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Galleon ColdFusion Forums
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Author: Raymond Camden (All RIAForge projects by this author)
Last Updated: January 19, 2013 11:12 AM
Version: 2.6.2
Views: 1,146,658
Downloads: 26,419
Demo URL: http://www.raymondcamden.com/forums
License: Apache License, Version 2


Galleon is a forums application built with ColdFusion. The goal was to build a simple, easy to use forums application that focused on the heaviest used features of most forums applications.

Galleon supports:

* Various levels of organization, beginning with a Conference, which has Forums, which has Threads, which has Messages.

* Private messaging between users.

* Subscriptions. Users can subscribe to either a conference, forum, or thread, allowing them to keep up to date without having to visit the site.

* Member Levels - this is an excellent way to indicate which of your users have participated in discussions.

* Send On Post - this feature will send every single post to the administrator. This is a useful way to make sure people are not abusing your forums.

* Moderators - give users the ability to clean up bad posts.

* Avatars

* Signatures

* Code display, quoting, easy image linking.


* Full permissions on who can do what.

Last Update:

cfformprotect fix.


Galleon requires ColdFusion MX 6.1 or BlueDragon 7.

Issue Tracker:

52 Block comment spammer's from registering Open 04/05/13 1:29 AM
59 denied access to setprofilestring Closed 02/21/13 11:27 AM
61 Better message about hashed passwords in Admin User Editor Open 05/29/12 6:02 PM
56 limit to users in testing Closed 09/16/11 4:07 AM
55 Unknown column 'u.messages' in 'order clause' Open 03/17/11 6:21 PM

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