North America

The death of Jackeline Caal: A seven-year-old victim of Trump’s war on immigrants

By Patrick Martin, 15 December 2018

While Democrats denounced the death, they supported equally repressive policies under Obama.

Fighting reported in Yemeni port, despite cease-fire

By Bill Van Auken, 15 December 2018

The renewed fighting in Hodeidah came barely 24 hours after the US- and Saudi-backed Yemeni puppet government and the Houthis signed an agreement in Sweden.

Form rank-and-file committees to advance the fight!

UAW attempts third sellout contract at northwest Indiana Lear auto parts plants

By Marcus Day, 15 December 2018

“The union and company think that by giving us signing bonuses that it’s going to make up for the lack of a pay raise.”

US Navistar workers to vote again on contract after 98 percent “no” vote

By Shannon Jones, 15 December 2018

Workers at the Springfield, Ohio truck plant and several smaller are being asked to vote again after a massive vote to reject a deal negotiated by the United Auto Workers.

Union isolates Cambria hotel workers in Chicago as British Columbia and Los Angeles hotel employees protest

By Michael Walters, 15 December 2018

Hotel workers have been on strike for three months at the Cambria Hotel in Chicago under conditions where the UNITE HERE union has systemically shut down hotel strikes nationally.

Industrial accident claims three lives in Leduc, Alberta

By Penny Smith, 15 December 2018

The industrial tragedy in Leduc is just one among many fatal incidents that occur at worksites across Canada on a daily basis. In 2016, more than 900 workers died on the job.

Rohini Hensman’s Indefensible: The ISO discovers its muse—the CIA—Part 2

By Alex Lantier, 15 December 2018

Hensman’s arguments tend inescapably in one direction: that US wars have been the main liberating force during the last quarter century.

Trump’s war on immigrants

Nearly 15,000 children held in detention camps across the US

By Niles Niemuth, 14 December 2018

The growth of the child detainee population and the Trump administration’s escalation of workplace raids represent an attack on the entire working class.

Legal noose tightens around Trump

By Barry Grey, 14 December 2018

The guilty pleas by Michael Cohen and the admission of campaign finance violations by the National Enquirer publisher appear to place the president in serious legal jeopardy.

“Five Eyes” intelligence agencies behind drive against Chinese telecom giant Huawei

By Nick Beams, 14 December 2018

An Australian Financial Review report details an “unprecedented campaign” by the members of the network to prevent Huawei supplying equipment for their next-generation wireless networks.

Nightmare odyssey of an American autoworker

A Chrysler worker’s 15-year fight to win her job back

By Shannon Jones, 14 December 2018

After speaking out against sexual harassment on the job, Cordella Minney faced retaliation from management and the United Auto Workers union for a period spanning more than a decade.

North Carolina state election board alleges fraud by Republican campaign aide

By Trévon Austin, 14 December 2018

The fraud is so pervasive that a new election may be required in the Ninth Congressional District.

Over 4,000 Kaiser Permanente mental health workers on limited strike in California

By Kevin Martinez and Kim Saito, 14 December 2018

The National Union of Healthcare Workers is ending the five-day strike tomorrow without resolving workers’ demands for higher wages, more staffing and the restoration of pensions for new-hires.

Julian Assange denounces his illegal detention in Ecuadorian embassy

By Oscar Grenfell, 14 December 2018

The WikiLeaks publisher, whose health appears to be deteriorating, made the comments at a hearing against the Ecuadorian government’s “Special Protocol,” aimed at forcing him into British and US custody.

Los Angeles teachers and the fight for social equality

By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 14 December 2018

This statement will be distributed at a mass demonstration of teachers and their supporters in Los Angeles, California on Saturday.

China summons American ambassador over detention of Huawei executive

By Peter Symonds, 10 December 2018

The highly provocative actions of the US are part of the Trump administration’s wider campaign to prevent Chinese corporate giants from challenging American technological supremacy.

Canada-China relations sour after Ottawa kidnaps Huawei executive

By Roger Jordan, 10 December 2018

At the express instructions of the federal Attorney-General, the Crown is arguing Meng Wanzhuo must remain in captivity pending the adjudication of her extradition to the US.

Another house fire erupts in Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood

By Benjamin Mateus and Jessica Goldstein, 10 December 2018

The fire, which displaced several families, came less than four months after a house fire in the same area claimed the lives of ten children.

White House turmoil deepens after Kelly firing

By Patrick Martin, 10 December 2018

The circle of Trump’s top aides is narrowing to include only his immediate family and those closest to them.

Neo-Nazi convicted for murdering antiracist protester in Charlottesville, Virginia

By Nick Barrickman, 10 December 2018

21-year-old James Fields, Jnr. faces sentencing on Monday, and a looming federal trial for hate crimes. A guilty verdict will carry the possibility of a death sentence.

Oakland, California teachers hold wildcat “sickout”

By Jonathan Burleigh, 10 December 2018

Teachers from over five schools carried out a coordinated “sick out” on Monday to protest low wages and millions of dollars in planned cuts to the district.

Jeffrey Epstein case exposes how US justice works for the rich

By Matthew Taylor, 10 December 2018

The billionaire hedge fund manager avoided human trafficking charges due to his vast wealth and political connections.

Detroit public meeting resolves to organize fight against General Motors plant closures

By Will Morrow, 10 December 2018

The attendees voted unanimously to adopt a resolution calling for the formation of rank-and-file workplace and neighborhood committees to organize a struggle against plant closures.

In name of fighting fascism, ISO promotes class collaboration and Democratic Party

By Kayla Costa, 10 December 2018

In an appeal to form an alliance with the “broadest social layers” against fascism, the International Socialist Organization seeks to subordinate the working class to the corporate-controlled two-party system.

The kidnapping of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou

By Andre Damon, 8 December 2018

Meng’s arrest and confinement—without bail and on tendentious and opaque charges potentially carrying a sentence of 60 years—amount to little more than a kidnapping.

As Dow drops another 560 points

Wall Street Journal warns of stock “stampede”

By Nick Beams, 8 December 2018

The longest bull market in history has rested on the suppression of the class struggle by the trade union bureaucracy, which is breaking apart.

“A serious fightback will only develop through action initiated by the rank-and-file workers”

GM Oshawa workers speak out against plant closure

By A WSWS reporting team, 8 December 2018

WSWS reporters visited GM’s Oshawa plant in Ontario Wednesday to discuss the company’s plan to close the plant and how workers can fight back.

“The fight against plant closures should be seen as a fight of all workers”

Students across the US declare their support for autoworkers

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US), 8 December 2018

IYSSE members spoke with students around the United States about the struggle of autoworkers against the corporations and trade unions.

In another shot across the White House’s bow

Mueller lauds former Trump lawyer Cohen for providing “useful and relevant” information

By Barry Grey, 8 December 2018

The central concern of the Democrats is to force Trump to assume an even more belligerent and aggressive posture toward Moscow.

Sudden closure of for-profit Education Corporation of America leaves 20,000 students without an education

By Adam Mclean, 8 December 2018

One of the largest for-profit colleges in the United States, ECA abruptly announced this week that they would shut down operations at almost all locations, following their disaccreditation on Tuesday.

New York University faculty defends academic freedom against NYU’s ties to UAE

By Josh Varlin, 8 December 2018

NYU faculty closed a December 3 meeting by overwhelmingly supporting a resolution supporting the creation of an independent faculty committee to defend academic freedom.

Jacobin urges readers to “log off” social media

By Will Morrow, 8 December 2018

An article in Jacobin argues that Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms have become damaging to the health of the population, are “destructive for the left,” and should be done away with.

Debra Ann Washington Miller–A fighter for the working class

January 18, 1952–December 1, 2018

By Helen Halyard, 8 December 2018

It is with great sadness that the World Socialist Web Site reports the recent death of Debra Ann Washington Miller, an active supporter of the Socialist Equality Party in Detroit who played a significant role in mobilizing workers against evictions in the downtown area.

At Washington’s behest

Canada arrests top Chinese executive for “sanctions busting”

By Keith Jones and Roger Jordan, 7 December 2018

The arrest and impending extradition to the US of Meng Wanzhou is a diplomatic and geopolitical provocation that has effectively blown up the US-China trade-war “truce” after less than a week.

Lordstown, Ohio workers condemn GM’s planned factory closures

By our reporters, 7 December 2018

Workers report that the closure of the Lordstown assembly plant will have a devastating impact on an area that has already been hit hard by decades of deindustrialization.

Former US State and Defense Department officials discuss prospects for nuclear war

By J. L'Heureau, 7 December 2018

The Council on Foreign Relations’ forum on “Do Nuclear Weapons Matter” was held against the backdrop of rising global military tensions.

Chicago charter teacher strike continues, as unions announce backing for Democratic machine politician

By Kristina Betinis, 7 December 2018

Acero teachers determined to improve conditions are being isolated from other schools even as the unions use their strike as the backdrop for their political maneuvers.

“Multiple families have been displaced and the city and government, no one has done a damn thing for them”

Three months after Chicago house fire that killed ten children

By George Gallanis and Benjamin Mateus, 7 December 2018

The cause of the fire in the working class Little Village neighborhood remains unknown as victims of the fire struggle to move on.

Hundreds of thousands of low-income New Yorkers excluded from mayor’s affordable housing plan

By Philip Guelpa, 7 December 2018

The plans of both Mayor Bill de Blasio and the comptroller leave the critical shortage of affordable housing in the hands of private developers.

Central American migrants facing horror on US border

By Bill Van Auken, 1 December 2018

The deliberate confinement of thousands of refugees—men, women and children—under desperate conditions is a crime against humanity.

Special counsel, Democrats step up pressure on Trump over Russia, Assange

By Barry Grey, 1 December 2018

This week's moves by Mueller highlight the reactionary character of the Democratic Party's opposition to the right-wing Trump administration.

Three killed, eight injured in high speed US Border Patrol chase in southern California

By Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 1 December 2018

This latest tragedy must be viewed in the context of the Trump administration’s fascistic attack on immigrants.

Video: Attend the December 9 meeting in Detroit to oppose the GM plant closures!

1 December 2018

GM’s planned closure of five plants in the US and Canada would be a death sentence for Detroit, Youngstown, and Oshawa, Ontario. But workers are organizing a fight back.

Mexico’s Lopez Obrador embraces military on eve of presidential inauguration

By Don Knowland, 1 December 2018

The policies that have been articulated by the incoming president and his team reveal what will be a thoroughly right-wing bourgeois administration.

Locked-out ABI aluminum workers demonstrate in downtown Montreal

By our reporters, 1 December 2018

The steelworkers union has systematically isolated the struggle of the 1,030 locked-out ABI workers, while signaling its willingness to impose concessions and job cuts.

At ABI workers’ protest, USW officials accost and threaten WSWS supporters

By Laurent Lafrance, 1 December 2018

Flanked by other supporters of the Steelworker bureaucracy, Dominic Lemieux, the assistant to the Quebec USW director, accosted and slandered WSWS supporters.

One million dead from suicide, drug overdoses since 2007

Casualties of the social counterrevolution in America

By Eric London, 1 December 2018

The “mortality crisis” is the product of policies of social counterrevolution carried out by both the Democrats and Republicans in collaboration with the trade unions.

General Motors worker on job cuts: “This is all about corporate greed”

Detroit-Hamtramck autoworkers want to fight against plant closures

By our reporters, 28 November 2018

Workers expressed their contempt for the UAW, which did not even bother to turn up at the plant for the first shift since the announcement.

Unifor union pushes nationalist poison over GM Oshawa closure plan

By Carl Bronski, 28 November 2018

After Oshawa GM workers walked out, Unifor officials ordered them back to work and sought to divert opposition with appeals to Trudeau and Trump for tariffs against Mexico.

Taliban attack kills three US soldiers in Afghanistan

By Bill Van Auken, 28 November 2018

The attack, which also wounded four Americans, came amid a worsening deterioration of the US position after 17 years of war.

Plead for charity or die: A blunt message from the American health care system

By Nancy Hanover, 28 November 2018

One of the ugly secrets of US medical care—the rationing of life-saving procedures based on ability to pay—was exposed by the recent experiences of a Michigan woman seeking a heart transplant.

Thousands remain homeless after Columbia Gas disaster in Massachusetts

By John Marion, 28 November 2018

More than 5,000 people are still unable to return to their homes after a series of explosions ripped through the Merrimack Valley in September.

A call to action to fight the GM plant closings and mass layoffs

By Jerry White, 28 November 2018

Autoworkers and the working class as a whole cannot accept the “right” of the corporate and financial elite to shut these plants down.

Form rank-and-file committees

Reject the UAW-Lear sellout contract! Unite with GM and other autoworkers in a common fight!

By the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 28 November 2018

The UAW, defying the will of its membership, is forcing a vote on virtually the same rotten deal Lear workers overwhelmingly rejected in October.

In Thanksgiving teleconference, Trump appeals to military against courts, political opponents

By Joseph Kishore, 24 November 2018

In a call with representatives of the five branches of the US Armed Forces, Trump denounced judges for “telling our incredible military and law enforcement what to do.”

Sandra Parks, 13-year-old Milwaukee, Wisconsin writer, killed in home by stray bullet

By Jacob Crosse, 24 November 2018

Parks is the 7th Milwaukee Public School student killed this year via homicide, the 12th child killed by firearms, and the 91st overall homicide in the state’s largest city.

Illinois EPA conceals environmental health hazards from thousands

By George Gallanis, 24 November 2018

Chicago’s poor and working class West and South sides are exposed to the greatest levels of toxic air pollution.

Canada Post workers need socialist strategy to defy and defeat Liberals’ back-to-work law

By Roger Jordan, 24 November 2018

Working people across Canada must come to the defence of the 50,000 Canada Post workers whose struggle is now being criminalized by the Liberal government.

SEP (Canada) to hold Montreal meeting on “Leon Trotsky, the Lessons of History, and the Struggle for Socialism Today”

24 November 2018

The SEP (Canada) is holding a meeting in Montreal on Wednesday, November 28, as part of events worldwide to mark 80 Years of the Fourth International.

Trudeau government introduces bill to outlaw Canada Post strike

By Keith Jones, 23 November 2018

If postal workers have been ambushed by the government, it is because CUPW has sought to blind them to the threat of a Liberal back-to-work law, while limiting and isolating their struggle.

Trump lashes out at judiciary over immigration ruling

By Patrick Martin, 22 November 2018

The public conflict between the president and the chief justice of the Supreme Court has no parallel in American history.

Arrest of Nissan chairman Ghosn roils global auto industry

By Shannon Jones, 22 November 2018

Many questions remain unanswered in the arrest of Carlos Ghosn, who headed a giant automotive alliance that includes Japanese-based Nissan and Mitsubishi, along with French-based Renault, which produces more than 10 million vehicles annually.

“Those of us who speak out are being blackballed”

UAW carries out campaign of intimidation against Lear auto parts workers

By our reporters, 22 November 2018

Workers have reported “backlash” and harassment by UAW 2335 officials for opposing the union’s efforts to push through another sellout and for speaking out in the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter.

US and Mexican officials stoke up nationalist backlash against immigrants

By Norisa Diaz, 22 November 2018

Following an anti-caravan demonstration on Sunday in Tijuana, Border Patrol closed down the San Ysidro Port of Entry Monday morning, leaving tens of thousands in panic, in an effort to stoke up anger and confusion.

As Mexican-president elect prepares to take office

López Obrador backtracks campaign promises, creates new National Guard

By Alex González, 22 November 2018

His administration will accelerate the militarization of the country and intensify the ties between the government and the financial elite.

America’s Thanksgivings

By David Walsh, 22 November 2018

The US on Thanksgiving 2018 presents a picture of a country plagued by malignant social inequality, with tens of millions suffering in poverty. Meanwhile, the very rich are living like never before. Political and social explosions are inevitable.

The fire in Paradise, California: From natural disaster to social catastrophe

By David Brown, 21 November 2018

While wildfires, like hurricanes, are rooted in natural causes, the horrific consequences are the product of corporate malfeasance and government neglect.

Thousands of GM salaried workers to lose jobs in 2019

By Jerry White, 21 November 2018

The cuts are a prelude to a far broader assault on jobs and living standards amid an expected shake-out of the global auto industry.

Ocasio-Cortez to support Pelosi as top Democrat and House Speaker

By Patrick Martin, 21 November 2018

The newly elected congresswoman, a member of the DSA, called Pelosi the most progressive candidate to lead Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Trump rules out further action against Saudi regime over Khashoggi’s murder

By James Cogan, 21 November 2018

Trump’s only real concern is US “national interest”—namely, lucrative economic relations with the Saudi monarchy and Saudi support for US aggression in the Middle East.

Amazon dictates terms to New York over second headquarters

By Guillaume Garnier, 21 November 2018

The deal between Amazon and the city and state will provide billions to the world’s richest company.

At APEC, PM puts Australia on frontline of US confrontation with China

By Peter Symonds, 21 November 2018

Australian Prime Minister Morrison lined up with US Vice President Pence at the recent APEC meeting, as China’s policies were denounced across the board.

Protests over PetroCaribe continue as Haitian president seeks imperialist support

By John Marion, 21 November 2018

Thousands of Haitians took to the streets over the embezzlement of PetroCaribe funds and to call for the ouster of President Jovenel Moïse.

Death toll rises to 71, more than 1,000 missing from devastating California wildfires

By Evan Blake, 17 November 2018

Most of those listed as missing are elderly, with 91 percent over the age of 50, and therefore more likely to have perished given the rapidity of the wildfire’s spread and the lack of a citywide warning system.

US has spent almost $6 trillion on wars since 2001

By Trévon Austin, 17 November 2018

The Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria wars cost $5.6 trillion alone, not including future interest on money borrowed that will total at least $8 trillion.

As Canada Post steps up provocations, union silent on back-to-work law threat

By Roger Jordan and Keith Jones, 17 November 2018

A government source told Canadian Press Friday evening that state intervention against postal workers could come as early as Sunday, adding, in a reference to Trudeau’s earlier threat, “‘all the options’ does include legislating.”

Eleven military-intelligence Democrats win US House seats

By Patrick Martin, 17 November 2018

The influx of former military commanders, CIA agents and civilian war planners is unprecedented for the Democratic Party.

Migrant caravan reaches US border as Latin American governments discuss austerity and repression

By Andrea Lobo, 17 November 2018

As the first caravan of mostly Honduran migrants begins to arrive at the US border, local elites met at the Ibero-American Summit, vowing deeper social austerity and militarized repression.

UAW hides details of new tentative agreement from Indiana Lear workers

By Marcus Day, 17 November 2018

Workers are increasingly angry over the information blackout being carried out by both the company and the union.

US teacher unions’ “Remember in November” fizzles

By J. Cooper, 17 November 2018

After sabotaging the teachers’ strike movement last spring, the teachers unions turned all energy toward the ballot box. What happened?

Trump manoeuvres ahead of US-China trade talks

By Nick Beams, 17 November 2018

The central demand of the Trump administration is that Beijing scrap its “Made in China” program and adopt a subservient economic position in relation to the US.

Defend Julian Assange against US charges!

By James Cogan, 17 November 2018

The relentless persecution of Assange is intended to intimidate and silence all critical and independent journalists and media organisations, as well as would-be whistleblowers.

DSA-backed “progressive Democrats” drop phony opposition to Trump’s attacks on immigrants

By Will Morrow, 17 November 2018

The Democrats “progressive” caucus, including DSA member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is calling for a more “humane” and “effective” American immigration Gestapo.

The government’s $4.6 billion handout to Amazon

Why Amazon should be expropriated

By Tom Carter, 17 November 2018

The billions in subsidies granted to Amazon for its new headquarters demonstrate the prostration of the entire political establishment before this massive conglomerate.

“Eighty Years of the Fourth International” series continues with meetings in California and Oregon

By our reporters, 17 November 2018

Taking place in the backdrop of the rising death toll from the California fires and the rise of the far-right, the meetings attracted broad audiences of youth, students and workers across the West Coast.

Bipartisan panel: US must prepare for “horrendous,” “devastating” war with Russia and China

By Andre Damon, 16 November 2018

A bipartisan commission appointed by Congress has provided the Democrats’ rubber stamp to the Trump administration’s plans to prepare for war between “great powers.”

World Socialist Web Site speaks with California wildfire evacuees

By our reporters, 16 November 2018

The death toll in Northern California’s Camp Fire jumped to 63 on Thursday with the number of missing increasing to 631.

Civilian death toll mounts as US escalates offensive in Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 16 November 2018

The so-called campaign against ISIS is aimed at carving out a US-controlled zone in eastern Syria and ultimately overthrowing the Damascus government.

Facebook hires former British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg

By Joe Mount, 16 November 2018

Clegg joins Facebook at a time when it is censoring socialist, left-wing and oppositional web sites, including the closure of hundreds of such sites over the last several weeks.

Ocasio-Cortez holds climate change stunt to boost Pelosi

By Genevieve Leigh, 16 November 2018

The “protest” in the offices of Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi was a calculated operation aimed at solidarizing Ocasio-Cortez with the Democratic Party establishment.

Investigations point to energy corporation’s negligence in California wildfire

By E.P. Milligan, 15 November 2018

The PG&E utility company admitted Tuesday that it had submitted an “electric incident report” moments before the outbreak of the Camp Fire, the deadliest fire in California history.

Trump demands end to Florida recount in new attack on voting rights

By Patrick Martin, 15 November 2018

The president’s demand that his favored candidates in Florida be declared the victors, regardless of the actual vote, is an ominous warning.

Pentagon chief heads to border as first refugees from caravan arrive

By Bill Van Auken, 15 November 2018

General Mattis defended the deployment of thousands of active duty troops to confront refugee men, women and children as a “moral and ethical mission.”

Kidnapping, rape and murder by US border patrol agents

By Norisa Diaz and Meenakshi Jagadeesan, 15 November 2018

Numerous migrants, mostly women and girls, have been victims of murder, attempted murder, kidnapping or rape at the hands of US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents.

DSA calls US midterm elections the “rebirth of the American socialist movement”

By Genevieve Leigh, 15 November 2018

As the Democratic Party continues its shift to the right, the DSA claims that the election of a handful of DSA-endorsed Democratic candidates has significantly altered the trajectory of American politics.

California wildfire deadliest and most destructive in state history

By David Brown, 12 November 2018

Social infrastructure, including fire departments, have been starved of funds for decades as trillions of dollars have been funneled into the bank accounts of the rich.

After campaign of threats and intimidation, Teamsters announces “yes” vote on sellout UPS Freight contract

By Will Morrow, 12 November 2018

The vote is in effect a declaration of no confidence in the union by workers, who know it would not wage any struggle for their interests.

Workers killed in New York state helicopter crash and zinc mine accidents

By Steve Filips, 12 November 2018

One of the threads that connects these and other deaths at work is the gutting of safety measures and oversight to maximize profits.

The armistice of November 11, 1918 and the lessons for today

By Nick Beams, 12 November 2018

The silencing of the guns 100 years ago was not the end of the bloodshed and carnage but was simply the conclusion of the first phase of what was to become a thirty-year international war between the major capitalist powers.

California wildfires kill nine, drive 150,000 from their homes

By David Brown, 10 November 2018

Driven by heavy winds, three major fires broke out Thursday across California, one of which destroyed the northern town of Paradise.