song
It was so simple after all
But now you're on the other side of the door
Knock-knock, let me in
Its cold outside in this cosmic wind
Knock-knock, let me in
Just for tonight
Been to heaven, been to hell
Lost my heart in cheap hotels
Been doing this for so many years
Now it doesnt matter what I wear,
How I look, what I own, if I care
Rep, as a word, may refer to:
Rep, REP or rep, as an abbreviation or acronym, may refer to: | 20 Nov 2018 | 20 Nov 2018 | 20 Nov 2018 | 20 Nov 2018
Belfast Telegraph | 20 Nov 2018