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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    5. März

    Tracking white supremacist activity is critical to combating the spread of in our communities. The latest report from ADL’s Center on Extremism exposes the rise of white supremacist propaganda and what we need to know about this tactic:

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  2. We welcome ’s unequivocal condemnation of the anti-Semitic Aalst carnival float, especially as the festival promotes itself as UNESCO-recognized cultural heritage.

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    vor 4 Stunden

    Accusing Jews of allegiance to a foreign gov’t is an age-old anti-Semitic trope used to persecute Jewish people. Our CEO explains why combating means calling out Ilhan Omar & any elected official who uses rhetoric.

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  4. (4/4) But words matter. When prominent people use anti-Semitic rhetoric, it greenlights more of it. That's why we've called out elected officials in both parties when they spew hate. Congress must send a clear, unambiguous message: there is no place for anti-Semitism in the US.

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  5. (3/4) Islamophobia, anti-immigrant hate, racism & homophobia are scourges that plague our society. fiercely opposes such bigotry, including when recently directed . We unequivocally oppose targeting her or anyone in the Muslim community on the basis of faith.

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  6. (2/4) Trying to make this situation about Israel is a tactic to deflect from the central issue of anti-Semitism. It is a move we have seen, for instance, repeatedly in Europe and other countries. It is wrong plain and simple.

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  7. A thread on the controversy around ’s comments: The problem isn’t that she criticized Israeli policies. The problem is that she has repeatedly used age-old anti-Semitic tropes that have marginalized & persecuted Jews for centuries, before Israel even existed. (1/4)

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  8. White supremacist propaganda increased by 182% over the last year -- This is not a movement in decline. They are simply changing the ways they spread their . ADL expert Cara Hill writes on this topic in .

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  9. 5. März

    It’s disgraceful to see high school students using vile & language. At we work hard to provide schools across the US with education materials and tolerance & anti-bias trainings to help prevent incidents like this from happening:

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  10. 4. März

    This is not the first time we've recently seen high school students giving Nazi salutes and using Nazi imagery. This further proves how important it is for us to pass legislation requiring education in schools. Our experts explain why:

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  11. hat retweetet
    4. März

    We are deeply concerned with the theft of three ancient Torah scrolls from a synagogue in Tehran. Sacred artefacts are part of a religious community's heritage, their theft is an attack on the identity, belonging, and holiness of the entire community.

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  12. 4. März

    This cannot be normalized. Another week, another incident in France. This time a monument to a synagogue burned by the Nazis in WWII was vandalized. We hope the vandals will face justice for this act of .

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  13. 4. März

    Today I wrote to asking for Congressional resolution rejecting statements like those made by Rep. Omar & making clear that no matter the political party, the House is united in condemning . Full letter here:

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  14. 3. März

    Very excited to see our experts share their unique knowledge on fighting online and anti-bias education at . Take a look at their innovative and informative panels:

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  15. 3. März

    The man who killed 11 Jews in the Tree of Life synagogue was at least partially radicalized online. The connection between disinformation campaigns and anti-Semitism is a serious threat. Our Belfer Fellow has more:

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  16. 3. März

    I am appalled by 's comments, but that does not diminish my revulsion at this poster. It’s a smear, not only against her but also against the entire Muslim-American community. I call on people of all faiths to join me in condemning it.

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  17. 1. März

    We stand strongly with the community against this harmful & bigoted bill that would allow for open discrimination against people.

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  18. 1. März

    Our country is a better place because of the achievements and leadership of women. is not only about honoring that history, but also acknowledging that we have a lot more work to do to reach full .

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  19. 1. März

    Seeing what remains of the firsthand is a difficult but moving experience. This is a meaningful story of how 150 women in France went to Auschwitz to learn about the worst consequences of .

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  20. hat retweetet
    1. März

    This is not just disturbing, but seems to be part of a pattern. The charge of dual loyalty has long been used to attack Jews, well before the state of Israel even existed. Here is more about why this matters and why it needs to end:

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