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As growth-driven consumer culture spurs on planetary destruction, why don’t we spring into action? Psychologist John F Schumaker situates a frightening erosion of human personality at the heart of the problem.

In Nigeria pressure on natural resources driven by climate stress, alongside government. The link must be broken with Religion and climate change

Don’t privatize forests, educate people, writes Adesuwa Ero. In rural Nigeria, religious leaders think sinful behaviour is to blame for climate change

An indigenous movement in Jharkhand is reminding the Indian authorities of their constitutional duty to protect tribal lands.

An indigenous movement in Jharkhand is reminding the Indian authorities of their constitutional duty to protect tribal lands. But the government is persecuting tribespeople for standing up. Rohini Mohan reports.

Is aid just an extension of colonial economics? Or a lifeline for imperfect but necessary support systems? Firoze Manji and Pablo Yanguas go head to head on the thorny topic of development assistance.

Citizens’ Assemblies are being promoted as the preferred democratic tool of a new generation of activists, Brett Hennig writes.

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Latest issue

October 2018, Issue 516

Big story

Also this issue …

  • Written in stone
  • The personality crisis
  • Hall of Infamy – Elon Musk
  • Debate: the West and aid to Africa
  • The devil and the deep blue sea

Latest from New Internationalist

Disobedience Directed and co-written by Sebastián Lelio The Workshop Directed and co-written by Laurent Cantet
Vietnam is a Southeast Asian country on the South China Sea known for its beaches, rivers, Buddhist pagodas and bustling cities. Hanoi, the capital, pays homage to the nation’s iconic Communist-era leader, Ho Chi Minh, via a huge marble mausoleum. Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) has French colonial landmarks, plus Vietnamese War history museums and the Củ Chi tunnels, used by Viet Cong soldiers
Protestors attend a protest against what they say is anti-people policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government, in New Delhi.
the packaging industry is not taking responsibility waste is not just an issue for the individual
Spending time away from Marabá, Dan Baron Cohen discovers unexpected solidarity with the Amazon in a country mired in violence and despair.
UNICEF and ECHO deliver hygiene kits to children and families in bomb shelters in Donetsk. Credit: EU Civil and Humanitarian Aid Operations/Flickr

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