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New Left Review 5, September-October 2000

Reviewing Daniele Archibugi’s case for a ‘cosmopolitical democracy’ in NLR 4, Geoffrey Hawthorn argues nation-states can neither be wished away, nor shadowed in parallel by a global civil society: they remain the Hobbesian precondition of a realistic politics, which Kantian prospects set aside at their peril.



Even those who embrace ‘globalization’ are nervous of its contradictions and what exists to control them. Its critics have no doubts. They wish to counter both. Fredric Jameson looks forward to transnational solidarities of opposition, Daniele Archibugi to a transnational democracy. [1] Fredric Jameson, ‘Globalization and political strategy’, and Daniele Archibugi, ‘Cosmopolitical democracy’, NLR 4, July–Aug 2000. Jameson is confessedly utopian, Archibugi more practical. He sees that a new politics will have to be constructed out of the old.

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Geoffrey Hawthorn, ‘Running the World on Windows’, NLR 5: £3

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