Member Benefits Update December 2018 - ACTU Australian Unions

Member Benefits Update December 2018

From the team at Australian Unions Member Benefits we would like to wish all our readers a very happy and safe holiday season.  In December's edition we bring you our Festive Pack competition with some great prizes on offer, there's some timely advice from ME on how to spend wisely over the holidays, we highlight special offers from Vero Insurance and there's news on how to save money with our Member Benefits program.  Enjoy the holidays and we will catch you again in 2019!

Photo: Our wonderful Change the Rules activists during 2018 Click here to volunteer!


Spend wisely this festive season

The festive season beckons, with end-of-year parties and gift giving characterising the last month of the year. While it may be tempting to blow off some steam by letting loose in the shops, ME says it could pay in the long run to formulate a spending plan.

Customers should devise a concrete plan of attack before hitting the shops. It’s fun to kick up your heels at this time of the year, but it’s also important not to party yourself into poverty and start the New Year on a financial back foot.

Avoiding overspending can be prudent if you’re feeling financially stretched, but it doesn’t necessarily mean having less fun.

Read on for some smart spending Christmas tips.

This article was brought to you by ME. To find out more, please visit



Insure your valuables with Vero

Before you go away on a much-needed break over the holidays, don’t forget to think about insuring your home and your valuables*. You've worked hard to create a home, so it's important to help protect it and consider Vero Home & Contents Insurance.

At the core of Vero’s range of products is you, the customer. Vero insurance provides customers with peace of mind through two levels of home and contents insurance cover to protect your assets - Elite or Extra.

Plus, as a member, you are eligible for a 10% discount off the quoted price.

The festive season is upon us and knowing your belongings are protected will let you focus on enjoying that much deserved holiday. Take advantage of this great offer by visiting the Australian Unions Member Benefits website and clicking on the 'Insurance' tab.

*Insurance issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 AFSL 230859 trading as Vero Insurance. Conditions and Exclusions apply. A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is available for these products and can be requested when you call for a quote or can be downloaded from the Vero website: You should consider the PDS before deciding whether to buy any of these products.  This advice has been prepared without taking into account your particular objectives, financial situations or needs, so you should consider whether it is appropriate for you before acting on it.

*An unoccupied excess may apply if home unoccupied for more than 60 continuous days.



WIN a festive pack this month!

There are three packs up for grabs this year which are sure to bring joy to three lucky union members to share with workmates, family and friends over the holidays.

Festive Pack 1 contents

Festive Packs 2 & 3 contents

COMPETITION: To enter email Member Benefits before 5pm AEDT Wednesday 19th December 2018.

One entry per union member.



Get your Christmas shopping sorted with Australian Unions Member Benefits

Still searching for the perfect gifts with Christmas just a few weeks away? Wondering what to give that person on your shopping list who seems to have everything?

Consider these gift ideas for under $200: 

  • JBL Charge 3 Portable Bluetooth Speaker in Black (Product Code 3284060)
  • VS Sassoon Curl Secret Multi Curls (Product Code VSP1300A)
  • Nintendo Super NES Classic Edition (Product Code 144767)
    Thanks to your benefits program*, lock-in “live” pricing for 30 days and shop online 24/7. You can pick up your order or have it delivered*.

Visit Australian Unions Member Benefits or call 1300 853 352 for more information.

*Terms and conditions apply. Please allow up to 10 business days for your registration with The Good Guys Commercial to be activated. Terms and conditions apply to The Good Guys Commercial products, Member Advantage members only. Offers only apply to orders placed with The Good Guys Commercial Sales Division. Applies to purchases completed by 31/12/2018. Pricing is only available to the models listed.



Insurance within Super - are you covered?

Most Australians wouldn’t dream of driving around in a car that’s not insured. Nor live in a house without insuring the building and contents to protect against damage or theft. And yet, if you’re one of the Australians who has insurance in place that protects against an accident or illness that affects your ability to earn income, you are in the minority. 

Experts estimate only a third of the working population have income protection insurance. And, there’s a $1.8 trillion gap between current levels of insurance and the cover Australian families would need to maintain their quality of life until retirement if affected by death or disability. Even for those who have life cover, the level of cover taken is rarely enough.

Read on for full article

This article is issued by Industry Fund Services ABN 54 007 016 095, AFSL 232514. It contains general information only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situations or needs.



Great deals on movie tickets

Keen to get a great deal on movie tickets these holidays?  Taking the family to see the movies can be an expensive business these days but not if you're a union member!  Members can make huge savings by using our great value movie vouchers.  Check out all the options on our website today!


Job Vacancies  

Work for the union movement

Want to work for the union movement and be part of our exciting Change the Rules campaign?  Well look no further than our Jobs page.

The ACTU Job Vacancies page has a variety of positions ranging from Industrial Officer, Organiser, Communications, Payroll & Finance and everything in between.

Special highlight: ACTU are advertising this month for a Communications Officer here in Melbourne. Be quick as this one closes on 9 December!

So if you're in the market for a great union job check out what's on offer today.



Unions changing the rules this summer

Changing the rules for working people is at the top of the list this festive season for the peak body for working people.

Union volunteers will campaign at major train, bus, and tram hubs – as well as street and market stalls – in the lead-up to the holiday season on December 5 and 6.

Volunteers will be talking to working people about the need to change the rules and hearing their concerns about the lack of jobs they can count on, and how the wages crisis is impacting on them.

ACTU Secretary, Sally McManus said, "We need jobs we can count on. Australia has the highest proportion of temporary work in the developed world, casual workers aren’t getting a fair go, and permanent jobs are being made insecure.

Working people have been saying that they have not received fair pay rises under the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison Government.

Read on for full media release




Thank you Madman Entertainment!

To the wonderful team at Madman Entertainment, a very big thank you for all the excellent DVDs they have generously donated as prizes to union members throughout 2018. Madman proudly showcases the best in collectible and special interest genres including Australian film, world cinema, TV, kids content, Anime, sports and more. For the latest range of Madman offerings visit their website at


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