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Page post engagement

Tell people about your business so they take action.

Create an Ad

Reach new people and keep up with customers

Facebook Page post engagement ads help you share information about your business with people. You can use them to extend your Page posts beyond your Page and inspire people to take action. And with insights like how many people liked, shared or commented on your ad, Page post engagement ads help you understand the kinds of stories and content your audience likes, so you can create more of what they love.

Share about your business on Facebook

Share updates and stories about your business

Connect with your business' audience

Connect with your followers and new audiences

Build brand awareness

Build your brand and customer base

Get people to engage with your post video
Example of a success using the Facebook Page post engagement ad

When someone likes and shares our posts, we generally succeed in effectively reaching six or seven more people. This type of prospecting from the platform was unique for us, as we had not attempted it before in our advertising.

Felipe Hadler

Director of Communication, DPNY Beach Hotel & Spa

Start telling people about your business.

Additional resources

The Facebook family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.