
We're happy to announce the launch of an initiative, called 'Phones for Health.' The campaign aims to collect and distribute 20,000 Android smartphones to the Community Health Workers (CHWs) of Ghana to improve communication between CHWs and the Ghanaian community. We strongly believe that this will foster improved healthcare for all households including those in remote rural communities, and make Ghana a player of increasing importance in the global transformation of health delivery.

And how can YOU help?

1. Smartphone donations (if you own a used and functioning Android smartphone):…/1FAIpQLSef0GTQlr26816AV…/viewform…

2. Monetary donations of $10 and higher (if you don’t own an Android smartphone). Simply say, “Phones for Health, 1mCHW Campaign” under the ‘Comments/Special Instructions’ box:…

For more information about the initiative, please visit:…/

Thank you for all your help and support! #healthcare #smartphones #Android #Ghana #CHW

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Back in February the Campaign partnered with UNAIDS to help achieve their 90-90-90 Targets of seeing 90% of people living with HIV knowing their HIV status, 90% of people who know their HIV-positive status accessing antiretroviral treatment and 90% of people on treatment with suppressed viral loads. According to UNAIDS, almost 70% of people living with HIV/AIDS are in sub-Saharan Africa. #CHWs are on the frontline of diagnosing, treating, and preventing the spread of this disease. Read more about our work with UNAIDS on our blog. #HealthWorkersCount #WorldAIDSDay
