Facebook for Business
Search on Facebook Business
Drive clicks to your website with Facebook ads.

Website clicks

Send people to your web page.

Create an Ad
Grow website traffic with Facebook

Grow your website traffic

Get people on Facebook to visit your home page.

Promote pages and products on Facebook

Promote pages or products

Send people to specific pages or products on your website.

Tell people more about your business

Let people know about you

Use ads to tell people more about your business.

Decide where to send people

Give some real thought to where you want to send people when they click or tap your Facebook ad. For example, to build awareness or just generally promote your website, you’d send people to your home page. But if you’re trying to get sales of a specific product, direct people right to your product’s page. Or if your website advertisement is for a promotion, send people to a web page where they can learn more.

Create an ad to get people to click

Once you’ve decided on the aim of your Facebook clicks to website ad, you’ll want to select images, write a headline and description and choose a call-to-action button. Your call-to-action button should correspond to the action you want people to take. For example, you would use the Shop Now button to send customers directly to your online store or a Learn More button to give people information.

Send customers to your online store

Additional resources

Facebook Blueprint

Take our free elearning course on increasing traffic to your website.

Advertiser Help Center

Get step-by-step help with ad objectives on Facebook.

Get more people to your website today.

The Facebook family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

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