The Shopify theme experts.

We're a group of skilled creative professionals brought together by a love of beautiful minimalism and a passion for creating the highest quality Shopify themes available.

Beautiful design.

With a combined 20+ years of professional design experience, we know how to make things look good. From aesthetics to usability, we sweat every detail.

Our pixel-perfect themes are also highly adaptive and responsive so they look incredible on all devices, from iPhones to Cinema displays.

Incredible control.

Every one of our themes is powered by our incredible Storefront FrameworkTM which deeply integrates well over 100 configurable options for fine-tuning both form and function.

StorefrontTM also includes our proprietary widget engine and library of 14 pre-built widgets, offering control over content and placement like nothing else out there.

Meticulous code.

Our keen eye for detail extends well beyond what most people will ever see. We take great pride in hand crafting elegant, intelligent code using the latest proven web technologies.

Our themes are carefully built with valid and properly structured HTML5, styled with CSS3 and then sprinkled with jQuery and AJAX goodness.

"…just checking out your new project, it looks amazing!"

Mark Dunkley Shopify

"Love the theme. We're using it for one of our Shark Tank companies' stores…"

Peter Vogt Mark Cuban Companies


Providence is now available in the Shopify Theme Store.

Try Providence in your store for free →