TwitterOpenHitelesített felhasználó


The official account for the LGBTQ group . We're here to make Twitter a great place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people everywhere.

Csatlakozott 2011. július
Születési idő: március 21.


Letiltottad @TwitterOpen felhasználót

Biztos, hogy meg szeretnéd nézni ezeket a Tweeteket? A Tweetek megtekintése nem oldja fel @TwitterOpen felhasználó letiltását.

  1. Kitűzött tweet
    jún. 1.

    And HERE are the hashtags that will trigger Twitter emojis when you add them to your Tweets.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  2. 17 órával ezelőtt
  3. retweetelte
    jún. 15.

    Rotten Tomatoes compiled a list of the best reviewed LGBTQ films since 2010. Did your fave make the list?

  4. retweetelte
    23 órával ezelőtt

    This , we are excited to announce that , and are partnering to host a marathon of exciting panel discussions on June 22. Watch this space for more. Stay tuned!

  5. retweetelte
    18 órával ezelőtt

    🎶 : Edition 🎶 🌈 ➖ Good Love 🌈 ➖ Just Thought You Should Know 🌈 ➖ Make My Bed 🌈 ft. ➖ Dance to This 🌈 ➖ Liberation Tweet what you're listening to. 👇

  6. jún. 14.
  7. jún. 14.
  8. retweetelte
    jún. 14.

    How Queer Muslims Are Working to End Stigma This Ramadan

  9. retweetelte
    jún. 14.

    ⚡️ “Here's what an ungendered fashion utopia would look like” by Featuring the incomparable work of

  10. retweetelte
    jún. 13.

    If you can call IHOP IHOb now you can use a trans person's correct pronouns

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  11. retweetelte
    jún. 13.

    I’m live at Twitter’s NYC HQ answering your questions about Pride and anything else!

  12. retweetelte
    jún. 14.

    Don't miss these 12 LGBTQ musicians to discover during

  13. jún. 14.

    We're about to find out how much we . Thanks for the screening!

  14. jún. 13.

    If you are trans, use to talk about the first time you saw yourself represented in media. 🌷

  15. jún. 13.

    "Don’t forget to take care of yourself and find the joy and be around people who make you feel uplifted and excited about the future"

  16. retweetelte
    jún. 13.

    I’ll be at today to do a video Q&A about and anything else you want to discuss! Please feel free to send questions with . Thank you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

  17. retweetelte
    jún. 12.
  18. jún. 12.

    Do y’all know of any LGBTQ bakers or food vendors in DC? We need someone to cater a small event on June 28th.

  19. retweetelte
    jún. 9.

    I got up this morning to get ready for . My grandma walked into my room, looked at my bi flag, and said, “Oh, this needs to be pressed out!” Such a simple gesture, but it holds so much love and meaning for me.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  20. retweetelte
    jún. 12.

    It's tough to write about Pulse being a queer Latinx from Orlando. Remembering is important but painful. Here's what I believe: We deserve to love without fear. To be ourselves without apology. To demand better for our LGBTQ family without compromise.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  21. jún. 12.

    Our favorite, simplest piece of wisdom: “Teach empathy, teach kindness.” What wisdom do you have to share?

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése

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