
  1. пре 22 сата

    When a crime happens, it doesn’t just impact one individual or institution. It impacts entire communities. As part of a coalition of civil rights & religious groups, we wrote to urging Indiana to enact a strong, inclusive law:

  2. 12. мар

    When is repeatedly politicized, it not only hurts the Jewish community, it fosters division. At a time when is rising, we need leaders to lead and fight rather than point fingers and cast blame. Enough.

  3. 5. мар

    Tracking white supremacist activity is critical to combating the spread of in our communities. The latest report from ADL’s Center on Extremism exposes the rise of white supremacist propaganda and what we need to know about this tactic:

  4. 4. мар

    Today I wrote to asking for Congressional resolution rejecting statements like those made by Rep. Omar & making clear that no matter the political party, the House is united in condemning . Full letter here:

  5. 24. феб

    With the tonight, I think back to 25 yrs. ago when Steven Spielberg gave this emotional call for education. Those words still ring true today - that's why ADL supports the Education act, ensuring those lessons in our schools.

  6. 22. феб

    Thanks to president for meeting with me today and for your powerful call for the French government to launch a comprehensive plan to fight . We stand with you and the entire French Jewish community, now and always.

  7. 20. феб

    Thank you to for hosting us & to President for showing your support & leadership in the fight against . With on the rise in France and around the world, we all need to work together to fight this age-old .

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  8. 20. феб

    Had a great meeting today with Director General . To fight around the globe, we need successful global partnerships. Looking forward to continuing to work together to fight & all forms of .

  9. 12. феб

    We aren’t born with , we learn it. We must be mindful that builds from biased attitudes and can lead to -motivated violence. Our Pyramid of Hate breaks it down:

  10. 5. феб

    Today is , and we’ve been working tirelessly at to make the internet a safer place. Read about our Online Hate Index, which is building a better understanding of the nature of hate online using and social science:

  11. 4. феб

    Pictured here, Rosa Parks accepts an award from for her remarkable work & lifetime commitment to fighting for civil rights. We owe it to her to keep fighting each and every day.

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  12. 4. феб

    On what would’ve been her 106th birthday, we celebrate a woman many recognize as the mother of the modern civil rights movement, Rosa Parks. Her inspiring act of courage is proof that strength in the face of hate can bring about real change.

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  13. 3. феб

    After all the doubt this year, all the talk of the end of the Brady/Belichick era, here we are--one win away from our 6th championship. Let’s get it done!

  14. 1. феб

    Thanks to , , , , & everyone who came out yesterday for with to talk about difficult & important issues in Israel.

  15. 1. феб

    Today is the 17-year anniversary of the murder of Jewish journalist Daniel Pearl by terrorists. We fight each and every day to honor Pearl’s memory & eradicate the that cut his life short:

  16. 30. јан

    Fascinating meeting this AM with creator . I’m a big fan of his writing and really love the show. Looking forward to season 3!

  17. 30. јан

    As always inspiring to be with . Today we discussed our shared fight against & delegitimization of Israel, Israel/Palestinian peace, respecting all of Israel’s citizens, and standing strong against rising in Europe.

  18. 29. јан

    Thank you, , for hosting such a special event for International . It was an honor to present ADL’s Noah Klieger Award for the Perpetuation of the Memory of the Holocaust to Rabbi Israel Meir Lau & Adi Altshuler for their inspirational work.

  19. 29. јан

    Thought provoking meeting with today. The , inspired by President Shimon Peres' z”l vision of peace and innovation, sends a powerful message about how can be a catalyst to bring people of diverse backgrounds together.

  20. 28. јан

    Reflecting back on my meaningful & engaging trip last week to Utah, meeting with , , , students of , and clergy members of the . Looking forward to working to fight together.

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