Financial Planning - ACTU Australian Unions

Financial Planning

Australian Unions recognises that it is difficult for union members to know where to go when seeking financial advice. There is a lot to consider when it comes to making financial decisions and setting goals for your future. Therefore we encourage union members to obtain professional financial advice. There are so many organisations and individuals offering financial and investment advice that it becomes a major headache to pick one that is right for you.

Industry SuperFunds all offer some free general advice on super to their members. They can help with maximising your retirement income by recommending different investment mixes within your super portfolio and your voluntary contribution options. They can also advise on the different insurance and income protection covers that may be available to you.

If you need further advice, Industry SuperFunds have a fee-for-service financial advice facility with financial advisors who deliver professional, low-cost, commission-free advice to members. Contact your Industry SuperFund for more information.

Alternatively, friends and colleagues may recommend a financial advisor, or you might conduct a search online. Before you choose a financial advisor however, here is a list of questions to ask. Make sure they answer openly and to your satisfaction – and beware of advisors who earn their income primarily from commissions on financial products that they sell. On-going commissions can have a serious effect on your wealth.

If members require financial advice they can access a range of financial topics, services and online calculators via the Industry SuperFunds Website.

Information about Superannuation

Members interested in finding out more about superannuation may find the ACTU’s superannuation page useful or to find out about industry super funds visit


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