Andrew Srulevitch


Director of European Affairs, Anti-Defamation League. Views my own.

Inscrit en octobre 2017


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    5 déc. 2017
  2. 26 nov.

    Thank you for the opportunity to engage in a thoughtful exchange with the visiting Senators, in particular on our common foreign policy challenges and working towards a transatlantic consensus on removing cyberhate from the dominant social media platforms.

  3. 21 nov.

    Britain is killing it at conference. and both got standing ovations.

  4. 15 nov.

    Tel Aviv is supposedly the "vegan capital of the world." , the new CEO of the Conf. of Presidents of Major American Jewish Orgs, is a vegan. So, will the "Jewish vegan conspiracy" be the next anti-Semitic canard to sweep Poland?

  5. 13 nov.

    Great news from Denmark. Last night police arrested two men for vandalizing the Jewish cemetery, one a local leader of the neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement. Both plead guilty today. h/t Expo Foundation's , a great ADL partner in Sweden.

  6. 8 nov.

    "A third Labour candidate has been been embroiled in controversy surrounding allegations of anti-Semitism in one day." That just popped up on The Guardian news feed. To no surprise.

  7. 7 nov.

    "An 89-year-old survivor under [police] escort symbolizes the danger that the Jewish communities in Europe still are facing today.” via

  8. 5 nov.
  9. 31 oct.

    Hey Oren, didn't we publish something recently on this very topic?

  10. 10 oct.

    ADL: "Germany Shooting Underscores Concerns About Links Between Extremists in Europe and the U.S."

  11. 10 oct.

    Read the backgrounder on the Halle synagogue attack:

  12. 27 sept.

    Excellent discussion with Romania's Foreign Minister about Romanian government actions to combat and how can help. Great finish to a great week of high-level meetings.

  13. 19 sept.

    Thank you for your insightful contributions about Poland to this report.

  14. 18 sept.

    The creator of this swastika piece, inscribed with "And G-d created A. Hitler" and exhibited in Brussels, said "Art is about spitting, vomiting, shitting." For him, for sure.

  15. 18 sept.

    An excellent decision by 's govt. Viatrovych promoted the glorification of Ukrainian nationalists who allied w/Nazi Germany and shed much Jewish blood. Ukrainian nationalist figures like Metropolitan Sheptytsky -- who saved Jews -- should be held up as heroes.

  16. 30 août

    Congratulations to Benjamin Steinitz on a well deserved award for RIAS's work to monitor antisemitism in Germany.

  17. 28 juil.

    I have been critical of Polish authorities when they don't react to bias. This a good example of a swift and proper reaction.

  18. 26 juil.

    Very proud of my friend, Ervin Kohn, who leads the small 1,000+ Jewish community in Norway (pop. 5m+) and calls out all anti-Semitism, even in the main public broadcaster, NRK. Use Google Translate to read the article. You will see the kind of leadership we need across Europe.

  19. 26 juil.

    Labour's new Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card: "Oops, TL;DR the part about 'mass murdering Rothschilds Israeli mafia criminal liars'.

  20. a retweeté
    25 juil.

    We just heard great news from our friends ; their president has convinced the local authorities to lift this unfair and insulting ban.

  21. 25 juil.

    And delighted to see quoted for the first time as an colleague.


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