
Fun, Opinions

Chomsky: The Internet is full of people who can’t read and want to talk about sandwiches

In an interview uploaded to YouTube, Noam Chomsky answers the question “[d]oes the generative potential of the internet help to form new kinds of social or cultural associations” by saying that he knows of “actual cases” of “adolescents who think they have 500 friends, because they have 500 friends on Facebook, but these are the kinds of friends who, if […]


Bono chased by angry anarchists in Germany

The U2 frontman, who has long campaigned on political issues and global problems, was in Heiligendamm in 2007 for the 33rd G8 summit meeting of world leaders when he was cornered by a number of protesters opposed to his presence at the event. The group was supporting the ‘Make Bono History’ campaign, which aims to “remove Bono from the public-eye […]


Statue of Bill Clinton in Prishtina, Capital of Kosovo

Kosovo Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj said today that Kosovo publicly supports international military intervention in Syria. On the picture is a monument of Bill Clinton located in a Bill Clinton Boulevard in Pristina, the capital and largest city of Kosovo After the Kosovo War of 1998-1999, the Albanians in Kosovo wanted to thank the American President Bill Clinton for his […]