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Measure your ads

Understand campaign performance with Facebook’s measurement solutions

How do you know if your ads are working?

To understand how well your Facebook ads are doing, you need to define the outcomes you want to track. For example, you would use a different solution to measure effects on sales than you would to measure shifts in brand recognition.

Measure your ad performance in Ads Manager

See your results in one place

Ads Manager is your portal for easy-to-read reports about how all your ads are performing across Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network.

Test and optimize your ads

See which creative elements and placements are working best, then refine your campaign settings for optimal performance.

Customize your strategy

You'll automatically see basic info about your ads—but you can also implement measurement solutions more tailored to your goals.

Choose the right measurement solution for your goals

Are your ads affecting offline sales?

  • Pixel

    Install the Facebook Pixel on your website to tie ads to conversions and reach people on Facebook after they've visited your site.

  • Offline conversions API

    Use the offline conversions API to send offline conversion events directly to Facebook and tie your campaigns to business results.

  • Offline measurement

    Connect with one of our partners to send offline conversion events directly to Facebook and tie your campaigns to business results.

Which of your ads are having the biggest impact?

  • Split testing

    Use split tests—also known as A/B tests—to determine which ad strategies perform best and optimize your future campaigns.

  • Attribution

    Assign conversion credit to marketing touchpoints along the consumer journey, on and off Facebook, to understand which of your ads are getting the right results.

Are your ads generating additional sales?

  • Conversion Lift

    Test your ads to learn if they're causing conversions and helping you meet your business goals.

  • Test and Learn

    Easily create tests to understand how much value your Facebook ads are driving and what accounts or strategies perform best.

Are your ads helping to grow your brand?

Are your ads driving conversions across channels and devices?

  • Mobile SDK

    Install the SDK for your app to understand the actions people take within your mobile app and tie them back to your ad campaigns.

  • Facebook Measurement Partners

    Work with a Facebook marketing partner to understand and compare ROI across digital publishers and channels.

  • Attribution

    Measure across the Facebook family of apps and services to get a more complete picture of your customer journey.

How well are your TV and Facebook ads working together?

  • Nielsen DAR and TAR

    Compare audience reach between online and TV campaigns, or combine digital ad ratings and TV data to determine your full campaign impact.

  • Cross-platform brand lift

    Measure the combined impact of your TV and Facebook ads working together.

Make sure your campaign is performing at top capacity

Check that your campaign is set up for best results.
Get help with campaign setup

Choose the right objective to help you meet your goals.
Get help with conversion optimization

Set up your ads to win more auctions and be seen more.
See our delivery best practices

Run your ads in the ideal placements for your goals.
Get help with placement optimization

Make sure you're using the right bid strategy.
Get the bid strategy handbook

Want to learn more about ad measurement?

See how your Facebook ads are performing.

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

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