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Jonathan Greenblatt
Jonathan Greenblatt retweeted
ADL 12h
No one should receive such threatening, bigoted messages. This shows the fight against hate is not political or partisan, or the problem of any one faith group alone. Great to see and agreed to discuss how to fight hate of all kinds.
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Jonathan Greenblatt 12h
In addition to his work on the football field, has done incredible work in the Jewish community & stands up for Jews everywhere. So to me, the answer is yes. But I may be a little biased…
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Jonathan Greenblatt 13h
. has been a pioneer & trailblazer in education & fighting around the globe. Great review of her new book, “Anti-Semitism: Here and Now.”
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Jonathan Greenblatt retweeted
ADL 16h
Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as . This is an annual celebration of achievements by Black Americans & a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history:
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Jonathan Greenblatt 15h
Thanks to , , , , & everyone who came out yesterday for with to talk about difficult & important issues in Israel.
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Jonathan Greenblatt 15h
Today is the 17-year anniversary of the murder of Jewish journalist Daniel Pearl by terrorists. We fight each and every day to honor Pearl’s memory & eradicate the that cut his life short:
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Jonathan Greenblatt Jan 31
I’m about to moderate a fascinating panel examining political dynamics in Israel with , , and . Tune in here to watch us go : 
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Jonathan Greenblatt retweeted
ADL Jan 31
Rep. Omar: There is no comparison between democratic Israel and repressive theocracies such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc. Like all countries, Israel has challenges, but its democratic system protects all its citizens regardless of their religion.
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Jonathan Greenblatt Jan 31
As a former LA resident, this act of hits close to home. In what is such a vibrant & strong Jewish community, it’s sad to see spray paint houses of worship: 
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Jonathan Greenblatt Jan 31
Remembering civil rights pioneer & baseball legend on the 100th anniversary of his birth. His leadership & bravery to break the in baseball changed the nation and we are forever indebted to him. Thank you, Jackie. 
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Jonathan Greenblatt Jan 30
It’s troubling that felt forced to disable her comments due to an unending stream of harassment. As I've said before, long overdue for tech companies to do more to protect users & keep off their platforms.
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Jonathan Greenblatt retweeted
ADL Jan 30
Boycotting & demonizing Israel does nothing to advance any efforts toward peace. We urge , , and to not give in to this biased, anti-Israel campaign.
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Jonathan Greenblatt Jan 30
Fascinating meeting this AM with creator . I’m a big fan of his writing and really love the show. Looking forward to season 3!
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Jonathan Greenblatt retweeted
ADL New York / New Jersey Jan 30
Horrific alleged assault in . We are reaching out to for more information
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Jonathan Greenblatt Jan 30
As always inspiring to be with . Today we discussed our shared fight against & delegitimization of Israel, Israel/Palestinian peace, respecting all of Israel’s citizens, and standing strong against rising in Europe.
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Jonathan Greenblatt Jan 30
. is proud to work with on its campaign to fight anti-Semitism and all forms of prejudice in football. The bigoted and hostile attacks on for promoting these efforts only underscores the urgency of our work.
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Jonathan Greenblatt Jan 30
Whether in Australia, Europe, North America, or anywhere else, rising is a critical problem. We need leaders to call out such in the strongest terms.
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Jonathan Greenblatt Jan 30
The brutal assault against LGBTQ, Jewish, African-American actor should be investigated as a hate crime. Sending him best wishes for a full recovery.
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Jonathan Greenblatt retweeted
Aaron Kalman Jan 29
As said at yesterday’s conference, this language of forced choice was imposed on the Jewish community around Iran deal; also in this case, no reason to adopt a divisive rhetoric that isn’t necessarily true.
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Jonathan Greenblatt Jan 29
If you’re in NYC this Thursday, please join me, , , and for this important discussion.
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