
Fifth French “yellow vest” protest opposes Macron government

By Alex Lantier, 17 December 2018

The media and official parties are pressing the “yellow vests” to accept the legalizing of citizen-initiated referendums as a concession that would justify ending the protests.

Grenfell fire: Local resident and Grenfell Action Group member, Joe Delaney, gives harrowing account to inquiry of night of fire

By Barry Mason, 17 December 2018

Delaney has a long record of fighting for decent and safe housing in the area and seeking justice for the victims and survivors of the Grenfell inferno, which has earned him the respect of the entire local community.

Student parliament condemns right-wing attack on IYSSE meeting at Humboldt University in Berlin

By our reporters, 17 December 2018

The student parliament unanimously passed a resolution defending the International Youth and Students for Social Equality against attempts by the right-wing extremist Alternative for Germany to disrupt its meetings.

Corbyn, Brexit and the struggle for the United Socialist States of Europe

By Chris Marsden, 17 December 2018

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has cast himself as a guarantor of national stability, denouncing the inability of May and the Conservatives to “end the chaos.”

French state prepares crackdown for fifth Saturday of “yellow vest” protests

By Will Morrow, 15 December 2018

The Paris police prefect announced that the response would be “about the same” as last Saturday, which saw mass arrests of over 1,700 people.

Number of UK households in energy debt increases by 300,000, owing nearly £400 million

By Dennis Moore, 15 December 2018

Up to 3,000 people die each year in the UK because they cannot afford to heat their homes.

Germany: Ford announces massive job cuts at its Saarlouis plant

By Ulrich Rippert, 14 December 2018

At a factory meeting last Monday, local Ford management announced that production of the company’s C-Max model is to be discontinued with the loss of 1,600 jobs.

Julian Assange denounces his illegal detention in Ecuadorian embassy

By Oscar Grenfell, 14 December 2018

The WikiLeaks publisher, whose health appears to be deteriorating, made the comments at a hearing against the Ecuadorian government’s “Special Protocol,” aimed at forcing him into British and US custody.

Unions call off general strike in Catalonia

By Carlos Hernández and Paul Mitchell, 14 December 2018

Union leaders made clear they called off the strike because of the political and social crisis that threatens the rule of the minority Socialist Party government.

Second phase of Grenfell inquiry delayed for a year

By Alice Summers, 14 December 2018

The delay leaves the corporations and governmental bodies that are responsible for the fire able to continue to evade justice.

Britain's NHS denies life-saving treatment to migrants

By Kelly Taylor, 14 December 2018

A 71-year-old Jamaican woman, Elfreda Spencer, died of sepsis this year after being denied chemotherapy because she could not afford to pay the upfront cost of her treatment.

Israel rolls out the welcome mat for Europe’s neo-fascists

By Bill Van Auken, 14 December 2018

Netanyahu’s hailing of Italy’s far-right Interior Minister Salvini as a “great friend of Israel” demonstrates the affinity between the Zionist state and neo-fascism.

Ex-1968 student leader Cohn-Bendit denounces French “yellow vest” protests

By Alex Lantier, 14 December 2018

The eruption of a political movement in the working class has provoked a rabidly hostile reaction from the middle-class anti-Marxist “left” milieu.

Mass shooting in Strasbourg kills 3, wounds 12 before “yellow vest” protest

By Alex Lantier, 13 December 2018

The French ruling elite is already seizing upon the attack to trample democratic rights with demands that “yellow vest” protesters abandon their protests against Macron.

UK: May staggers on as more than a third of Tory MPs oppose her

By Robert Stevens, 13 December 2018

The vote against her by her hard-Brexit wing, combined with the loss of support from the 10 Democratic Unionist Party MPs, confirms that May’s days are numbered.

German daily accuses Macron of surrender to “yellow mob”

By Peter Schwarz, 13 December 2018

The German business press reacted indignantly to French President Macron’s attempt to appease the “yellow vest” protest movement with social concessions.

German army to acquire new tank battalion

By Johannes Stern, 13 December 2018

The expansion of its tank divisions is part of Germany’s comprehensive plans for the upgrading of all of its military forces.

Hundreds of residential tower blocks around UK still clad in flammable material

By Margot Miller, 13 December 2018

In Salford, flammable cladding has been partially removed from some of the nine local authority-owned blocks—up to the fourth floor, and only completely from one block.

UK government’s role in anti-Corbyn campaign exposed

By Robert Stevens, 11 December 2018

The Integrity Initiative (II), funded by the UK, US governments and NATO, has played a central role in the campaign against the Labour Party leader.

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Tymoshenko tours Washington to garner support for presidential bid

By Jason Melanovski and Clara Weiss, 11 December 2018

The ultimate goal of Tymoshenko’s visit to Washington was to promise to continue with the United States’ militarization of the country and the Black Sea.

Which way forward for France’s “yellow vest” protests?

By Alex Lantier, 10 December 2018

The critical question is the independent organization of the working class, in France and internationally, in the preparation of a European general strike.

The “yellow vests”: A movement of workers against social inequality

By our reporters, 10 December 2018

In this video, workers participating in France’s “yellow vests” demonstrations explain their demands and appeal for international support.

No to the persecution of Eric Drouet

By Kumaran Ira, 10 December 2018

Macron tries to intimidate the “yellow vests” by persecuting one of the founders of the movement.

German workers express solidarity with “yellow vest” protests in France

By our reporters, 10 December 2018

German workers who spoke with Socialist Equality Party (SGP) candidates, expressed sympathy with the mass protests of the “yellow vests” in France. Many share the same grievances and confront the same inequities.

Spain: Rightist parties mull government role for fascist Vox in Andalusia

By Paul Mitchell, 10 December 2018

The Spanish bourgeoisie is raising the profile of Vox, leading up to the Andalusian elections, with the country's establishment newspapers posting multiple articles—at least one a day—on the fascist party.

German Christian Democrats select Merkel’s favoured candidate as party leader

By Peter Schwarz and Ulrich Rippert, 10 December 2018

The change in the leadership of Germany’s main governing party takes place in the midst of a new eruption of class struggle in Europe.

Huffington Post renews smear campaign against UK Professor Piers Robinson

By Julie Hyland, 10 December 2018

Robinson is being attacked for his research on Syria, including probing questions regarding the predatory imperialist aims of the “war on terror,” which is verboten for the official state propagandists in Britain and the US.

France’s “yellow vest” protesters brave repression and mass arrests

By Alex Lantier and Kumaran Ira, 9 December 2018

The French president’s attempts to staunch the protests through a combination of phony concessions and state violence have clearly failed.

French government threatens bloody crackdown on “yellow vest” protest

By Alex Lantier and Francis Dubois, 8 December 2018

Amid rising popular support for demonstrations against austerity and inequality, French officials are warning they will stop at nothing to halt the protests.

Still no justice as phase one of Grenfell Tower fire inquiry closes

By Paul Bond, 8 December 2018

The inquiry was never intended to bring the guilty to justice and is being overseen and directed by the very capitalist state apparatus and its political representatives that are responsible for turning Grenfell Tower into a death trap.

UK: University and College Union seeks to demobilise pay dispute

By Simon Whelan and Robert Stevens, 8 December 2018

The UCU, past masters at isolating and demobilising struggles over pay and job losses, finally authorised a token pay strike at the end of November—at just six institutions.

The German Christian Democrats elect a new leader

By Peter Schwarz, 7 December 2018

The three candidates will compete to see who can shift the Chancellor’s previous policy furthest to the right.

UK: Labour Students leadership and Zionists extend witch-hunt of Chris Williamson MP

By Thomas Scripps, 7 December 2018

The cancellation of the Sheffield meeting, at which Williamson was due to speak, became a launch pad for a nationwide offensive wherever the Blairites and Zionists have influence within student groups.

National Health Service workers among increasing users of food banks in Britain

By Ben Trent, 7 December 2018

A survey of 21,000 health workers found that 49 percent had to seek financial help from friends and family the previous year.

The demonstrations in France and the global class struggle

By Alex Lantier, 7 December 2018

As they face Macron’s brutal crackdown, workers and students in France fighting austerity and inequality must turn to the international working class.

German Left Party denounces “Yellow Vest” protests

By Peter Schwarz, 7 December 2018

The Left Party is instinctively hostile to any social movement that is not controlled and held in check by the trade unions.

Mobilize the working class against Macron!

By Alex Lantier, 5 December 2018

The critical task facing protests against austerity and inequality in France is to expand the struggle more broadly into the French and international working class.

Britain’s highest paid CEO built fortune on online gambling

By Jean Shaoul, 5 December 2018

Last year, Denise Coates raked in an obscene £265 million, up from £199 million the year before, based on salary and perks, nearly 10,000 times more than the average UK salary.

French protests spark media demands for Facebook censorship

By Andre Damon, 5 December 2018

Sections of the press in France and the United States have seized upon the “yellow vest” demonstrations to directly demand the suppression of popular opposition on social media.

German prosecutor’s office raids Deutsche Bank

By Johannes Stern, 3 December 2018

The spokesperson for the investigating authority said that, due to the extent of material, an additional search of the bank’s offices was necessary.

The mass protests in France: A new stage in the international class struggle

By The World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board, 3 December 2018

This weekend’s anti-austerity demonstrations in France have shown the working class to be not just an oppressed class, but a revolutionary class.

G20 papers over differences as economic conflicts intensify

By Nick Beams, 3 December 2018

It is a measure of the state of relations between the world’s major economic powers that the summit was labelled a limited success because it avoided open conflict.

Bank of England warns “no-deal” Brexit would be worse than 2008 crash

Labour pledges to rescue British capitalism

By Robert Stevens, 3 December 2018

The "worst case" scenario presumes there would be custom checks on the UK’s border for goods, with the UK unable to reach new trade deals with the EU or other countries until 2023.

German trade union federation defends Hartz IV

By Ulrich Rippert, 3 December 2018

The SPD is concerned only with cosmetics and a possible change of name, because Hartz IV is now associated with mass poverty, state harassment, cheap wages and social inequality.

Resolution of the SEP (UK) Fourth National Congress

The resurgence of the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party (UK): Part One

By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 3 December 2018

This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Fourth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party in Britain, which was held October 27-30, 2018. It is being published in three parts. This is the first part.

Ukraine: Poroshenko declares martial law to crack down on political and social opposition

By Jason Melanovski and Clara Weiss, 1 December 2018

The army has been put on high alert and the presence of police has been substantially increased in major cities.

Merkel backs Ukrainian provocations against Russia

By Peter Schwarz, 1 December 2018

Chancellor Angela Merkel has sharply attacked Russia at the German-Ukrainian Economic Forum, declaring that Putin is fully responsible for the present conflict.

Catalonia rocked by a week of strikes against austerity

By Alejandro López, 1 December 2018

For years the regional bourgeoisie has relentlessly promoted Catalan nationalism to bury the socio-economic concerns of workers and youth, both Spanish and Catalan.

I object—Ian Hislop’s search for dissent: An exhibition that eradicates socialist ideas and revolutionary action

At the British Museum, London

By Paul Mitchell, 1 December 2018

Would-be satirist Ian Hislop had access to one of the world’s most magnificent collections, in the British Museum, but ends up producing an exercise in political, social and artistic emptiness.

UK: Cammell Laird shipyard workers strike against redundancies, Iran sugar and steel strike continues against pay arrears, South Africa’s Sibanye gold miners reject company/union pay deal

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

1 December 2018

Workers at Cammell Laird shipyard in Birkenhead, England have launched a series of strikes over redundancies while workers at the Tappeh Sugar Cane mill in Iran are continuing a walkout and gold miners in South Africa are continuing a series of job actions marked by employer violence.

UK Intelligence and Security Committee admits Manchester bomb attack should have been prevented

By Thomas Scripps, 30 November 2018

The evidence points to Abedi having been viewed as an intelligence asset, allowed free rein to participate in jihadist formations aligned with British imperialism.

Ukraine’s provocation in the Azov Sea

By Clara Weiss and Andre Damon, 29 November 2018

The Ukrainian military, with the support of high-level figures within the US state, has instigated a major international crisis ahead of this week’s G20 summit.

Rejecting Macron’s speech, fuel tax protesters call new demonstrations in France

By Alex Lantier, 28 November 2018

French President Macron’s decision to give a speech addressing the protesters only made clear that he firmly intends to pursue his right-wing policies and has nothing to offer.

Slanders depicting “Yellow Vest” protesters as violent neo-fascists collapse

By our reporter, 28 November 2018

None of those arrested at the demonstrations in Paris were wanted on charges associated with either far-right or anarchist groups.

Guardian newspaper spearheads new accusations against Assange and WikiLeaks

By James Cogan, 28 November 2018

The newspaper has the nerve to declare that it serves to “give a voice to those less heard, challenge the powerful, and hold them to account.”

From the Nazis to the AfD: Big business finances the far-right

By Peter Schwarz, 28 November 2018

The rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) was made possible by huge contributions from billionaire August von Finck, whose father financed Hitler and made a fortune by “Aryanising” Jewish property.

British PM May attacked from all sides ahead of parliament Brexit vote

By Robert Stevens, 28 November 2018

As it stands there is no parliamentary arithmetic under which May can get the Brexit deal passed.

Greek workers protest social attacks by Syriza government

By John Vassilopoulos, 27 November 2018

Strikes and protests in Greece are part of a wider upsurge of the class struggle throughout Europe.

No to Macron’s maneuvers to strangle the Yellow Vest protests in France

By Alex Lantier, 27 November 2018

The talks Macron is slated to offer today to the Yellow Vest protesters are a trap for a movement that requires a turn to the working class and a revolutionary strategy.

French riot police assault mass protests in Paris

By Alex Lantier, 26 November 2018

The French Interior Ministry claimed that 106,000 people participated in over a thousand protests across France, including 8,000 demonstrators on the Champs-Elysées in Paris.

EU summit backs Brexit withdrawal declaration

By Peter Schwarz, 26 November 2018

The 26-page political declaration, which has no legal force, outlines future relations in trade, fisheries, travel, security and financial services.

French president bans fuel tax protest in Paris as strikes expand

By Alex Lantier, 24 November 2018

As the government of French President Emanuel Macron moved to ban protests against its fuel tax increase, strikes and demonstrations in support of the protest movement spread across France yesterday.

Left Party in Germany supports the French president’s call for a European army

By Johannes Stern, 24 November 2018

The fact that Emmanuel Macron’s appeal has been applauded by the Left Party speaks volumes about the pro-imperialist and anti-worker character of the organisation.

Black Friday strikes hit Amazon in Europe

By our reporters, 24 November 2018

Amazon workers launched strikes and protests in Germany, Spain, Italy, Poland, France and the UK.

European Jewish Association slanders left and urges dialogue with far-right

By Jean Shaoul, 24 November 2018

Central place at the two-day event in Brussels, November 6-7, was given to a session slandering UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters as an “existential threat” to Jews.

No to driver only operated services at West Midland Trains! For a national mobilisation of rail workers

By Michael Barnes, 24 November 2018

Drivers at West Midlands Trains are resisting a coordinated effort by the private train operator Abellio and rail unions to impose Driver Only trains in 2020.

French government spokesman explains Macron’s policies by quoting anti-Semite Maurras

By Francois Dubois, 23 November 2018

The most likely explanation for Griveaux’s statement is that Maurras, the head of Action Francaise and supporter of the Nazis, is intensively read and discussed within the government.

New head of German intelligence intends to strengthen the powers of the agency

By Johannes Stern, 23 November 2018

The appointment of Thomas Haldenwang as Maassen’s successor as head of the BfV confirms that Germany’s ruling grand coalition will continue to back the right-wing extremist course of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency.

Corbyn auditions for government before big business and intelligence agencies

By Robert Stevens, 23 November 2018

Corbyn appeared before the Confederation of British Industry on Monday to deliver what was billed as his main policy speech on Brexit.

Tens of thousands of retail jobs lost in UK

By Margot Miller, 23 November 2018

The list of closures in the retail industry reads like a cull, with 85,000 jobs already lost this year.

No to the draft in France and Europe!

By Parti de l’égalité socialiste, 23 November 2018

Faced with plans to reintroduce military service across Europe, the decisive question is the construction of an anti-war movement in the international working class.

European elections 2019

No to the EU, social inequality, fascism and war! For socialism and the unity of the European working class!

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (SGP), 23 November 2018

On October 20–21, a Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei (Socialist Equality Party, SGP) Congress voted for the party to participate in the European elections of 26 May 2019.

Scottish teachers overwhelmingly reject pay offer

By our reporter, 23 November 2018

The Scottish government, local authorities, teaching and local government unions are desperate to avoid strikes, and above all to prevent a united offensive by teachers and council workers.

Spain’s Socialist Party government junks “anti-austerity” budget agreed with Podemos

By Alejandro López and Paul Mitchell, 22 November 2018

The PSOE is kept in power with the support of Podemos, Catalan, and other regional nationalist parties.

Budget dispute between Italy and EU escalates

By Peter Schwarz, 22 November 2018

If the financial markets impose further interest-rate increases on Italian government bonds, it could lead to a chain reaction of bank bankruptcies across the whole of Europe.

Thousands of Austrian metal workers on strike

By Markus Salzmann, 21 November 2018

Metal workers are striking for higher wages and against the tightening of labour laws by the right-wing government.

UN says millions in Britain deliberately plunged into “great misery”

By Robert Stevens, 21 November 2018

UN special rapporteur: “We are witnessing the gradual disappearance of the postwar British welfare state.”

City of London Corporation reneges on its social housing pledge

By Charles Hixson, 21 November 2018

Only 900 units, less than a quarter of the City’s council home building project, are set to be completed by 2025.

Amid mass protests, France announces return to universal military service

By Alex Lantier, 20 November 2018

After hundreds of thousands protested anti-worker tax hikes this weekend, the French government announced plans to begin drafting youth as early as next summer.

“Macron is the president of the rich”: “Yellow Vest” protesters speak out

By our reporters, 20 November 2018

Participants in the “Yellow Vest” protests across France, which continued yesterday in a number of regions, talked to the WSWS about why they are demonstrating.

UK: Left groups targeted for decades-long police infiltration

By Alice Summers, 20 November 2018

The long-term police operations against left-wing organisations are an anti-democratic and morally degraded attack and reveal a serious and present threat to the entire working class.

France shaken by mass protests

By Alex Lantier, 19 November 2018

There were cries of “Macron resign” from protesters holding signs saying “No to the president of the rich.”

The only answer to Brexit is the United Socialist States of Europe

By Chris Marsden, 19 November 2018

Every faction of Britain’s ruling elite—whether pro- or anti-EU membership or urging some form of continued relations—is viciously opposed to the interests of the working class.

Britain: Reading University flags article on “ethics of revolution” under anti-terror policy

By Tom Scripps, 17 November 2018

The banning of Norman Geras’ essay under anti-terrorism legislation is a police state measure that has, for the first time, targeted an article discussing socialism and revolution.

Netherlands: 10,000 protest pro-corporate government policies

By Harm Zonderland, 17 November 2018

The demonstration was one of the largest since the government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD) came to power last year.

French riot police attack protests against deadly Marseille building collapse

By Anthony Torres, 17 November 2018

The clashes express the immense social anger over the deaths of eight people in the building collapse on the Rue d’Aubagne.

Scotland: Michelin plans closure of Dundee plant with loss of 845 jobs

Rank-and file organisations needed to organise fight-back

By Steve James, 17 November 2018

French-based transnational Michelin’s decision to close its Dundee tyre manufacturing plant poses workers with the challenge of creating new organisations of struggle.

A terrorist network inside the German Army

By Peter Schwarz, 17 November 2018

The right-wing extremist conspiracy inside the Bundeswehr (Armed Forces) is tolerated, covered up and supported by the highest authorities inside the state and politics.

Some of the main provisions of the draft EU-UK proposed Brexit deal

By our reporter, 16 November 2018

The 585-page document includes a legal guarantee to ensure the Irish border remains open after Brexit, with the UK remaining in a customs union with the EU until a broader EU-UK trade deal can be finalised.

Brexit deal threatens survival of May government

By Robert Stevens, 16 November 2018

Prime Minister May has been brought face to face with the full implications of the growing antagonisms between the US and Europe.

German chancellor calls for a “real European army”

By Johannes Stern, 16 November 2018

Merkel’s call for a “real European army” in Strasbourg underscores the reactionary traditions evoked by the ruling elites in Germany and Europe.

French “Yellow Vest” protesters prepare road blockades against fuel tax hike

By Anthony Torres, 16 November 2018

Fear is growing in official circles that tomorrow’s nationwide road blockades could develop into an explosion of mass social anger against French President Macron.

At least 200 soldiers in German Army neo-Nazi terror network

By Christopher Lehmann and Johannes Stern, 15 November 2018

The latest revelations suggest that at least 200 active duty and retired soldiers are involved in a neo-Nazi terror network that planned to assassinate political opponents.

French teachers mobilize against Macron’s attacks on education

By Anthony Torres, 15 November 2018

Monday’s strike was the first day of action called by the education unions since 2011.

Grenfell Tower Inquiry hears harrowing witness statements

By Paul Bond, 15 November 2018

Grenfell Tower residents confirm that cost-cutting on cladding and the authorities’ refusal to consult with them on refurbishment were key factors in the fire.

Bitter US-European tensions mark centenary of World War I armistice in Paris

By Alex Lantier, 12 November 2018

Heads of state from 70 countries gathered in Paris to mark the centenary of the end of World War I under the shadow of rising conflicts between the great powers.

UK: SNP-led Glasgow City Council uses gender politics and threats of blacklisting to isolate equal pay struggle

By Stephen Alexander, 12 November 2018

To obscure the class issues, the major parties, together with the unions and the media, have presented the Glasgow equal pay dispute in terms of “institutionalized” gender discrimination.

Sheffield Labour Students cancels anti-war meeting, citing police investigation of anti-Semitism allegations

By Laura Tiernan, 12 November 2018

The broader political purpose of the banning of Chris Williamson is aimed at silencing anti-war sentiment among students, young people and the entire working class.

Ukrainian politician dies after fascist acid attack

By Jason Melanovski, 12 November 2018

The brutal killing of Handziuk and the ongoing cover-up are a stark exposure of the reactionary nature of the regime brought to power in the US-backed coup in 2014.

The armistice of November 11, 1918 and the lessons for today

By Nick Beams, 12 November 2018

The silencing of the guns 100 years ago was not the end of the bloodshed and carnage but was simply the conclusion of the first phase of what was to become a thirty-year international war between the major capitalist powers.