Workers Struggles

Form rank-and-file committees to advance the fight!

UAW attempts third sellout contract at northwest Indiana Lear auto parts plants

By Marcus Day, 15 December 2018

“The union and company think that by giving us signing bonuses that it’s going to make up for the lack of a pay raise.”

US Navistar workers to vote again on contract after 98 percent “no” vote

By Shannon Jones, 15 December 2018

Workers at the Springfield, Ohio truck plant and several smaller are being asked to vote again after a massive vote to reject a deal negotiated by the United Auto Workers.

Union isolates Cambria hotel workers in Chicago as British Columbia and Los Angeles hotel employees protest

By Michael Walters, 15 December 2018

Hotel workers have been on strike for three months at the Cambria Hotel in Chicago under conditions where the UNITE HERE union has systemically shut down hotel strikes nationally.

Pakistan police attack dock workers’ march; Sri Lanka Telecom workers demonstrate over poor conditions; Tigerair pilots vote to strike in Australia

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

15 December 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Over 4,000 Kaiser Permanente mental health workers on limited strike in California

By Kevin Martinez and Kim Saito, 14 December 2018

The National Union of Healthcare Workers is ending the five-day strike tomorrow without resolving workers’ demands for higher wages, more staffing and the restoration of pensions for new-hires.

After 89 days, trade unions sell out historic strike in Costa Rica

By Andrea Lobo, 14 December 2018

It was the longest strike in Costa Rican history, marking a new stage in the growth of the class struggle and revealing that the treachery of the trade unions knows no bounds.

Los Angeles teachers and the fight for social equality

By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 14 December 2018

This statement will be distributed at a mass demonstration of teachers and their supporters in Los Angeles, California on Saturday.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

14 December 2018

Amazon workers walked out December 7 to protest dangerous working conditions and to demand a new contract while Iranian sugar and steel workers remain locked in a battle over jobs and pay.

Caterpillar to close plant in Joliet, Illinois

By George Marlowe and Marcus Day, 13 December 2018

Despite posting record third-quarter profits, heavy equipment manufacturing giant Caterpillar plans to close its plant in Joliet, Illinois, laying off hundreds.

Russian workers strike against social misery and austerity

By Clara Weiss, 13 December 2018

The crackdown on the strike in Kamchatka reflects the fear within the Russian oligarchy that the development of the class struggle internationally will sooner rather than later drive Russian workers into open struggle.

“This meeting is a powerful expression of the growing opposition of the working class”

Report to Detroit meeting to fight GM plant closings

By Jerry White, 13 December 2018

Jerry White, labor editor of the WSWS, introduced the resolution to the December 9 meeting, outlining the strategy to unify workers in the US and internationally against the attacks on workers’ jobs and conditions.

Hyundai, Kia workers strike in South Korea in opposition to attacks on wages

By Ben McGrath, 12 December 2018

The imposition of a new tier of low-paid workers in Gwangju is just the precursor to broader attacks on workers’ conditions.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Chilean public workers and airline workers strike

11 December 2018

Public workers in Chile held a nationwide walkout December 6 to protest layoffs at the same time that airport workers for LATAM airline in Chile walked off the job in a pay dispute.

Which way forward for France’s “yellow vest” protests?

By Alex Lantier, 10 December 2018

The critical question is the independent organization of the working class, in France and internationally, in the preparation of a European general strike.

French government threatens bloody crackdown on “yellow vest” protest

By Alex Lantier and Francis Dubois, 8 December 2018

Amid rising popular support for demonstrations against austerity and inequality, French officials are warning they will stop at nothing to halt the protests.

“A serious fightback will only develop through action initiated by the rank-and-file workers”

GM Oshawa workers speak out against plant closure

By A WSWS reporting team, 8 December 2018

WSWS reporters visited GM’s Oshawa plant in Ontario Wednesday to discuss the company’s plan to close the plant and how workers can fight back.

“The fight against plant closures should be seen as a fight of all workers”

Students across the US declare their support for autoworkers

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality (US), 8 December 2018

IYSSE members spoke with students around the United States about the struggle of autoworkers against the corporations and trade unions.

Sri Lankan plantation strike: Abbotsleigh workers march to demand action committees and socialist policies

By our reporters, 8 December 2018

Yesterday’s march was organised by an action committee of Abbotsleigh Estate workers, following political interventions by the Socialist Equality Party.

Teachers strike in South Australia and Tasmania

By Oscar Grenfell, 8 December 2018

The Australian Education Union is seeking to divide the struggles and push through sell-out enterprise agreements in both states.

UK: University and College Union seeks to demobilise pay dispute

By Simon Whelan and Robert Stevens, 8 December 2018

The UCU, past masters at isolating and demobilising struggles over pay and job losses, finally authorised a token pay strike at the end of November—at just six institutions.

Pakistan municipal workers protest for outstanding wages; Sri Lankan housing workers fight layoffs; New Zealand teachers reject new pay offer

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

8 December 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

15,000 South African miners at Sybanye Stillwater still out; UK rail and shipbuilders strike; Turkish cosmetic workers strike passes 200 days

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

7 December 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Chicago charter teachers strike for increased pay, lower class sizes

By Kristina Betinis and Alexander Fangmann, 4 December 2018

Teachers at Acero schools and suburban Geneva District 304 walked out Tuesday morning as teachers in other districts prepare to fight for improved wages and conditions.

Video: Attend the December 9 meeting in Detroit to oppose the GM plant closures!

1 December 2018

GM’s planned closure of five plants in the US and Canada would be a death sentence for Detroit, Youngstown, and Oshawa, Ontario. But workers are organizing a fight back.

Catalonia rocked by a week of strikes against austerity

By Alejandro López, 1 December 2018

For years the regional bourgeoisie has relentlessly promoted Catalan nationalism to bury the socio-economic concerns of workers and youth, both Spanish and Catalan.

Locked-out ABI aluminum workers demonstrate in downtown Montreal

By our reporters, 1 December 2018

The steelworkers union has systematically isolated the struggle of the 1,030 locked-out ABI workers, while signaling its willingness to impose concessions and job cuts.

At ABI workers’ protest, USW officials accost and threaten WSWS supporters

By Laurent Lafrance, 1 December 2018

Flanked by other supporters of the Steelworker bureaucracy, Dominic Lemieux, the assistant to the Quebec USW director, accosted and slandered WSWS supporters.

New Zealand teachers’ struggle at a crossroads

By Tom Peters, 1 December 2018

Teachers are determined to fight, but the unions are attempting to suppress their struggle by promoting illusions in the Labour-led government.

India: Contract health workers remain on strike in Bihar; South Australian teachers strike over pay and conditions

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

1 December 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

UK: Cammell Laird shipyard workers strike against redundancies, Iran sugar and steel strike continues against pay arrears, South Africa’s Sibanye gold miners reject company/union pay deal

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

1 December 2018

Workers at Cammell Laird shipyard in Birkenhead, England have launched a series of strikes over redundancies while workers at the Tappeh Sugar Cane mill in Iran are continuing a walkout and gold miners in South Africa are continuing a series of job actions marked by employer violence.

Chilean port workers strike over working conditions

Workers Struggles: The Americas

27 November 2018

Temporary port workers in Valparaíso, who are aptly called precarious, staged a November 22 walkout to press for better conditions including improvements in pay.

UK: Vauxhall and Cammell Laird workers strike against mass job cuts

By Robert Stevens, 26 November 2018

Both strikes have developed in a rebellion against the collaboration, by the Unite and GMB trade unions, with the employers’ job cuts.

French president bans fuel tax protest in Paris as strikes expand

By Alex Lantier, 24 November 2018

As the government of French President Emanuel Macron moved to ban protests against its fuel tax increase, strikes and demonstrations in support of the protest movement spread across France yesterday.

Black Friday strikes hit Amazon in Europe

By our reporters, 24 November 2018

Amazon workers launched strikes and protests in Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, France and the UK.

No to driver only operated services at West Midland Trains! For a national mobilisation of rail workers

By Michael Barnes, 24 November 2018

Drivers at West Midlands Trains are resisting a coordinated effort by the private train operator Abellio and rail unions to impose Driver Only trains in 2020.

Canada Post workers need socialist strategy to defy and defeat Liberals’ back-to-work law

By Roger Jordan, 24 November 2018

Working people across Canada must come to the defence of the 50,000 Canada Post workers whose struggle is now being criminalized by the Liberal government.

Ten thousand taxi drivers end protests in India; 1,600 rubber plantation workers strike in Bangladesh; New Zealand secondary teachers vote to strike

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

24 November 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Scottish teachers overwhelmingly reject pay offer

By our reporter, 23 November 2018

The Scottish government, local authorities, teaching and local government unions are desperate to avoid strikes, and above all to prevent a united offensive by teachers and council workers.

Public sector general strike in Tunisia; Plastics workers and goldminers continue stoppages in South Africa

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

23 November 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute.

“Those of us who speak out are being blackballed”

UAW carries out campaign of intimidation against Lear auto parts workers

By our reporters, 22 November 2018

Workers have reported “backlash” and harassment by UAW 2335 officials for opposing the union’s efforts to push through another sellout and for speaking out in the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter.

Thousands of GM salaried workers to lose jobs in 2019

By Jerry White, 21 November 2018

The cuts are a prelude to a far broader assault on jobs and living standards amid an expected shake-out of the global auto industry.

Strike call in Dominican Republic over fuel price rise, crumbling infrastructure while nurses press demands

Workers Struggles: The Americas

20 November 2018

Social organizations in the Dominican Republic have called for a 24-hour strike November 27 over issues including fuel price increases and the decrepit state of infrastructure.

As Canada Post steps up provocations, union silent on back-to-work law threat

By Roger Jordan and Keith Jones, 17 November 2018

A government source told Canadian Press Friday evening that state intervention against postal workers could come as early as Sunday, adding, in a reference to Trudeau’s earlier threat, “‘all the options’ does include legislating.”

UAW hides details of new tentative agreement from Indiana Lear workers

By Marcus Day, 17 November 2018

Workers are increasingly angry over the information blackout being carried out by both the company and the union.

Scotland: Michelin plans closure of Dundee plant with loss of 845 jobs

Rank-and file organisations needed to organise fight-back

By Steve James, 17 November 2018

French-based transnational Michelin’s decision to close its Dundee tyre manufacturing plant poses workers with the challenge of creating new organisations of struggle.

The government’s $4.6 billion handout to Amazon

Why Amazon should be expropriated

By Tom Carter, 17 November 2018

The billions in subsidies granted to Amazon for its new headquarters demonstrate the prostration of the entire political establishment before this massive conglomerate.

Indian chrome miners strike over safety; Western Australian mine workers walkout over “wage theft”

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

17 November 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Spanish Amazon strike threat, Strikes spread in Iran

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

16 November 2018

Workers at Amazon logistic centers are threatening a series of holiday strikes while Iranian teachers, truck drivers and sugar workers conduct work stoppages.

French teachers mobilize against Macron’s attacks on education

By Anthony Torres, 15 November 2018

Monday’s strike was the first day of action called by the education unions since 2011.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

13 November 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature

After campaign of threats and intimidation, Teamsters announces “yes” vote on sellout UPS Freight contract

By Will Morrow, 12 November 2018

The vote is in effect a declaration of no confidence in the union by workers, who know it would not wage any struggle for their interests.

Fort Wayne GM worker alleges UAW-management collusion in unjust termination

By Shannon Jones, 10 November 2018

After being fired, Ami Reveal, a veteran GM worker, went to the union, desperate for help. She told the World Socialist Web Site Autoworker Newsletter, "What I got from the union was ‘do your job or else.’”

The kiss of death: Stalinists seek to tie Tamil Nadu auto strikes to right-wing parties

By Arun Kumar, 10 November 2018

Opposing all attempts to broaden the struggle, the Stalinists convened an “all party” meeting, where they touted the leaders of opposition parties and their affiliated unions as the strikers’ allies.

New Zealand rail union enforces another pro-company pay deal

By our correspondent, 10 November 2018

In 2016, the Labour Party-dominated Greater Wellington Regional Council privatised the region's commuter rail service, to save $NZ100 million over 15 years at the expense of jobs, wages and conditions.

Trudeau threatens to criminalize Canada Post strike

By Roger Jordan, 10 November 2018

The union leadership has done everything to limit postal workers’ job action, isolating it from the rest of the working class and allowing the government to go on the offensive.

Break the isolation of UPS Freight workers! Form rank-and-file committees to unite workers against the company!

By the WSWS UPS Workers Newsletter, 10 November 2018

If approved, the contract would create a new tier of lower-paid drivers, maintain poverty-level wages of part-time warehouse dockworkers, and continue the undermining of full-time positions.

Thousands of Indian contract workers remain on strike; 29,000 New Zealand primary school teachers to take national strike action

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

10 November 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

“The Teamsters union is with the company”

UPS workers oppose Teamsters isolation of freight division, call for united struggle

By Will Morrow, 9 November 2018

The union is seeking to reduce the voter turnout to below 50 percent in order to use a constitutional loophole to declare the contract ratified.

Nigerian unions call off general strike over minimum wage

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

9 November 2018

Nigeria’s three main labour federations called off a general strike set for November 6 and announced that they had reached an undisclosed settlement with the government over a rise in the country’s minimum wage.

Plantation unions move to shut down wage struggle amid Sri Lankan political crisis

By W. A. Sunil, 7 November 2018

The long-running plantation workers’ pay dispute has won powerful support from young people and other sections of the Sri Lankan working class.

UPS Freight, Teamsters to workers: Vote “yes” or face lockout and lose your health care

By Will Morrow, 7 November 2018

The Teamsters union has already declared it will refuse to call out UPS small package workers in the event of a strike or lockout in the freight division.

Work stoppages by Argentine air cabin crew members lead to flight cancellations

Workers Struggles: The Americas

6 November 2018

A surprise walkout by workers at three airlines on November 2 over downsizing led to number of flight cancellations at Jorge Newbery terminal outside of Buenos Aires.

Chicago charter school teachers vote overwhelmingly to authorize strike

By Kristina Betinis, 5 November 2018

Charter school teachers are determined to improve pay and classroom conditions, but they cannot advance their fight through the Chicago Teachers Union.

As workers’ opposition grows to Teamsters contract, UPS Freight prepares for strike

By Will Morrow, 3 November 2018

Workers voted by more than 62 percent to reject the UPS Freight contract on October 5.

“They are trying to outsource to cut costs and pit us against each other”

Allison Transmission workers speak out on UAW-management collaboration

By George Kirby and Shannon Jones, 3 November 2018

Allison Transmission workers in Indianapolis, Indiana are complaining about the outsourcing of jobs, speed-up and lack of representation by the United Auto Workers.

As US Steel and ArcelorMittal announce booming profits, the United Steelworkers pushes sellout deals

By our reporters, 3 November 2018

In the midst of a huge profit bonanza, unions like the USW, working on behalf of corporate management, are shamelessly telling workers it is they who must give back.

New Zealand: Bus union ends Wellington strike

By Tom Peters, 3 November 2018

The transport unions have sought to divide and demoralise workers and subordinate them to the Labour Party-led government.

Mass strikes by transport workers and government employees in India

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

3 November 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Italian and Portuguese public sector workers strike; UK rail strikes continue

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

2 November 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Fiat Chrysler workers hit with temporary layoffs across North America

By Jacob Crosse, 1 November 2018

FCA workers in Windsor, Canada, and factories in Illinois and Indiana are on temporary layoff due to falling sales.

Indian state government arrests at least 14 union leaders

By Kranti Kumar, 29 October 2018

The Hindu-extremist BJP government in the northern Indian state of Haryana has arrested union leaders after 200,000 workers took action in solidarity with striking public transport workers.

“This union is taking food out of my kid’s mouth”

Lear Portage autoworker denounces UAW collusion with management

By Marcus Day, 29 October 2018

Workers at Lear have described a regime of harassment and intimidation carried out jointly by management and the UAW.

AFSCME officials attempt to suppress WSWS reporting team

Union shuts down three-day strike by California health care and service workers

By Evelyn Rios, 27 October 2018

AFSCME has kept its 25,000 members on the job without a contract for over a year. Their current contract expired June 30, 2017.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

Strikes in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan

27 October 2018

The stoppages are part of an emerging movement of the working class the Indian sub-continent.

“We should all be fighting together”

Teamsters union isolates 8,500 Chicago UPS workers

By George Marlowe, 26 October 2018

After defying the UPS workers’ “no” vote, the Teamsters is isolating thousands of Chicago-area workers.

The UAW is “letting the company get away with anything”

Growing opposition among autoworkers to brutal treatment of temporary workers

By our reporter, 26 October 2018

An interview posted by the WSWS with a veteran worker at Ford Woodhaven Stamping where a young autoworker died last year has gained wide readership.

Growing strikes in South Africa; more UK rail strikes

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

26 October 2018

Workers in South Africa’s plastics industry are continuing their strike after an attempt by employers to ban the walkout was temporarily defeated.

After Teamsters overrule “no” vote on contract, UPS earnings up 20 percent

By Will Morrow, 25 October 2018

The continuous growth in profits is facilitated by the Teamsters union, which functions as an instrument of UPS management and cheap labor contractor.

Build rank and file strike committees

For a nationwide hotel walkout!

By Kevin Martinez, 25 October 2018

More than 8,000 hotel workers are currently on strike in nine cities, but the UNITE HERE union is isolating the struggle and preparing its defeat.

“The union rammed all these things down our throats”

UPS prepares to impose contract after Teamsters defy workers ‘no’ vote

By Will Morrow, 22 October 2018

Workers have reported that management has already begun to implement the terms of the illegitimate contract.

Vote “no” on the USW-US Steel concessions contract!

By the WSWS Steelworker Newsletter, 22 October 2018

Form rank-and-file committees to mobilize all steelworkers in a common fight!

UC healthcare and service workers to begin three-day strike

By Evelyn Rios, 20 October 2018

AFSCME and other unions at UC are working overtime to prevent any significant struggle by workers, and sabotage it if it erupts anyway.

“McStrike”: UK unions police anger of young workers

By Alice Summers and Robert Stevens, 20 October 2018

Behind talk of a coordinated struggle, the demand of service workers for better pay and conditions is being misled by the trade unions.

Quebec: Nine-month lockout continues, as talks at Alcoa’s ABI smelter collapse

By Laurent Lafrance, 20 October 2018

Confident that the Steelworkers union will continue to leave the ABI workers to fight alone, the aluminum bosses have repeatedly upped their concession demands.

Still no investigation into death of young autoworker

One year since the death of Jacoby Hennings

By Jerry White, 20 October 2018

A year after the tragic loss of this young Ford worker, family, friends and co-workers continue to demand the truth about his sudden and untimely death.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

Police attack striking workers in India and Bangladesh

20 October 2018

Police opened fire on garment workers demanding unpaid wages in Bangladesh, while Indian authorities attacked protesting health workers.

New York City teachers union attempts to rush through sellout contract

By Guillaume Garnier and Steve Light, 19 October 2018

The United Federation of Teachers is trying to sell its membership a contract that cuts health care, reduces real wages and maintains poor conditions for students.

Layoffs at Fiat Chrysler's Kokomo transmission operations heighten concerns over outsourcing

By Shannon Jones, 19 October 2018

Temporary layoffs affecting more than 3,000 employees have hit Fiat Chrysler workers at two Kokomo, Indiana transmission plants.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

South African plastics workers in national strike; Capetown transport workers wildcat

19 October 2018

Some 10,000 plastics workers in South Africa are on strike seeking the revocation of a pay reduction while bus drivers in Capetown walked out Monday demanding improvements in wages and working conditions.

Widespread opposition to Teamsters’ override of UPS workers’ contract rejection

By our reporters, 15 October 2018

A worker from southern California reported that during balloting on the contract, UPS management asked workers how they voted and whether they wanted to change their vote.

Bonus removal cancels out Amazon’s UK pay rise

By Alice Summers, 13 October 2018

Workers are effectively paying for their own wage increase through the slashing of employee benefits, share and incentive schemes, with some possibly seeing a net loss.

US hotel workers continue strikes in eight cities

By our reporters, 13 October 2018

The workers are rebelling against poverty level wages and inadequate benefits that have left many struggling to keep their heads above water.

Sri Lankan tea estate workers step up demands for higher pay

By M. Thevarajah, 13 October 2018

Demonstrations by estate workers underscore growing working-class opposition to the attacks of the government and employers.

Indian sanitation workers union shuts down month-long strike; Western Australian bus drivers strike over pay

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

13 October 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Argentine teachers facing massive pay cuts strike for 48 hours

By Andrea Lobo, 12 October 2018

Teachers face losing a quarter of their real wages this year, while Macri’s austerity policies threaten to cut funding for public education by up to 40 percent in real terms.

As union ignores strike authorization votes

Tubing company locks out steelworkers in Trenton, Georgia

By Shelley Connor, 12 October 2018

The United Steelworkers continues to force US Steel and ArcelorMittal workers to stay on the job, despite unanimous strike votes.

As APWU keeps workers on the job

US Postal Service workers protest Trump’s privatization plans

By George Marlowe, 12 October 2018

Postal workers in more than 140 cities protested Trump’s privatization proposals while unions keep 200,000 workers on the job weeks after their contract expired on September 20.

Further UK rail strikes; Nigerian unions sell out minimum wage dispute

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

12 October 2018

Workers at Arriva rail have launched yet another strike against driver only operated trains while the Nigerian trade unions have shut down a general strike after only two days.

Ongoing opposition to Teamsters ramming through UPS contract despite workers’ vote

By our reporters, 11 October 2018

In order to push through the contract, Teamsters officials have dredged up a never-used obscure clause in the union constitution, stuck in 30 years ago.

Musicians at Chicago’s Lyric Opera strike for the first time in 50 years

By our reporters, 11 October 2018

Musicians at Chicago’s Lyric Opera have gone on strike as funding to the arts is drastically cut in the United States.