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Audience Network

Create an ad on Facebook.
Show it across the Web.

Expand the power of Facebook advertising with Audience Network.

1 billion+people see an Audience Network ad each month1

32%of the top 500 free apps on Google Play in the US monetize with Audience Network2

15%fewer conversions, on average, happen when Audience Network is removed as a placement.3

Optimizing ads across Facebook platforms can mean greater reach, more converters and more conversions. Read the research from Facebook IQ.

Read a research about optimizing direct response campaigns for Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network from Facebook IQ

More people. More places. More results.

Reach real people.

Connect with more of the people you care about, no matter where they are on the web.

Spotlight your brand in more places.

Show your Facebook ads outside of Facebook.

Get real results.

Drive better outcomes and improve your campaign efficiency.

Learn how to extend the reach of your campaigns with Audience Network in this free 15-minute Blueprint course.

Learn how you can implement the Audience Network for your next ad campaign with a free Facebook Blueprint online course

Video showing how Facebook Audience Network shows Facebook ads in some famous websites like History

Learn how to get started with advertising with Audience Network on the Advertiser Help Center.

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Reach people using engaging ad formats.

Facebook Audience Network showing a Facebook ad in a first party mobile app

Use Audience Network to deliver ads on apps and sites beyond Facebook where people spend their time. Ads in Audience Network can be delivered across devices into a variety of video and display placements, including native, interstitial, rewarded and in-stream video.

Regardless of placement type, you don’t need to create and upload new creative assets—the ads will automatically render to fit the placement type with the same creative assets used on Facebook, though you always have the option to customize your creative.

Learn how to customize your creative assets on the Advertiser Help Center.

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Reach more of your audience where they’re most engaged with in-stream ads.

Use in-stream video ads to deliver pre-roll and mid-roll placements across global publishers, on any device. Since ads followed by content tend to encourage longer view duration, you can deliver more complex marketing messages that may require longer attention from people. In-stream video on Facebook Audience Network can be used in conjunction with other placements, or on its own.

We want to make sure these ads are seen in engaging, TV-like experiences—so we have strict requirements around factors like ad position and sound. Today, Audience Network’s MRC viewability rate for in-stream video ad impressions is 92%.1

Learn how to build your brand with in-stream video ads in this 15-minute Blueprint course.

Learn how to build your brand with in-stream video ads with a free Facebook Blueprint online course

Learn more about the creative and objective requirements for in-stream video on the Advertiser Help Center.

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of in-stream video impressions on Facebook Audience Network result in views ten seconds or longer on Facebook.

Enhance your direct response campaigns.

Facebook Audience Network showing a Facebook ad in a mobile game app

Whether you’re aiming for installs or conversions, Audience Network can improve results for your direct response campaigns and help you reach your audience through native, interstitial, banner, rewarded video and in-stream 2 placements. Use Audience Network with placement optimization to drive the best results.

Learn how Audience Network can further your direct response campaign goals in this 15-minute Blueprint course.

Learn how you can implement the Audience Network for your next ad campaign with a free Facebook Blueprint online course

Get started with placement optimization on the Advertiser Help Center.

Get Step-By-Step Instructions

Are you a publisher?

Learn more about site or app monetization with Audience Network.